
Best PPC Tracking Tools To Maximize UX


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A website click-tracking tool is the best tool to understand your audience.

Instead of focusing on the big picture, drill down and find out what is working with your audience.

Website click-tracking tools are the best site-tracking tools, as they offer more detail to help you understand user behavior.

Visit a website that you have never visited before to see what I mean. You can Google any broad topic, such as “marathon training”, or “best thriller books.” It doesn’t matter.

Click on one of these search results and then browse the site as a customer. Pay close attention to what you click and where it draws your attention.

Website click tracking is designed to do just that. While your website visitors navigate your site, you can’t watch them all.

Click trackers are a great alternative.

I will show you how to use website clicking tools and what you can do with the user behavior reports.

Additionally, I will show you how to combine different software options for website uses tracking to increase your results.

What is Website Click Tracking?

Website click tracking is a program that generates reports about where visitors click on a page on your site. Install a code to your website’s backend, typically in the section so that the tool can be connected to your site.

It sends out a signal when someone clicks on your site, regardless of whether it’s a form field, link, or anything else. Website click-tracking tools can detect this signal and generate reports on user behavior based on it.

It works in the same way as GPS navigation. You can access the app to see which addresses your car has visited, and the routes it took to get there.

Website click tracking provides you with user behavior reports that provide you with a map that shows you information about website visitors. You can then make decisions about how you want to redesign your website, draw visitors’ attention and eliminate distractions based on this data.

You can see patterns when you keep track of clicks over a prolonged period. You might find that one link in your top Navigation bar gets the most clicks on your homepage.

You can capitalize on this link if you can identify why it and its associated page attract so much attention.

You might add an email signup page to your destination page to capture more leads.

To increase the time spent on your site by your visitors, you could add more content.

The Best Click Tracking Software

Click-tracking tools are essential if you want to track clicks on websites. For the best results, I recommend that you use more than one tool.

You can generate multiple reports with a good website click-tracking tool.

Google Search Console, for example, lets you create tons of reports based on what you have.

These tools can also be used to measure overall site traffic. What pages get the most visitors to your website? Which pages have the lowest bounce rate and spend the longest on each page?

Invest your time and energy in optimizing these pages. It’s not necessary to spend hours optimizing a page that only receives 1% of your total traffic.

Once you have identified the pages, generate user behavior reporting, including heatmaps, and recordings. These will be discussed in more detail later.

This stage tracks click activity on specific pages. Website click-tracking tools can provide tons of data that will help you optimize for traffic and referral sources.

Google Search Console

We will start with the Google Search console. It is free and offers tons of information. A report can be generated to find out how much traffic I get.

This image was taken a while ago. It shows my total traffic for the past 30 days.

Filtering my traffic by pages will give me more information. You can, for example, compare all page views to unique pageviews. Depending on my goals I may choose to concentrate on unique, which discounts multiple sessions by one person within 24 hours.

Google Search Console can provide a wealth of data. You can use the filters to the left of your dashboard to get even more information. You will learn more about your audience the more you dig into the data generated by your website.

Heatmaps for User Behavior Reports

A heatmap is a next tool to track website clicks.

A heatmap displays activity on a page that uses color temperature.

Red, orange, and yellow are the areas that have more engagement. The blue-and-purple areas indicate lower engagement.

You’ll see that the CTA “Schedule Now”, in the above example, doesn’t get many clicks. It is very cold on the map. The screen lights up above the logo, top navigation, and a portion of the hero image.

This heatmap allows site owners to move CTAs to different areas of the page, increase contrast to make them stand out more, or to test more compelling CTA copy.

Kobe Digital provides five user behavior reports. This includes a heatmap and a scroll map report that allows you to see what content is causing people to slow down and pay attention. These five reports allow you to visualize how your audience interacts with your site.

Let’s take, for example, a blog that publishes a lot of long-form articles. You can use a scroll map to determine how many people read the end of these posts.

You can also insert a CTA in an area that is most people’s first stop scrolling.

You can place different content in transition areas if you notice that people scroll past your content often without stopping, or choosing to abandon the page. This will encourage them to explore more of your site.

Use User Behavior Reports checking clicks on a website

It is much easier to create user behavior reports such as a heatmap when you have the right website clicking tool.

We call them Snapshots at Kobe Digital because they provide a snapshot of what people are doing on the site.

Snapshots are generated immediately after visitors arrive. We start collecting click data when they arrive. One click data has been collected, you will have access to the five reports on user behavior: Heatmap and Scrollmap, Confetti Reports, Overlay Reports, Confetti Reports, Overlay Reports, and List Reports.

You can find more information by checking your Snapshot Reports frequently as you capture additional user behavior.

Each report provides a different insight into visitor behavior. The Confetti Report, for example, produces dots that represent clicks and allows you to segment your audience using filters such as browser, search term, and time to click.

The Overlay Report gives you an exact number of clicks on each element of your webpage, as well as a percentage of total clicks.

User Recordings

Visitor Records are another source of data you can get through a website click tracking software like Kobe Digital. These allow you to monitor in real time how visitors interact with your pages.

You can watch the actions of visitors as they interact with the elements and the mouse movements as they navigate a page.

Recordings allow you to view clicks and help you choose where to place CTAs, images, and body copy on your website.

These are great for helping you identify confusion and allowing you to see where they are coming from. If you notice people clicking on the same element repeatedly and not getting a response, it is most likely that they believe the element should contain a hyperlink. This frustration can be addressed to improve user experience and capture more clicks.

Kobe Digital allows you to choose whether to enable visitor recording when you create user behavior reports or if you prefer to manually start recording later.

Why is it important to track user clicks and learn how people navigate your site?

NeilPatel.com is a popular website that provides information about the latest podcasts, articles, and videos. They want information.

Many people visit the blog right away or click the link to the blog to go straight there.

Kobe Digital visitors might be interested in information as we have a blog that contains interesting content about website optimization.

They might be interested in heatmaps and website click-tracking tools. Perhaps a friend referred them to us.

I optimize every page if I know the location of people clicking on my websites. Additionally, I know which pages are worth the most of my efforts.

Recently, I wrote a post on my website traffic and how many posts I have published. Nearly half of my traffic comes directly from my top 50 pages. A lot of my traffic also comes from the top 10 pages.

This information combined with a website tracking tool would enable me to optimize the the most visited pages for optimal performance.

Use Kobe Digital to see what’s working and what’s not

You now have a better understanding of how a website tracking tool can help you build relationships with your audience and anticipate their needs. Use Kobe Digital to find out what is working and what needs improvement.

The more data you collect, the better you can make the user experience.


Website click-tracking tools provide valuable insight into the behavior of your visitors.

Analyzing user behavior will reveal whether your visitors know how to navigate your site and whether your CTAs are appealing to them. It can also tell you if they scroll down to see more of your content.

Further insights can be gained into metrics such as bounce rates or time on page.

You might consider running user behavior reports using a website click-tracking software on multiple pages. You can choose the pages that receive the most traffic and convert the most.

Your website will be a lead-generation machine before you know it.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.