
What Good Subject Lines Can Do For Your Business Email


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A subject line in an email to a business is one of the most crucial parts of a message. This is why it’s important to use it effectively to increase clicks and opens.

What is the importance of the subject line in a business email?

Subject lines in business emails are the first thing that people see when they open emails. They can make a huge difference in how likely you will get a response.

A subject line that conveys “Who You Are” quickly

Your subject line should not say “What’s Up?” or “New Job Opportunity!” or any other generic message. These emails are less likely to be effective than one that has more personality. Although it might take several attempts before someone responds, at least they tried.

A subject line that immediately tells your reader why they should open your email

When you want to get a reply to an email, your subject line should clearly state why the person is responding. It also should explain what will be included in the email. You could use this example to say “Meetings are not possible without drinks!” or “It is time for our Friday catch-up!” They can convey their personality and tell them what they do.

A subject line that immediately makes your message stand out

If you’re sending an email about your book and it’s important to you, the subject line might be: “The most important book you’ll read this year!” You can order today and get a copy from the author before it’s released in stores. If they don’t find what they are looking for or have other priorities, they will miss out on this great opportunity. Because of the email campaign, they won’t be able to see the book or get it from them before anyone else. This is disappointing for them.

A subject line that immediately tells your reader what’s inside the message

Your subject line should say something like “Dear Joe. I have an important message for you”. If that is what you send, and it tells your reader why they should open your email (such as “An Important Announcement”) then there is a good chance that your readers won’t even read it. They’ll either not read it at all, or they’ll only read the first sentence and realize that what you’re about to say is important.

If you are giving something away in an email to someone (e.g., you have something important to share), make sure it doesn’t reveal anything. Example: “I’m sending you this to help you out with something important” could be changed to “Hi Joe, I just wanted to let you know this because it’s something I know you can use and I don’t want to have to ask you about it later.”

The subject line should Tell your reader what you want them to do

Your subject line should tell the reader not only what the email is about but also why they should read it. Many people will be annoyed when their email inbox does not contain a clickable link that takes them to useful information or where they can find urgently important information.

When you are dealing with something important and valuable, make sure the link in your subject line leads them to where they want to go. Use a catchy name such as “Stop The Insanity!” and “How Can I Help?” They won’t click on it if it only says “Have A Nice Day!” This one may be funny but most people will not see it as more than a joke. This brings me to…

Do not use lame links in your emails

Nothing is worse than an ineffective link in an email. These links are shared in emails, and they can be so bad it is painful to even look at them. These are just a few examples: “…click now! If you’re going to use links (whether something obvious like “here” or more creative ones such as “www…com/pardon?”), then make sure they’re interesting enough and have their meaning behind them rather than just being there for a cheap laugh.

This can be done by using clever subject lines and/or links in your message body that are useful/interesting. People might want to read your content if it is valuable enough. You can also send updates if things change. Don’t send out links as filler material in emails.

It is the first thing people see.

Be sure your subject lines are clear enough to be read by yourself

A subject line such as “RE: E-mail that doesn’t read” was the worst thing I have ever seen in an email. This made me cringe and most likely caused them to stop using their computer or move into another room. It was a very irritating way to try to get their attention. There are two types of subject lines. One-line and multiline.

The first is used for urgent messages or emails with news articles attached. However, the latter is more detailed and can take longer to digest. This could make it difficult for people to decide whether or not to read your message. It’s more difficult because people don’t have the time to read long emails that contain information about things they don’t care about. If you don’t want to share your thoughts, keep your subject lines brief but descriptive enough to grab their attention.

Subject lines that are too long make you look like an idiot

A one-line subject line: If you have to offer only one-liners, it should be sufficient for the recipient to read and not need to open any other emails. On more than one occasion, people will just ignore any email that contains this subject line. They don’t want to have to read anything like “hey” and “hey there”.

Sometimes the subject lines can be so long that people won’t bother to read them. This can also lead to your audience completely forgetting you, which is something I try to avoid as much as possible. Keep in mind how brief yours is (or leave it blank). If they are happy with the result, then you should pat yourself on their back. You can try other ideas or brainstorm new ideas until you find something that sticks.

Multi-line Subject Lines: This type of subject line requires more thought than single-liners. While it’s best to keep your subject line brief so they don’t have to read it too often, it’s also a good idea for them to understand the message. This works best if there are only two to three lines total, with some words at the end (such as “hey” or “there” above). They need to pay attention. It is certain that if yours are anything less than extraordinary, people will just skip it!

Subject lines that aren’t subject-based: There have been some people who used subject lines that had nothing to do with their actual message. It’s usually because they want to be cute or funny, but it rarely works out. This type of behavior can make people less likely to open an email. This does include more information than “hey” and “there”, so you might want to look at other examples online (and avoid using ALL CAPS). Then, see what else you can find.

Avoid Bad Subject Lines Let me repeat it so that no one forgets: It is crucial to ensure your subject line is open. If they don’t read your subject line and then open theirs, then perhaps it’s too difficult for them or that something else didn’t work. It doesn’t matter what they read, so don’t waste their time.

Do not try to convince people to open your email. Make sure your subject line is simple and compelling.

So now you know what you can and cannot do with your subject line. Let’s now look at some examples to see how they do it.

Example 1:

First, you think of how they got their name. People and clients should think about what they would say to the name when they read it. Names are a good example of this. Your reader might think something like, “That’s quite a fascinating name!” Or whatever comes to their mind. In this case, though instead of just trying for the usual sort of flattery/encouragement statement some might write (i.e., “Hey! How are you today? John managed to find something that grabbed my attention and made it more interesting. It was a good example, even though some might find it too specific to what they are looking for in the subject line.

Example 2:

Subject Line Article Title Subject is not Included This isn’t about creating sales leads. However, if you would like to change how this turned out, I’d love to hear why. This is not a way to show off an alternative use of your subject line. We’re being a bit more creative in this instance by using two different ways of referring to the same thing. However, I’m sure that many readers will be able to figure out what we are referring to. You will need your subject line for Twitter, blog comments, etc. You don’t need to spell out anything like this unless you know who will be receiving the email.

Example 3:

This reminds me of my primary school days. “I would rather die than eat vegetables.” Many of us learn early in our lives not to use the words we mean, or for this blog, to write the way that we think. It’s something we’ve all done and had to deal with. How often have you heard someone say that? I’d guess a lot. This example grabbed my attention instantly and made me want more. Which is your favorite subject? Which one worked for you best?

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.