
What Makes A Good Brief Important?


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There is an amazing amount of content available online these days and a decreasing amount that is written in-house.

There are not enough SMEs that have the skills and resources to create professional copy. It’s also more beneficial for employees to concentrate on higher-value tasks.

Many companies outsource their marketing content. But, communication and clarity are vital in remote relationships.

If the agency or individual writing your website does not have the correct information, it is possible for complications to arise.

We are a B2B marketing agency in phoenix for Startups that specializes in digital content. What is the importance of a good brief?

Tell us what we’re writing

This might seem obvious to you. That would be correct. You would be right.

People who explain concepts well often miss the essential details of what they know. This is because people are usually very bad at guessing how much others know. It is easy to assume that other people will know the same thing as we do.

Brief writers must assume the writer knows what they are doing. They will do one of the following:

* Assume that the writer already knows all the details and only needs the most basic information. “1,000 words is our latest solution” is unfortunately all too common.

* Pretend the writer doesn’t know anything. Therefore, try to communicate everything in the most concise way possible.

Before a writer begins to plan a task they need to be aware of three basic facts:

* What’s the point of what I’m writing? 

* Who is the audience? 

* What is the purpose of this?

These are the most important questions to answer in a content brief. Take this example:

“A blog of 800 words about our latest product. It should generate awareness and interest, and provide background information to encourage customers to buy.”

Each content brief that you create should start with one sentence. These essential details are what make good content.

Know what the writer is capable of researching

Research is a skill that freelance writers excel at. A large part of freelance writers’ job is to find as much information as possible about a topic in as short a time as possible. However, all of their research skills won’t be useful if the information they need isn’t readily available.

A company can only provide the best content if it is asked to share its exclusive knowledge or opinions on a topic. The best content is unique because it is something your company can only provide. It is important that the writer has a complete understanding of what this is.

Give a little context

A freelance writer or agency may not know how the piece fits in with a larger content strategy. It’s also an important aspect of writing a good short story that many people neglect to outline.

Let’s say you have commissioned landing pages for a variety of new products. Each one should be sent to a different freelancer. This will help them to understand the structure and background of the pages they are writing.

Even if they are all sent to the same agency it is possible that one of them will not be the author. Make sure you have all the necessary information.

It is also useful for them to see what other content you have written or are writing, as well as where the new content will fit in that content. Good writers should spend time browsing your website to get familiar with it. However, make sure you list the essential points.

How to talk about your brand

So, here we are at the phenomenon most frequently discussed, but not well-described: branding. It is difficult to learn how to brand. Branding is abstract and symbolic by nature. Even the most skilled and accomplished short writers have trouble with this.

People love to talk about their brands in detail. It’s easy to understand why people love to talk about their brand. Branding is the symbol that unites everything in a business. It can be a color, a style or set of values. There are many other seemingly unrelated elements that need to work together. For more information, see our top branding agencies for startups.

So how on earth do you communicate all that in the space of a brief?

This is where the trick lies: describe the brand, not explain it. You should limit yourself to three to five adjectives that describe the brand’s essence.

To create a different picture of yourself, look for adjectives that don’t normally belong together. You can be modern, curious, or exclusive. Each adjective represents a unique image. The trick to describing your brand is in creating the right collage.

This brief should guide the design and graphics of the piece, as well as the words. So make sure it is a great image.

It’s easier than it looks

A good brief is similar to the secret to a great blog. Make sure you only focus on the important information and eliminate or reduce all other details.

This is because writers are very good at creating words that appear on the page. It is worth investing a little more time to ensure that the writer understands your words. For more information, please visit our article on the top content marketing agencies in Miami for startups.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.