
Everything UX Designers Should Know And Do


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What does it mean to be a UX designer? What is UX design? Jaci, from the Interactive team, will answer these questions and many more in this video.

Text: You see a cool display in a store. The store is difficult to navigate, so you go in. It’s difficult to navigate the store because racks block the aisles and the cash register is located in the bathroom. It’s also broken.

If this store existed, I would guess it would be closed quickly as it provides poor customer service. Your business can be likened to a chaotic shop. People will leave your site if it isn’t attractive, doesn’t make sense, doesn’t work well, or is difficult to use. Here’s how you can stop people from leaving your website. This video will show you how to create a user-friendly website.

What is UX design?

UX design refers to good web design and focuses on creating a user-friendly website. UX design aims to create a beautiful product that is well-structured, functional, and attractive. It’s possible to have a website that ranks higher in search engines by having a good UX. Your site will be more popular if it works well. If search engines don’t bring people back to your site quickly, it is an indicator that you offer something valuable.

Although your website might look great from the outside, if you find it difficult to navigate, this is likely because your designer wasn’t focused on UX. Perhaps you are wondering “What is UX design?”

What’s a UX designer?

Simply put, UX designers think about the user’s needs while designing a website. These are not the only aspects a UX designer can address, but they are important.

  • Responsiveness
  • Usability
  • Navigation
  • Design


Your website is not only accessible from a computer at home. There’s a possibility that you’re watching this video on your phone. Are you right? There are many options for people surfing the internet: tablets, smartphones, laptops, and desktops.

Your website will lose visitors if it doesn’t adapt to different devices. If your website is slow on mobile devices, or if it gets lost on tablets, it’s time for adjustments. This can be handled by your UX designer.


You can think of usability as getting your website visitors from point A to minimal to no problems. Let’s say you have a paragraph on your website that encourages people to contact you. You also link to a page with a form in the paragraph. It may be more useful to place your contact form below the paragraph or to add a prominent button that directs them to your contact page. While you may think it is common for people to click on the link in the text of your page, someone else might miss the link or be confused and wander around your pages. When updating your website, the UX designer must throw out all preconceived notions.


People will get frustrated if they can’t find the information they are looking for on your site. Customers won’t be converted if they are frustrated site visitors. A UX designer will arrange the structure for your website to make it as easy as possible for visitors to navigate your site. Many websites feature a large navigation menu at top of each page. This allows people to jump to different sections.

This is a great way for your website to be organized and prevent people from getting lost.


It’s not 2005. Websites must look great. Let me ask you a question. Would you trust a website that looks like it was built in the days before dial-up was revolutionary? Good design is a way to communicate your brand and make people feel more at ease when navigating your content.

This is what a UX designer will remember when designing your website. Your design should not be distracting. However, it should be attractive enough to make people want to visit your website. We are almost done, but I want to discuss one more aspect of UX design: the user interface (UI).

UX vs. UI design

UX, as I said, is a method of designing that considers the needs and behavior of people. UI is only a part of UX. This is best explained using a smartphone. You interact with your phone when you use it. The UI includes apps, search bars, and design elements such as the home screen. Although the UX includes the interface itself, it doesn’t end there.

The UX can include things like the phone’s physical design and buttons such as the power button, home button, power button, and headphone jack. UI is important, while UX refers to all things users interact with. UX design can make a huge difference to your website. You may want to consider partnering with a UX designer if you aren’t convinced that your website provides a positive user experience.

Our designers know how to make websites people love. Contact our team by phone or through KobeDigital.com.com to get the latest Miami digital marketing news. We look forward to seeing you again!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.