
5 Skills Every Python Developer Needs To Know


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Strong Python developers will help empower your team and ensure that your final product is top-quality. First, find an experienced candidate to hire.

Although web development has evolved a lot over time, it is still difficult to hire a Python developer.

Python is one of the most used programming languages. It can be not easy to find the right candidate when you need to hire a Python developer.

We’d love to help you make the right choice. Here are our tips and tricks.

#1: Question about their Python Education

Is traditional education still important?

According to Stack Overflow around 69% of developers can be partially self-taught while only 13% are fully-taught. Only 2% of developers have a Ph.D. and only half have a BS/BA degree in computer science or a similar field.

A degree in computer science is not necessary to become a Python developer. A degree is a proof that the graduate worked hard.

A degree is not a prerequisite to finding a job. You can acquire the knowledge you need to start your career as a developer online or offline.

If a candidate is partially self-taught, find out what Python courses, hackathons, and traineeship programs they have participated in.

Ask them about workshops or conferences. You can assess their skills and interests to determine if they are a good match for your project.

Developers should have a portfolio. A Python developer who is experienced should be able present potential clients with a portfolio that is easy to understand and easily accessible.

You can determine if a candidate matches your requirements by looking at their portfolio.

  1. Look for Python-based projects
  2. Find projects that are similar to yours
  3. Learn about the difficulties faced by the developer and how they overcome these challenges

Check out their case studies if you are thinking of hiring an agency. Attention to the details of clients’ technology needs and requirements.

Remember that backend freelancers don’t usually have case studies or portfolios.

However, you can assess their abilities during interviews by asking them Python-related questions. You may request that they complete a small task online and ask about projects they have worked on, how they dealt with problems, and what they learned from it.

#3: Get feedback from previous clients

It may not be enough for you to determine if the candidate is a good match. This is why it is important to ask past clients for feedback. You must find out whether clients are satisfied with the developer.

On average, agencies provide extensive information. You can find out more about agencies if you are looking to hire freelance programmers in the freelancing community.

  1. PeoplePerHour provides a feedback rating. This is a reliable indicator that relies on the contractor’s track record. To see feedback scores for different projects, check out a freelancer’s profile. You can also see the overall feedback rating which shows how positive each review is.
  2. Upwork awards the top freelancers a top-rated status. This is an indicator that they have achieved a job success score greater than 90%. Top-rated freelancers are known for their ability to work with multiple clients.
  3. Toptal connects top developers with top companies. It displays feedback from past clients on a developer’s profile.

Ratings and feedback help filter out candidates who are not suitable for the job, especially when there are too many developers.

#4: Make a list of possible interview questions

Before you go to an interview, prepare a list of the questions that you would like to ask.

Some potential questions may include:

  1. What are the main advantages of Python over other programming languages
  2. What are dynamic and static typing in Python?
  3. What is an exception in Python? How does it work?
  4. Python object-oriented programming explained
  5. How can you manage memory in Python
  6. What is the difference between a list and a tuple?
  7. What data types are Python able to support?
  8. How can you make a Python dictionary?
  9. Can you explain inheritance and give examples?
  10. What is the Python Standard Library? And what modules are they useful for?
  11. What is the working of Django/Flask/Pyramid? (Discuss the framework that you would like to use for your project.        
  12. How do you convert a list into a tuple? a list into a set? a list into a string?
  13. What is a negative indicator?
  14. What are the different types of Python operators?
  15. What are the environmental variables?

Although this list is not intended to be a complete guide, these questions can help interviewers get a better idea of the developer’s abilities.

#5: Learn What Soft and Technical Skills You Are Looking for

Two types of skills are equally important: soft and technical skills.

We believe that every candidate should possess the following skills.

Technical Skills

  • Python: A solid understanding of the programming language, its syntax, semantics, and data structures.
  • Frameworks – Knowledge of the framework is required for the project. (Popular frameworks are Django and CherryPy, web2py., Pyramid, Flasks, Bottles, and TurboGears.
  • ORM Libraries: Expertise with popular Python libraries like Django ORM and Tryton, SQLAlchemy, and web2py.
  • Ecosystem – Knowledge about Python’s ecosystem, and the major development tools (debuggers, editors)
  • Frontend technologies: A basic knowledge of frontend web technology like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML
  • Version control system: Knowledge of data control systems and ability to track various code modifications
  • Multi-process architecture: This allows you to create threads and then manage them to build high-performance applications
  • RESTful web interfaces: Learn how to create RESTful APIs using Python to integrate apps and other elements

A presence in the coding communities is one of the most valuable technical skills. It is great when developers learn new Python-related information through coding communities. Python communities allow developers to stay connected to coders from other countries.

DevShed and Stack Overflow are active Python communities.

Soft Skills

  • Communication: Ability to communicate effectively with coworkers, clearly communicate ideas, discuss technical details, and share the project vision
  • Teamwork: A desire to help others achieve common goals, the willingness to put the interests and best interests of the group ahead of your own, and the ability for conflict resolution.
  • Time management: Ability to manage time and set priorities.
  • Motivation – The desire to do well at work and the willingness to receive guidance, improve skills, and learn new technologies
  • Critical thinking: A desire to test different scenarios and choose the most efficient solution when faced with many possible options
  • No ego: Be open to criticism and learn from it.

Soft skills can be difficult to acquire. Interviewers believe that developers who have the necessary soft skills will be able to develop technical ones naturally.

#6: Take Coding Tests

Live coding tests are the final option. These are essential part of screening a developer.

It can be difficult to think and communicate while code-coding in front of interviewers. However, a live coding test is the best way to get reliable information about a candidate’s abilities.

Candidates should be able to code for between 15 and an hour. Screen sharing allows you to do this by having the developer write a brief and the interviewer watch and evaluate your programming skills.

A platform such as CodinGame allows you to set up programming tests. This lets you test applicants in Python and other technologies.

The CodinGame platform automatically analyzes the code of a developer. You can then download the report or share it. These coding challenges can save you time.

Select the right developer for your company

At all stages of project development, a Python developer’s skills are essential. It is essential to have a skilled developer on your team.

We’ve been hiring developers at Steelkiwi for eight years. And we’ve been offering web development services for a long time. Hiring a Python developer we still consider difficult.

You can succeed by reviewing the application and portfolio of candidates for similar projects. Ask previous clients for feedback and conduct thorough research on freelancer communities. Interview the candidate and assess their programming skills. These steps will get you to the right developer for your project.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.