
How Python Can Help Your Web Scraping Strategy


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Digital companies are constantly gathering more data to improve their processes and increase growth. Businesses can have different needs and use different tools.

Some businesses prefer Python web scraping, while others prefer C#. This is due to their preference and how familiar they feel with the language.

However, most digital brands use the Python programming language. In this article, we will explain why Python is the best language for web scraping.

What’s Data Collection?

Data collection is the process of gathering data. It includes everything from collecting data from a target location to analyzing it and putting it into practice.

It usually begins with a request sent out using a proxy or scraping tool. The process ends when the extracted data is applied to business decisions.

Data collection is essential for businesses to ensure they have correct data at all times. Without data collection, it would be impossible to run businesses today.

What is the Importance Of Data Collection?

Every data collection process has the main objective of increasing meaningful usage data.

Data collection is also important for the following reasons:

  • To increase brand protection and reputation management 
  • To monitor and observe prices and competition in different markets
  • To generate new leads and prospects that eventually turn into paying customers
  • Research on the market and consumer sentiments

What Role Does Web Scraping Play in Data Collection?

Data collection is therefore a crucial step. It would be tedious and nearly impossible to collect data without web scraping.

Data collection, for example, involves:

  • Acquiring a target URL.
  • Sending requests.
  • Interacting with the Server
  • Copy the content manually and then paste it on your computer.

This process is repeated for each web page, the next URL, and so forth. Web scraping automates this entire process making it easier, faster, and more reliable.

Here are the key roles of web scraping during data collection:

It Brings Automatization

Web scraping makes data extraction automatic. Web scraping allows you to interact with target servers repeatedly and automatically extract their content on a large scale.

These tools are intelligent and follow every embedded URL to collect data from all web pages simultaneously. This helps reduce the time and effort required to manage large amounts of data.

It saves time

Business is all about time. Data collection is essential, but it is better to do it quickly.

Web scraping is a time-saving method of extracting data. It uses tools that are extremely fast and can even be automated. 

This will ensure you get the data faster and increase the accuracy.

It Improves Data Accuracy

It’s better to not use any data than to use incorrect data. Because erroneous data could lead to brand losses in customers and revenue or even damage to its reputation.

This is why web scraping helps to prevent this from happening. It ensures that the data collected is accurate and has zero errors.

The Role Of Python Programming Language In Web Scraping

Python programming language is capable of playing many roles in web scraping. Here are two examples:

  • Automation

Data scraping can quickly turn into a tedious and time-consuming task. Many eCommerce companies avoid collecting data because they find it tedious and difficult.

Web scraping is possible with Python and its many libraries and frameworks.

Python provides libraries and a framework that can be used for almost every aspect of web scraping, including interacting with the target destination and harvesting and parsing data.

They all work together in an automated way to save time and energy.

  • Combination

Python also plays a role in web scraping by combining all data required into one system.

Python can be used for building tools that deal with unstructured data. It can extract, append, import and parse them all at once.

It’s possible regardless of how much data is involved. This ability is not available in many programming languages.

A Review of Different Python Libraries and Their Capabilities

Many Python libraries can be used to do different things with web scraping. Below are the top 5 Python libraries and their capacities:

  • Request

Every web scraping project must start with a request to the target URL. This is why the Python library is so important.

The Request library, as the name suggests, sends HTML requests such as GET and Post.

It is easy to use and simple with many other benefits, such as basic authentication, domains and international URLs, proxy support, and proxy support.

  • LXML

The Request library is often unable to parse the data it retrieves, so it is necessary to combine it and other libraries like lxml.

The lxml library parses HTML and XML files. It is fast, high-performance, and high-production quality.

It’s a combination of the Element trees and Python. The former has speed and power while the latter is simple.

Delicious Soup

This tool can be used in conjunction with parsers like lxml or separately.

This is precisely why it has become so popular. Because it is robust, requires very few lines of code, and can be used by beginners, it makes web scraping even more appealing.


The above libraries may prove problematic in situations where the target website’s content is created and loaded using JavaScript.

These libraries are great for extracting and interfacing with static web pages, but they often fail to work when dynamic web pages are involved.

This is where Selenium comes in.

It is user-friendly and functions in a similar way to how a human would use it to scrape content.


If you’re looking for a complete web scraping tool, Scrapy is your best choice.

It’s not only a library but also functions as a framework. This tool can be used to quickly crawl multiple websites, extract data, and then parse it.

The best thing about Scrapy is that it is asynchronous and can make requests to multiple servers simultaneously.

Comparison of Other Programming Languages to Python

You can also use Python or other popular programming languages like Ruby, C, C++, and PHP.

Python, however, has these advantages when compared to other languages:

  • Python is a versatile language that allows you to handle all aspects of web scraping.
  • It’s easy to write and easy to use
  • Python’s syntaxes are the easiest and most straightforward to understand.
  • Python tools are flexible in handling data collection, appending, and parsing as well as importation and visualization.
  • It is possible to perform color tasks easily using small codes that are written once and then repeated and automatically.


Python’s popularity is a testament to its superiority in web scraping.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.