
Beginners Guide To Creating A Digital Marketing Strategy


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Marketing has evolved over time and is now a key component of any business plan. Marketing strategies for your business may include many components that work together to ensure your business’s success.

The marketing strategy is at the heart of any marketing plan. It is important to invest in a custom marketing strategy to ensure your business succeeds. However, these strategies are often overlooked or not included in the marketing plan.

Bold and Collective are a digital agency that has won numerous awards. We understand the importance of these strategies and can help you implement them. Building a marketing strategy can be difficult for business owners.

You can find guidance here. Scroll down to learn how to create a marketing strategy that will work for your business.

Defining Marketing Strategy

Let’s talk about a marketing strategy and its purpose for your business. Although no two marketing strategies are the same, it can be described as the process that a company will use to reach a particular goal.

This strategy will allow you to create goals that are specific to your business’s mission and ideology. It is crucial to include your brand’s values, propositions, and measure your success when creating a marketing plan.

A marketing strategy is an integral part of your marketing plan. It adds value and helps to ensure that your company has a unique competitive advantage in the market.

Marketing Strategy vs Marketing Plan

A common confusion is that many people mistakenly believe that a marketing strategy and a marketing plan are one and the same. Although they share many of the same elements and are essential parts of a business strategy, there are two distinct operations which require separate processes.

Marketing plans are a blueprint that outlines how your business will approach future goals and other proposals. Marketing strategies, on the other hand, are a call to action and provide a framework within which certain initiatives can be released and marketing activities.

A marketing strategy is often used to help a business plan and justify making certain decisions. Your brand and the guidelines you want to follow are what the marketing strategy represents. 

Now that you know what a marketing plan is and what it does not, let us outline the steps to help you create a customized and successful marketing strategy.

Steps: The process

1. Establishing Goals

To create a marketing strategy, you must first identify your company’s current commitments and future goals. What are your goals for your business and the Key Performance Indicators that you desire to achieve them? You should also set goals that are consistent with the SMART format. This can be described as:

Specific – Choose a focus to create a clear and specific goal. Your goals will not have any impact if they are too broad or lack a unified approach or result.

Measurable– How can you track your progress? You should clearly define what success looks like for you and your company.

Achievable – Is it realistic and achievable? Describe the obstacles you must overcome in order to achieve your goal. Also, outline the plan of action.

Relevant – How does this goal relate to your business operations? Does it align with your existing value proposition and mission going forward? Determine the necessary efforts to achieve the goal, and whether it can be justified in your marketing strategy.

Time-Bound – Create a timeline for achieving your goal. It includes a step by-step overview, clear start and finish dates, and a clear overview. Consider whether the goal is short-term or long term, what motivating factors are behind it, and how important it is.

These goals will be related to the marketing strategies that you wish to implement. They can also vary between marketing disciplines. After the research, these goals can be modified or improved upon.

2. Market Research

Next, conduct extensive research to find out the market structure, trends and historical data. Knowing the market is essential to making informed and evidence-based decisions. Market research also includes studying your competitors.

Take a look at the strategies that other brands have used and see what strategies worked. A SWOT and PEST analysis can help you organize the information into manageable parts.

3. Profil of the Consumer

Researching the target market is another component of your research. Understanding your customer is essential before you can create a strategy or a marketing plan. The unique needs and benefits of each segment will be determined by the target segment.

It is important to understand your target market’s needs and identify the opportunities that your business can fulfill. This will help you create a marketing strategy that works. You must have a complete and comprehensive understanding of your target market and the specific target audience. Also, be sure to consider potential markets. This will allow you to tailor your messaging to appeal to your target audience.

4. Current Resources

Now that you’ve established your goals and a better understanding of your market, what’s the next step? Now it’s time for you to assess the capabilities of your company. To establish a budget, it is vital to conduct a financial analysis.

It is important to identify the resources and tools you have available that can help you execute a successful marketing plan. Analyze past marketing campaigns to determine the context and the overall picture of your marketing strategy.

5. The 4 Ps of marketing

You must identify the four Ps of marketing to create a detailed and methodical strategy. These are the product, price, promotion, place and price. These are the core elements of your business. They will guide you in how your marketing should be directed.

The marketing positioning will be used to help identify market opportunities. These 4 components must be clearly broken down so that your strategy is not unsuccessful and your business operations can move forward toward a common goal. 

6. Final Strategy Strategy: Strategizing

Finally, it is time to bring everything together and integrate all information into the brand messaging. It is important to identify the key focus areas.

For example, content strategy might be a priority. In which case, your strategy could have a focus in social media management, digital marketing or creative production. Your customized strategy is your backbone. This will allow you to structure future marketing campaigns and plans.

Starbucks Case Study

Let’s take a look at one example to see how the pieces fit together. Starbucks is a brand that is well-known worldwide and is a leader in its industry. Let’s take a look at the Starbucks marketing strategy and highlight the key points.

Starbucks’ remarkable growth over the years, loyal customer base and enduring success are all due to their efficient and cogent marketing strategy. Let’s first look at their current mission statement: “Inspire and cultivate human spirit wherever it’s found, in every cup.” This consumer-first approach promotes the idea of quality coffee and a relationship-building mentality.

Because a brand’s marketing strategy directly affects their mission, it is easy to conclude that their strategy is based upon the values of being a premium company and satisfying consumers needs through their unique products and services. These values are the core of their strategy. This can be seen throughout their marketing channels and campaigns as well as their branding.

Their products are superior in quality and offer unique menu options and drink combinations. You can see this in their higher prices and identical interior designs at each location. One successful promotion that aligned with their strategy was their loyalty program.

The program was targeted at their audience and led to increased consumer usage and a stronger relationship. This allows them to achieve their long-term goal of building authentic connections. To further promote the brand’s recognizable elements, they use consistent messaging and language on social media.

Starbucks continues to invest in all aspects of their business including branding, social and social responsibility, product development and customer experience. These are all complex and independently operated categories that serve the ultimate purpose of the marketing strategy.


A marketing strategy is a long-term guide that will help you plan your marketing campaigns. It will also ensure that all goals and campaigns are aligned towards a common goal.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.