
Beginners Guide To Correctly Writing Marketing Brief Documents


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It is difficult to write a brief for a digital agency. You must choose words that accurately describe what you are trying to achieve.

It can be difficult to formulate your thoughts and ideas, even when you don’t have the expertise.

It will take some marketing research to be able to study a few examples and write a short document to help you hire the best digital agencies for your business.

Key Points to Write an Agency Brief

These questions will help you to understand what information should be included in your agency briefing.

  • What’s your purpose in your marketing brief?
  • Who are you targeting?
  • What’s the problem?
  • What’s your suggestion for the agency?
  • What is your brand message? How do you plan to communicate it?
  • What are you expecting your customers to do?
  • What are the must-haves for a project?

What’s your purpose in your marketing brief?

Begin by defining your goal or problem and hiring an agency to help you. It is important to clearly state it to avoid any misunderstandings.

It’s a good idea to include it in the brief at the beginning. This will allow readers to quickly understand the problem and enable them to focus on solving it.

Also, you must provide background information about your company and products.

Who are you targeting?

Define the target customer group for your products and services. It is important to know the names, locations, and interests of these customers.

You can gain a better understanding of your audience through various polls and surveys. SurveyMonkey can help you do your marketing research.

To study the market and create a targeted customer profile, you can also use tools such as Think With Google Marketer’s Almanac and Nielsen MyBestSegments.

What exactly is the problem?

The agency must know your goals, details about your business, and target audience to determine the best way to achieve your marketing objectives.

Help them to focus by explaining the problem that your customers are facing and how you can solve it with your products or services.

What’s your solution?

Give more information about your product and how it can solve the problem. The agency should also know which product features customers find most attractive. There are many online templates for digital marketing agencies in new york, but you need to create your brief.

What is your brand message?

Nike’s “Just Do It” and Adidas’ “Impossible Is Nothing” brand messages are so powerful that they have become a legend in the industry. These messages are short and powerful and can elicit strong emotions. This is what you should do with your marketing campaign.

Make your brand message memorable and compelling. It should be concise and easy to understand by all customers.

It is important to select a message that resonates well with your audience. To find out which phrases elicit stronger emotions, take a survey.

What message do you want?

You can list the channels that you would like to be a part of (search engine marketing, search engine marketing, and display advertising), or simply add them in a comment. Based on the audience survey. Ask your digital agency in Phoenix whether they have the experience and tools necessary to launch your campaign via these channels.

Ask for proof of their experience with these types of projects.

What do you want your customers to do?

Look at Netflix, and Evernote handling CTAs (call-to-action) and get inspired to create your own.

The brief document should explain exactly what you want your customers to do for the agency to come up with a creative and effective way of expressing it for your campaign.

What type of emotional response are you looking to instill in your buyers?

Because it generates maximum feedback, emotional marketing is the best. Content that evokes strong emotions can be viral.

It is important to describe how you want customers to feel when they use your product or service. You want to give them a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. You can draw inspiration from social campaigns like #ShareYourEars or Mini Miracles by WestJet.

How can you ensure that your marketing brief achieves your goals?

You now need to describe how you will decide if your marketing campaign is successful.

This is where you list the most relevant KPIs for your business. These include sales, revenue, customer values, cost per lead, and traffic-to-lead. This will help the agency determine where it should focus its efforts. KPIs are often overlooked by companies. It becomes difficult to measure success.

What are the essential elements of a project?

Give a list of everything that is ‘non-negotiable. It should at the most include:

* Budget 

* Logo 

* Tagline 

* Brand logo signs, music, images, and so on 

* Approval process 

* Timeline

You will need to include any special requests such as colors or styles you prefer. It will be easier for an agency to create a plan that meets your needs if you are more detailed in your description.

This method can be used to create a brief for social media. First, list the non-negotiable bullet points. Next, determine what you will need.

Which is your competition?

Today’s market is highly competitive. However, it is important to identify the main competitors in your niche. This information would be used by the agency to evaluate their marketing campaigns and to improve yours.

Please include any suggestions for what target audience you would like to reach in the brief document. Also, you will need to describe how your products or services differ from the ones offered by competitors.

The video below shows how a marketing agency in Miami highlights key points that clients need to consider when briefing them.

What can you do to help achieve the above?

This is the question that you should ask the agency to determine if they are the right company. You should include your ideas and suggestions in the brief.

It is important to be able to clearly understand both the marketing basics and the points of view of each party, as well as the value that each side seeks.

Your agency should be concise and to the point

You must keep your agency brief and marketing brief concise and clear to ensure that it is effective. To avoid misunderstandings, you should forgo pleasantries and clearly state your requirements and wishes.

Clear briefings will help you save time and money. You will have fewer disputes and confusion.

A True Agency that is results-oriented and customer-focused helps potential clients by providing a page asking for a short description of their project. They also provide details about the services available to clients.

Each business is unique, even if we are talking about the same industry or the same types of products or services. It all begins with you. Find the people who will help you to present your brand and what makes you different from other people.

To make sure that you don’t miss anything, read it a few more times. This brief will allow the agency to create a plan that achieves your goals.

Once everyone has read the brief, your agency can begin to do its thing. Agencies would be delighted to assist you in your projects as long as your brief is clear and addresses all aspects of your marketing strategy.

It doesn’t stop there. Get feedback and organize a meeting. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re done with the project once you’ve completed the brief. Good luck!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.