
Successful Copywriting Hacks To Boost Engagement


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Social media managers must be proficient in copywriting. Instagram requires a caption to accompany every photo.

How do you balance all of this with your brand’s marketing strategy goals? Use a conversational tone to balance sales pitches. 

This article will talk about a variety of ways to improve your copywriting skills to write for social media. Now let’s get going! 

1. Analyze your Headlines

Not all headlines are equally tweet-worthy. Some headlines are more engaging and clickbait. Some are a little boring while others are more engaging.

A great headline can achieve one or more of these:

  • Create an emotional connection
  • Help someone learn about the subject
  • Clickbait headlines were used to inspire action because we couldn’t miss a funny fact

OkDork analyzed a total of 10,000 articles and gave each one an emotion. 

San Francisco Chronicle used “The Quest To Protect Stephen Hawking’s Vocal” as the headline and added more details. 

You can execute this tip by using a headline analyzer tool. Advanced Marketing Institute offers a free tool that will help you find the right words for your industry and confirm your headline is effective. 

2. Make Headline Templates

Looking for ideas? A collection of well-researched headline templates is a great resource.

Look through the most popular blog titles and Copyblogger headline formulations to find the best templates for your business. 

As you look through your social media copy, take note of the most successful headlines. These templates will be modified as you go.

BuzzFeed is the media company responsible for the clickbait frenzy. BuzzFeed is the media company that caused the clickbait frenzy.

3. Recycle your Content

Don’t let your headlines get lost. Create several posts about the article that resonates with your audience.

Share one article and you have many options.

  • Get a quote from the article.
  • Summarize one sentence
  • Send an image of your piece
  • Create a graphic that quotes the piece

National Geographic chose to create a descriptive, informative Twitter tweet rather than repeating the headline. 

Kobe Digital Social is a fantastic tool for scheduling posts. It helps you plan and create a schedule.

4. Use Active Voice

Learn about the differences between active voice and passive voice. Users love active voice because it focuses on the subject. 

Which headline would you choose to stand out? “A New iPhone Model was Released by Apple”

You can quickly determine if you have it in your text by using the Passive Voice Detector. Grammarly allows you to test passive voice as you type.

5. Make a Style Guide

While it may not be a good idea, a style manual will help you save time and avoid making mistakes

A style guide can help you write copy more efficiently. Refer to your style manual to determine if your company has any guidelines.

6. Test Out Longer Posts

Some brands prefer shorter posting strategies. Some brands prefer a shorter posting strategy.

This is great advice for brands that market through education. You can thread your tweets on Twitter if the content is engaging.

To make your content more accessible to your readers, you can experiment with paragraph breaks.

7. Call-to-Action Buttons: Test ‘You’ vs. ‘Me.

Unbounce tried their trial signup page and found that using “your”, instead of “my,” led to 90% more clicks. Get a 30-day free trial.

The phrase was used in the CTA button’s call to action (CTA) buttons. People share more when they feel an emotional connection to a product even though it is only a pronoun. 

How can you put this into practice? You can run your ad to see which pronoun is most popular.

8. Exercise to stimulate creativity

Famous writer Henry David Thoreau appreciated the benefits of walking on his writing.

You don’t need to walk to reap the creative benefits. These breaks can help you disconnect from your work thoughts and increase positive emotions.

Do not be afraid to leave your desk when you’re stuck in copywriting.

Test your copywriting skills.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.