
Everything You Need To Know About The 4 Methodology Stages


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How can businesses convert strangers into customers? Inbound marketing involves the creation of valuable content for specific audiences. Learn how these four stages of inbound marketing can help you attract customers to your business. 

Attracting customers is the goal of every business. This goes beyond a simple hello or purchase.

Inbound is a method to grow your business and organization by building meaningful relationships with potential customers and consumers.

Businesses looking to empower customers using other online marketing in Las Vegas strategies should look into inbound methodology and its four stages.

Each step attracts potential customers and uses its own set of strategies to foster long-lasting relationships.

4 Inbound Methodology Stages

  1. Attract
  2. Convert
  3. Close
  4. Delight

1. Attract

Inbound methodology starts with making prospects aware about your business and the services that you provide.

You can make strangers feel at home if you want them to become visitors.

Targeting potential customers who are more likely to be interested is key to your success.

Companies should ask why customers need their product or service from the beginning.

This question can be answered by valuable content and interactive elements on your site or via social media channels.       

Consumers are curious and will seek out as much information as they can.

If you are a web designer in Miami, you will want a website that details the company’s services, past work and pricing.

Another way to attract customers is to promote your content via other channels than your website.

Create relevant content online, that is search-engine optimized, and then promote it online on key channels.

Promoting your fashion brand on Instagram, for example, is a great way to reach your target audience by showcasing your product and aesthetic.

The first step in a long buyer journey is to find opportunities to make your customers aware of your company.

2. Convert

Once you have attracted potential customers it is time to convert them into leads.

This stage is where your company wants to learn more about your customers.

We mean more information about the person, such as their email address, telephone numbers or other means of contacting them.

How can your business get an email address from someone?

Spam email was responsible for more than 45% of all email traffic in spring 2021. Businesses must be creative in how they encourage prospects to share their contact information to avoid being seen by others as a potential opportunity to clutter up their inbox.

Businesses must offer something that is useful to users in order to get them to share their data.

You could offer a free consultation, or a discount code on your first purchase.

It is important to offer offers that are attractive to your target audience.

After you have converted your first lead via viral Email Marketing, it is time to make them a loyal customer.

3. Close

It is not how many leads your company gets, but how many of those leads actually become paying customers.

Your business must give your leads the right amount of attention, but not too much. The balance must be struck.

If you get carried away, your lead will quickly click the “unfollow” button and leave.

Businesses must not only communicate infrequently, but also tailor their offers to customers’ needs.

To understand why and how your email marketing leads convert, your business should invest in CRM retargeting.

This information will allow you to focus your inbound marketing efforts on what makes your customers happy.

4. Delight

Once your business has converted your prospects into loyal customers, the journey does not end.

It’s one thing to have customers who use your services often; it’s quite another to have customers who recommend your business to their family and friends.

Referrals and recommendations can have a significant impact on your business’ growth.

Your business is affected by how you treat your customers. Make them feel valued and appreciated.

Offer them personalized services and engage with them via social media. You can also send them newsletters.

Connect with them to keep them happy and loyal.

Use Inbound Methodology Stages to Turn Leads Into Customers

Businesses can convert leads into customers through inbound marketing. They should follow the inbound methodology steps.       

  • Attract internet browsers to become visitors
  • These visitors can be converted into your initial leads
  • Turn those leads into customers.
  • Encourage loyal customers to promote your business and delight them.

Businesses can increase their revenue by using every stage of the inbound process to their advantage.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.