
Ultimate Guide To Travel Marketing With Video Content


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More than ever before they travel, travelers watch videos to help them decide where to go. This has made video marketing strategies more important for travel brands.

According to to Think With Google, travel-related videos saw 41% more views in August and September 2018 than they did in 2017. YouTube is the second most popular search engine according to Alexa. It would be fair to state that the numbers are higher now.

Travel is more than a matter of planning. It’s also about emotions, relationships, and passion. These factors are evoked by travel video marketing and encourage people to feel adventure, nature, and different cultures.

Video Marketing Strategies for Travel Brands

Travel brands can access huge audiences with video marketing strategies. We will now discuss some strategies that can be used to improve your travel marketing videos for travel brands.

1. Entertain audiences in your videos

2. Influencer marketing is a great option

3. Compile traveler’s compilations

4. Particular contents for certain traveler groups

5. Use catchy headings

6. The power of storytelling is yours

7. Social awareness should be increased

8. Use your travel videos to educate people

9. Use a full-scale perspective

10. The perfect timing

11. Make travel more accessible

12. Testimonials from real people

1. Entertain audiences in your videos

Tone can make or break the meaning of the video. You should have interesting and surprising features in your travel marketing videos. You don’t need to make them funny; just add some interesting touches that will grab your attention.

Natural beauty, cultural festivals, sporting activities, and artistic opportunities are all options. Instead of focusing solely on the information, let people feel what they’ll experience at this destination.

2. Influencer marketing is a great option

With a large audience, social media influencers are a significant part of travel video marketing. In your marketing videos, you can work with celebrities as well as local influencers.

Collaboration with influencers can be varied:

  • Encourage them to share your brand content.
  • They can create content about their travels, including how they feel, what happens, where they’re most excited, and which features are more impressive.

Influencer marketing increases the brand’s reach and curiosity. 

3. Compile traveler’s compilations

Video marketing allows people to share personal experiences. With the help of photos, videos, and impressions from travelers, you can create captivating video content. They will be more than happy to share their stories with an audience beyond their immediate circle.

You can launch a social media campaign for a travel brand to encourage people to share live videos, Instagram stories, and TikTok videos as well as posts using your hashtags.

4. Particular contents for certain traveler groups

You may have a killer video, but it might not work for me. Accept and appreciate the diversity of your audience.

Different groups require different features from a trip. They have different priorities and expectations. Travel brands need to target specific groups of customers to create travel marketing videos. A video that targets families with children will not appeal to backpackers alone, for example. Travel marketing videos that feature personalized content are more popular.

5. Use catchy headings

These phrases can be used as a tag, a slogan, or just a phrase in your travel marketing videos. You will then create a brand experience by using different videos. These headwords will make it easy for people to recognize that this is your video.

Send your travel videos along with your headwords and travelers will be encouraged to use them.

6. The power of storytelling is yours

The rising star in marketing is storytelling. It is an amazing activity. People often choose where and how they want to travel emotionally. Videos about destinations, brands, and specific features must have authentic narratives.

Storytelling is one of the most powerful and memorable ways to make a video. These stories are authentic and attract people to your destination and brand.

7. Social awareness should be increased

Some travelers are concerned about social issues. They are interested in learning about the history of the area where they will be traveling. Travel marketing videos should be made if there are significant social issues in that area.

This will raise awareness among customers about the local social situation and help to bring the issue up in travelers’ minds. This strategy will also show your concern for social issues. This is a huge opportunity for your company and responsibility in a world where people expect brands to participate in social causes.

8. Use your travel videos to educate people

Customers are impressed by the brand’s expertise. These helpful videos about travel for content Marketing provide information on the locations, transportation, and important cultural information that will help travelers plan their future.

This type of marketing video builds trust between your brand and your audience. After watching your videos, customers will feel confident and clear to travel with you.

9. Use a full-scale perspective

Customers may be able to get a glimpse of the area and what activities they might enjoy there to help them imagine what they will encounter when they visit that place. This creates curiosity about the natural beauty of the area, such as its streets and restaurants. Potential travelers can then experience the atmosphere of the place before they travel.

This sense can be captured by 360-degree videos or drone filming that shows the entire landscape of a specific destination. Drone videos are a hot topic in the world of travel videos. For more information, see the Application Of Virtual Reality in Tourism Marketing Strategy article.

10. The perfect timing

Travel brands can reach customers by sharing their video content in primetime. While all seasons are important for travel, you need to promote certain periods of the year earlier. It is important to release videos at the right moment.

Summer vacation, skiing season, festival dates, and similar plans require that you travel within a short time frame. These times vary depending on the location and customers. Before you release your travel videos, it is important to know the exact time your customers will be available.

11. Make travel more accessible

Many people desire to travel the world but may not see it as possible. Customers can relate to these travelers by watching travel videos that highlight their dreams.

Customers are motivated to travel by the brand’s ability to show them how it is possible for anyone and offer ways to achieve that dream.

12. Testimonials from real people

Target customers are influenced by the experiences of past travelers. Customers love to hear from these travelers, their stories, and their recommendations about the brand.

You will also be able to establish a stronger connection between your customers and your brand if the traveler is someone your target customers can identify with.

Video marketing strategies that work for travel brands increase brand visibility and build an emotional connection with customers. The best tourism and travel marketing agencies in NYC in America can assist you with creating the best video content for your company’s marketing plan.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.