
Key Research You Need To Do Before Investing In A Business


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Two strategies are often used to solve problems. Either they look at the evidence and make a point, or they have a gut feeling and find a solution.

We call this the use of insight. This is the first way to solve a problem. These insights can help you save time and make you more productive, creative, and effective. Mark Beeman, Northwestern University discovered that 92% to 94% of insights were correct, compared with 80% of the answers generated logically. Insights can reduce your error margin when it comes to startups. You can save a lot of time and money by analyzing your data.

What is insight and why are they so important?

Insight provides a detailed analysis of the startup ecosystem. Insights provide valuable information about a wide range of uses. Insights can help entrepreneurs looking for investment/startup opportunities find the answers to many of their questions.

Investors who are looking for startups to invest in should make use of the insights features.

  • Innovative technology tools can quickly identify similar startups and potential rivals from other startups.
  • You can download reports about similar startups and sort them according to your interests. These reports can be shared among founders, board members, or colleagues.
  • Find all details about a startup. Find out about the founder, age, location, and information about supporting incubators, angels, and venture funds.
  • Interactive insights into startups, including their funding trends, average value, business models, and keywords that describe their offerings.
  • Sector-agnostic insights that cater to your needs.

What’s insight development?

Insight development refers to the process of conducting user research before customers are expanded. This will give you insight into the core needs and true outcomes of your potential customers.

How can insight development help startups achieve great results? A startup must be connected to its core human needs. People buy more than just products and services. They want the experience and outcome that your product or service will provide. These 6 core human needs are what make the most compelling products and startups.

  • Security. Reliability.
  • Uncertainty/Variability. The need to change, challenge or simulate.
  • Significance. Feeling acknowledgment, recognition, and value.
  • Love and connection. A need to feel loved and accepted by others.
  • Growth. The desire to improve, grow and develop.
  • Contribution. Helping others to make a difference.

The common features of successful startups

Although it can be difficult for startups to succeed, some things must be done. Forbes says there are some questions startups should answer to be eligible to join the 10% of companies in early stages that will survive for the long term.

  • Passion. Execution is everything. If you and your team are not ready to support and develop a great idea, it can be difficult to attract people to it.
  • Domain expertise. You must be able to understand everything necessary for a business to succeed. Quality insights are a great help here.
  • Efforts. Will you put in the effort? Many startups have demanding work schedules. MetLife conducted a survey and found that most startup owners work 14-plus hours per day. The team must be willing to dedicate their time to the idea.
  • Relevance of the idea. What is the point of this idea? This is a novel idea. Why hasn’t anyone tried it before? You must ensure that you have done enough research and are capable of cracking the code without getting frustrated.
  • Size of the market. How big the market determines the growth potential. A small market can make it difficult to compete in the marketplace. However, too many financial resources may be required to survive.

What makes a startup more profitable?

Here are some key points from industry experts that are shared by successful startups.

Quick and calculated decisions

Startups need to be able to take important decisions and adapt to changing circumstances. Sometimes, this means pivoting away from their initial goals or plans. Be open to adjustments, accept them, and be team-oriented.

Do not worry about whether the changes will make a journey different. They will create a better one.

Possibility to assume different roles

You need to be comfortable being involved in startups. Even if you have a certification role, there will be times when you need to take on multiple roles, such as developing brand strategy, answering customer calls, writing codes, or creating marketing materials.

Intentional Structure omission

It is important to understand the differences between large and small organizations. Large companies have established rules, procedures, practices, and policies that have been in effect for a long time. As startups, however, they are more likely to develop these rules as they gain experience.

Good balance between revenue, profit

Because you only have a limited amount of capital to invest, the startup atmosphere is intense. It is important to know your first month’s cash burn rate. Entrepreneurs who succeed recognize the importance of controlling bottom-line success to grow their revenue.

Sales can’t be asked to just sell more. You can also bring success to your startup by holding branding sessions. This opens up a new avenue for marketing the startup to create top- and bottom-line success.


Startups are rooted in innovation and seek to create new products or services. Startups need to have the right insight to determine what actions should be taken to grow or how to make products succeed. Startups must heavily rely upon data analysis and insight development to help them grow faster and find more market opportunities.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.