
Why Google Ads Disapprovals Happen and How to Fix Them


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This week, you launched the perfect advertising campaign. The ad was persuasive, the landing page was informative and the targeted the correct keywords. When you go to check your prized ad campaign, you see red text with words that you don’t like.


Your mind begins to race.

Disapproved? What does this mean? What was I doing wrong? 

Take a deep breath before you panic.

We are here to help you understand Google Ads disapprovals. We’ll answer questions like:

  • What is Google Ad’s disapproval?
  • How can you resolve disapprovals in Google Ads?
  • How can you appeal Google Ads disapprovals

Continue reading for more information!

What is Google Ad’s disapproval?

Google Ads disapprovals are when your ad violates Google’s advertising policies. Google disapproves ads that violate one of its advertising policies. Ads are subject to an automated review.

You need to be aware of 14 Google Ads disapprovals (and how you can fix them).

There are many reasons your Google Ads may be disapproved.

We’ll break down the disapprovals into 3 categories.

  • Destination disapprovals
  • Visual disapprovals
  • Misconduct disapprovals

Continue reading to find out more about why Google Ads rejects your ads and how you can fix it!

Name of disapprovalIt meansHow to fix it
Mismatch in destinationIf your URL is not consistent across all ads within an ad groupTo make sure all ads go to the same destination, group them in an ad group
The destination is not workingGoogle cannot crawl your website or reach itCorrect website coding to allow crawlers.
RepetitionPoor quality landing pages and copy for ads are likely to use keywords.To target search more effectively and use fewer keywords, refine your ad copy
CapitalizationExcessive capitalization is a problem in your ad copyMake sure to capitalize the first letter in every word in your title tag. If your brand name contains full capitalization or a coupon code, you can appeal.
Punctuation & SymbolsAd isn’t grammatically correct or uses too many symbolsMake sure punctuation is correct and that the ad does not use symbols
Trademarks in Ad TextWithout authorization, your ad copy contains the name of another business.Adjust the name to comply with Google’s informational and reseller site policy requirements. If it is your brand name or you are not referring to the trademark, you can appeal.
Copyrighted contentCopyrighted material may be found in your ad textYou can either remove the content or provide documentation to show that you have the right to use it
Image qualityThe display ad image is too small, blurry, or in the wrong orientationYou can swap out the image, or you can check Google’s guidelines for image display ads
Dishonest behaviorPeople are encouraged to mislead by landing pages or ads.Contact Google Support to make changes to your ads.     
Sensitive eventsYour ad copies profiteers from the impactful events in society, such as natural disasters and world conflicts.Review your ad copy to see if it needs any revisions.
Malicious softwareCrawlers spot suspicious activity on your siteGoogle can help you pinpoint the problem area
Inappropriate contentGoogle will determine if your ad content contains explicit or violent language.Make sure your ad copy is appropriate. Keep it G-rated.
Misrepresentation    Your landing page and ad copy create a bait-and-switch scenarioYour ad copy should be consistent with your landing page
Dangerous products and servicesYour ad promotes items like explosives, knives, guns, etc.Change your ad copy so that it focuses on safety and not the actual items.

Destination disapprovals

Google Ads problems could be caused by your destination not working.

These are two disapprovals that you might see if you’re not a destination-focused person:

  1. Mismatch in destination

Your Google ads may get disapproved because the destination for each ad doesn’t match. Multiple ads in an Ad Group must all be to the same URL, even paused campaigns.

Google may disapprove of ads that go to different URLs.

How do you fix it

This will ensure that your Google ads do not get disapproved. Paused campaigns must be also redirected to the same location.

You may see ads that you prefer to go to another URL. That’s okay!

These ads will need to be placed in a separate ad category so that users can access them at a different URL.

2. Destination is not working

Are you having problems with Google Ads? Your destination may not be working. Google crawls your campaign when you run a PPC (pay-per-click) campaign to determine the context of your landing pages.

It can’t crawl them if it doesn’t know what’s there to determine relevance.

How do you fix it

There are two options if your Google Ads are disapproved. Check that your URL is correct. Google may have made a spelling error that caused Google to try to crawl a page that doesn’t exist.

You can verify that your URL is correct before you start to code your website.

To allow Google to crawl and discover your URL, you may need to modify your robots.txt file.

Visual disapprovals

Google Ads disapprovals can be linked to your ad’s visuals. You can be disapproved if something isn’t right with your audiences, such as your ad copy and visuals (for display ads),

These are some visual disapprovals to explain why your Google Ads don’t run:

3. Repetition

Your Google Ads may not be approved if your ad copy or landing pages are repetitive. Your ad copy and landing pages are not of high quality. This is often due to keyword stuffing in the text.

How do you fix it

This is the easiest issue to fix in Google Ads. You can correct the repetition error by changing your ad copy.

Make sure that your ad copy reflects the keywords you are targeting.

Your ad copy should be focused on men’s shoes if you are targeting a keyword such as “men’s basketball sneakers”.

Second, eliminate the repetition of keywords.

To get your ad to rank high in search results, you don’t have to fill your ad with your target keyword. Your ad will perform better if you have a relevant copy and an engaging landing page.

4. Capitalization

Capitalization is one of the main reasons Google Ads rejects it. Capitalization is used by companies to grab their audience’s attention and to get them to click on their ads. Google views excessive capitalization as a problem and will disapprove of your ad.

How do you fix it

This will allow Google Ads to be disapproved. You’ll need to remove all capitalization, except the first letter of each word in your ad copy.

If you have a strong case, you can also appeal this Google Ads disapproval.

Google can appeal to you if you have a coupon code that requires all caps and uses it in your ad title.

You can also appeal to people if your brand name is in all caps.

5. Punctuation & Symbols

Google Ads problems may be caused by your punctuation and symbols. Google expects advertisers to use correct grammar and avoid excessive symbols or punctuation. Google is looking for a clear, simple-to-read copy.

How do you fix it

This option may be disapproved of by Google Ads. The fix is easy: Use correct punctuation and remove symbols.

Make sure to use punctuation correctly, such as apostrophes and commas.

6. Trademarks in Ad Text

Google Ads rejects ads that include trademarks in their text. This means that you have disapproved of using another company’s name in your ads and did not have permission to do this.

Your ads will not stop running if you disapprove, but Google will limit your exposure to ads.

How do you fix it

There’s an easy fix if your Google ads don’t run because of trademarks in the ad text. The fastest solution is to remove the trademark.

You can also ensure that your ad conforms to Google’s Reseller and Informational Site Policy.

You must be an authorized reseller to use the trademark. If your landing page and ad text are not in compliance with Google’s guidelines, it could be an issue.

You can modify your page to comply with the appeal and policy requirements.

You can also appeal if you aren’t sure you used a trademark on your ad.

7. Copyrighted content

Your Google Ads may not approve your Google Ads. This could be because of copyrighted content. As the title suggests, copyrighted content means that you own the ad content and have not been authorized to use it.

How do you fix it

You have two options to fix this Google Ads disapproval.

You can submit the copyright approval documentation of the original owner proving that you have permission to use copyrighted material if you have the author’s authorization.

You must have documentation to modify your ad copy. 

8. Image Quality

Image quality is the last issue in visual Google Ads.

If your image quality falls below Google’s standards, display ads may be disapproved. You may have an image that is too small, too high quality, or in the wrong orientation.

How do you fix it

Google Ads’ disapproval can be fixed by simply changing the image. You can exchange your image if it isn’t conforming to Google’s standards.

You will not be disapproved if the new image does not conform to the guidelines.

To preserve your image, you can refer to Google’s image quality guidelines for guidance on where to make adjustments. 

Misconduct disapprovals

Next up on the list of Google Ads disapprovals are the important ones to know: The ones which lead to trouble. Conduct disapprovals are acts of dishonesty or exploitation. These disapprovals could land you in serious trouble, so it is important to fix them quickly.

9. Dishonest Behavior

Dishonesty is one of the main reasons Google Ads rejects your campaigns.

Google will not approve of landing pages that encourage people to deceive others. Google will reject your ad, and send you a warning that your account may be suspended within seven days.

How do you fix it

Dishonesty is a Google Ads issue that will require you to redesign your entire ad. For assistance, contact Google support.

10. Sensitive Events

Sensitive events are one of the reasons Google Ads may disapprove of you. Google flags sensitive events as a reason for disapproval. It is because your ad exploits a significant societal event such as a natural disaster, or global conflict.

How do you fix it

To fix this problem, you will need to modify your ad copy to be more sensitive to the needs of your audience. To avoid coming off as insensitive to your target audience, you will want to adopt a neutral position when writing your ads.

11. Malicious software

Malicious software could be causing your Google ads to stop running. When crawlers detect suspicious activity on your site, this disapproval can occur.

How do you fix it

Website errors can lead to disapproval. The problem could be caused by a problem in the coding of your website or with the links on your website.

Google support can help you pinpoint the problem and fix it.

12. Inappropriate content

Check your Google ads for disapproval to ensure that your content is acceptable. An inappropriate landing page or ad copy can be interpreted as inappropriate content.

How do you fix it

Make sure your ad copy is appropriate for all ages. Consider whether the ad is appropriate for a child or teenager.

It can be modified to become G-rated if it isn’t appropriate.

13. Misrepresentation

You should check your landing page and ad copy if your Google ads stop running.

When your landing page and ad copy create a bait-and-switch situation, people click on your copy only to find a landing page that has absolutely nothing to do.

How do you fix it

Your ad copy should be consistent with your landing page. Your landing page should be focused on women’s fuzzy slippers if you are advertising them. You can create custom landing pages to ensure a targeted and relevant advertising experience.

Also, ensure your headline isn’t clickbait.

It should accurately reflect your ad as well as what users can expect from clicking on it.

14. Dangerous products and services

The last item on our Google Ads disapproval list is dangerous products and services. This disapproval notice could be issued if you try to create an advertisement for explosives, firearms, or knives.

Google does not allow businesses to advertise the sale of these items. Only safety items are allowed. For example, you could advertise lock cases for knives or guns.

How do you fix it

Safety items are the only way to fix an ad.

Do not mention other products in your ads or use bait-and-switch techniques. You can suspend your ads if you don’t want safety items to be the focus of your campaigns.

Google will suspend your ad account if you fail to make the necessary changes.

How to appeal your disapproval

You can appeal to Google’s decision to disapprove some Google Ads. Your ads are subject to an automated process. Errors or missing context can occur. To get your ads approved, you can file an appeal.

These are the steps:

  • Verify that your ad does not violate the rules. You will need to go through every part of your ad to make sure it isn’t disapproved. To ensure that you aren’t violating the rules, take a look at your ad copy and extensions as well as your landing page.
  • Send an appeal: Click on the disapproval label to see the option of appealing. Click on appeal to file your dispute.
  • Contact Google: To have your ad approved by Google, contact them. Let Google know why you think your ad isn’t worthy of disapproval.

Help with disapprovals of Google Ads

Don’t let Google Ads disapprovals deter your campaigns. Partnering with PPC professionals like Kobe Digital can help you avoid Google Ads disapproval while keeping your ad campaigns running.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.