
5 Ultimate Strategies To Drive Your B2B PR Campaign


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Every B2B company is unique. Each has its own brand, target market, products and services. All B2B companies want to be considered a thought leader within their market.

Combining traditional and digital B2B Public Relations strategies is one of the most successful options for brands. This allows them to influence their market and build a strong voice ahead of their competition.

It is actually easier said than done. Even though companies have to invest a lot of money and time in getting as much publicity as possible it can sometimes fail.

If you are searching for the best B2B PR strategies, you have come to the right place.

This article will provide basic information on B2B Public Relations (PR) as well as 5 powerful, yet simple strategies to increase your B2B PR campaigns.

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What is B2B Public Relations?

First and foremost, B2B stands for Business-to-Business, which illustrates the activities of studying and managing relationships between one business and another business or organization.

Public Relations (B2B and B2C) is about shaping and maintaining an image of an individual, brand or organization in the eyes.

B2B PR’s main purpose is to establish a positive reputation for the brand, and maintain healthy relationships with the public as well as other business partners. This would create a positive brand image that makes the brand relevant, honest, and succeeding.

Traditional PR is no longer the best way to get your message across. A recent study found that marketing decision-makers are choosing micro-blogging (72%), Twitter (80%), podcasting, and RSS (87%) as their destinations for B2B PR campaigns.

What does PR do for B2B companies

A solid PR strategy, whether digital or traditional, can help a brand reach new heights. It will enable companies to reach out to customers, suppliers, investors, as well as other business partners.

B2B companies can use PR to their advantage.

  • Clear brand messages are essential. A well-crafted PR strategy will help you to clearly define your company’s identity. These things will be distributed to many platforms by the best PR professionals.
  • Create a positive brand image. Nowadays, it’s easy to lose a company in the crowd. A good PR strategy can help you build a lasting brand image.
  • Increase your brand’s credibility. Whether you are just starting or have been in business for a while, earning trust from customers is crucial to your company’s success. A PR strategy can help bridge the trust gap between a company’s potential customers and its current customers.
  • Enhance relationships. Businesses have the opportunity to build relationships with customers, vendors, and industry experts.
  • Increase profits and sales. Trust and relationships are more likely to lead to better deals and shorter sales cycles.

Many people think PR is limited to social media promotion or press release shotguns. But PR agencies can assist brands in:

  • Positioning and messaging
  • Communication strategies
  • Content creation
  • Event creation
  • Product launches
  • Market research
  • Speech writing
  • Relations with employees
  • Leadership through thought
  • Online reputation management
  • Management of crises

Five facts about B2B PR

PR is not the same as advertising

We are not going to let PR and advertising be used interchangeably.

Advertising costs money. Advertising campaigns can be costly, even if you invest thousands or hundreds of thousands. You don’t know if they will work. PR, on the other hand capitalizes upon the trust the public has.

If you see a banner advertisement for a new product, what percentage of you will click on it after only one viewing? How likely is it that you will get to know the product if you are exposed to a magazine or TV commercial?

Although you might click it in the first choice, chances are that it will take many times to read that ad before it really reveals more. If the case is briefly mentioned in an article in The Wall Street Journal, it will make a big difference. Your likelihood of buying the product will increase immediately, and the product’s credibility increases.

This is what we refer to as the power of PR.

Awareness is key

PR is more than just positioning your company and spreading the word about it. It involves listening to what is happening and responding promptly.

Many businesses are trying to be the best. To keep up with what people are talking about in your industry or brand, you must monitor awareness through multiple channels such as industry blogs and newsletters, search engines and search engines.

PR is incomplete without content

Although content may not be what you immediately think of when it is about PR, it is a key component in B2B Public Relations. Brands can use content to share their industry knowledge and expertise to their target audience.

Content creation is becoming a more important part of PR. Content creation is an essential part of PR. It can be used to display your knowledge or create guest posts for trade publications.

Optimization is essential for content to be effective. You need to know how to optimize your content for viral success if you want to create content that is engaging and useful. You should learn how to improve your SEO ranking and how to select the right keywords to get your content in front of your audience.

PR can be measured

It is possible to measure PR, even though it might seem contrary to what others tell you. It is possible to measure backlinks from your website by clicking on CTAs and site traffic. These measurement items will help you determine if your PR campaign is effective.

Everybody can participate

Public Relations is not about one person; it’s about a company’s brand. A brand encompasses all departments within your company, including executives and employees. Your B2B PR strategy might include all your employees.

This has been achieved by many companies who have implemented an employee advocacy program that allows employees to share your content and any other B2B events. This is particularly important in the digital age where anyone can publish content.

B2B and B2C PR: What is the difference?

B2B companies sell services or products to other businesses. B2C companies sell direct to end-users. Public Relations for B2B can be quite different from its B2C counterparts.

This section will discuss 5 key differences between B2B PR and B2C PR.

The buying cycle is long vs. the short one

We tend to buy products quickly as consumers. We don’t have to meet for months just to make a decision between Coke or Pepsi. This is often the case for B2B businesses. Every purchase, whether it be office furniture, broadband connections, or business trips, is carefully thought through and researched.

B2B buyers may go through a longer process so it is important to keep them involved at every step of the buying process. You could use this infographic to increase brand awareness, an ebook for the consideration stage and a whitepaper in the final decision step.

Education vs. Entertainment

B2C customers often purchase a product or service based upon entertainment value or price. B2B counterparts seek out more information about the brand’s industry expertise and knowledge.

B2C buyers want content that is simple, entertaining, and relevant. They are looking for videos that make them laugh and blogs that make them smile. Also, they want social updates that they can share to their friends.

B2B services and products are often more expensive so buyers conduct extensive research before making a decision. Educational content is an integral part of any B2B PR plan. Educational content of high quality will make your brand trustworthy and knowledgeable, which can lead to more purchases.


Public Relations for B2B companies is a crucial part of business. B2B buyers take longer to make a decision so it is important to maintain relationships over the long-term.

B2C buyers are driven more by the product or service than the relationship with the company. They are more likely to make a purchase based on price, rather than brand loyalty.

Social media

Brand awareness is key in B2C PR. They want to get as many people as possible and create a buzz about their products. These companies are well-suited for Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook because images and videos can be easily shared and consumed.

Social media for B2B businesses makes a significant difference. Not all social media channels are suitable for your brand. B2B buyers are more likely to choose informational social posts than emotional ones. This means that platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter should be included first in your social media campaigns.

The decision makers

This is the last major difference between the two types of PR. The end consumer is usually the only person involved in a B2C purchase decision. Although he or she might be influenced by family or friends, the final decision is made by only one person.

However, it is not always possible to make a decision about a B2B purchase without the involvement of several key people. The CEO might choose a certain brand of computer security software. However, the CFO may take into account many factors to ensure that the purchase is wise.

Five simple strategies to help you promote your B2B PR campaign

1. Share your coverage on social media channels

Many social media tools are available to you to improve public perception and increase brand awareness among your target market.

B2B decision-makers scroll through LinkedIn every day, searching for relevant content that could impact their business. It is also a great place to find potential suppliers. A recent study found that LinkedIn is responsible for up to 80% B2B leads. This is 13% for Twitter and 7% for Facebook.

What can you do to optimize these channels? These are some tips to help you get started.

  • Keep your profile up-to-date by completing it
  • Get in touch with B2B journalists
  • Publishing informative and useful articles
  • Join relevant groups

2. Incorporate SEO into PR strategies

Did you know that search engines account for 51% of all traffic to sites ranked on the first page of Google?

This knowledge will help you to spend more time on your SEO (SEO), and pay-per click strategies in your Public Relations messages. Include key search terms in every press release, article and blog post.

3. Promote B2B video marketing campaigns

We are willing to bet you know about the viral videos of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Many of us (including business owners!) have been inspired to do the same. To be part of this movement, many people (including businesses) were inspired to pour water on their heads.

B2B video marketing campaigns do not need to be different. They should instead be at the heart of your marketing strategy and used to stimulate the public’s interest. The media loves sharing video content with their audiences, just like consumers. Video is a powerful tool in your PR arsenal.

4. Marketing to boost B2B influencers

When discussing the influencer market, we often think about what consumer brands do with Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. We also consider celebrities with millions of followings.

B2B influencer marketing can be a bit more challenging. This requires you to find influencers who are most relevant to your target audience and can be trusted. This strategy is becoming increasingly important when it comes to building thought leadership, sharing insight, and increasing brand awareness.

B2B products can be complicated so it is important to identify the right influencers and educate them about your vision and evolution. You should let them try your products if possible. You can also build long-lasting relationships that will benefit you both. It’s all about using the credibility of experts, analysts, bloggers to convince B2B buyers about your company’s products and services.

5. Host B2B events

Online and offline, B2B events can be a great way for you to meet potential customers as well as industry media. They can be used to promote your passions, expertise, and credibility at trade shows, conferences, or webinars.

Salesforce is an American cloud-based software firm. They hold regular webinars, which provide insight into their products and services. They offer valuable business insight on everything from channel sales to mastering customer experience.

They make a great marketing and public relations folder.

The bottom line

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about public relations for B2B businesses. There are many ways PR can boost your B2B profile. Don’t let your B2B business die – keep it alive with these campaign ideas.

It’s now up to you! Feel free to voice your opinion and suggestions on how to create a compelling PR campaign that benefits B2B brands.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.