
Psychology Of The Average Online Customer


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There are many psychological factors involved in every purchase made online. Understanding how the brain works and how people make buying decisions can help you build a successful online store.

Buyer psychology goes beyond just selling products. This helps you create a better user experience and connect with your buyers.

These psychological principles can be used to enhance your store experience.

The psychology behind web design

People like pictures of faces

Try to include faces in your photos when choosing photos. Why? Why?

Face expressions are universal. They are linked to emotion and can help you create a positive attitude toward your product.

Because the mirror neurons of our brain help us feel similar emotions to those displayed, we feel happier when we see others smile. If you show a smiling customer using your product, it will make site visitors feel better about your brand.

It is also helpful to put a face on your business. People are more comfortable connecting with others than they are with companies that seem distant. You can connect with new customers by sharing photos of your founders, team members, and customers.

The colors are associated with emotions and actions 

Color can affect mood and behavior. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider which colors you will use on your website and brand. Understanding your target audience is crucial, as color reactions are heavily influenced by personal experiences.

Here are some words that are frequently associated with certain colors.

  • Red – Power, love, and energy
  • Yellow – Joy, happiness, inspiration
  • Green – Nature, money, and health
  • Blue – Trust, Peace, and Responsibility
  • Purple is royalty, wealth, and spirituality
  • Pink – nurturing, caring, and love
  • Black – mystery, seriousness, and sadness
  • White – Peace, cleanliness, simplicity

Spend some time researching the color perceptions of your customers. This is particularly important if your audience is international. Color meanings can vary across cultures. It is important not to use a color that people associate with danger or mourning.

Remember that around 8% of men, and 0.5% of women, have some degree of color blindness. Use symbols and shapes to convey your message. Make sure there is enough contrast between the background and text colors.

Customers share photos and videos

Images that are attractive and appealing do more than look good. They also grab attention, evoke emotion, and motivate shoppers to act. Images are processed 60 times quicker than text. They’re often the first thing customers see on your website.

Use your photos, rather than stock photos, whenever possible. Stock photos can look fake and reduce customer trust. Stock photos are not exclusive to your company. Images could be used by thousands of companies. Stock photos are best used when they look natural and authentic, not staged.

You must also show a variety of product photos, as you will be competing with physical shops. Your potential customers cannot touch or feel your products so make sure to include photos from different angles. Highlight special features and textures.

Video is a great way for customers to get in touch. Videos are both visual and auditory so they are more easily remembered than other media. 95% of a message is retained by viewers when it’s shown in a video as opposed to 10% when it’s read.

Did you ever cry during a movie? The video uses the same mirror neurons as images in our brains. It’s possible to imagine ourselves as the person watching us. Feature videos featuring happy customers and stories about people you have helped. It can make a big difference!

Design that is good for credibility

The Stanford Web Credibility Program found that nearly half of web users judge a website’s credibility based on its visual design. Your site visitors will judge your business professionalism based on factors such as colors, layouts, and pictures.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Avoid blurry images and typos. These types of errors can be quickly equated with a lack of professionalism by customers.
  • Use easy-to-read fonts. You can be creative with your website, but it is important that all your content can be read by users.
  • Avoid clutter. Avoid cramming too many images and text onto your website. Prioritize important content and calls for action. White space, or any space that isn’t used, improves comprehension and draws attention to the most important information.
  • Be consistent. Your site should use the same colors, fonts, and design style. This will let your customers know that they are in the right place, and encourage them to remember your brand.

How psychology influences user experience

Screens scanned by Users based on their experience 

Eye tracking measures where and how people look when they visit a website. It can be extremely useful to know how users behave online to make design decisions.

Certain patterns are universal. A website is most commonly viewed in F–Pattern. Your customer base will view websites from the left, beginning at the top, if they read in a language that is oriented from left to right. They then scan vertically along the left side of a page looking for visuals and interesting information.

How do you make this work on your website? You should start by placing the most important information on the top of your page or “above” the fold. Next, organize your content in a way that is easy to read, using clear headlines and bullet points. This will make it easy for your visitors to quickly scan your website.

Patterns are also used by people to navigate websites. Our brains are lazy, so we look for the fastest way possible to complete a task to save energy. Your visitors will expect certain things to be found in particular places. If they don’t find them, they may leave your site.

Site visitors expect, for example, to find:

  • Navigation is easy, and often located at the top of a site.
  • A search bar is located in a visible place, such as the header, sidebar, or footer.
  • A Contact page and an About page.
  • Click on the logo to return to the homepage.
  • Your site’s purpose should be obvious, so include a tagline or image.
  • The footer contains contact information.

However, this doesn’t mean your site has to look exactly like others’ or that you should not try new things and push the limits. It can be confusing to stray too far from the standard. Be sure your design meets the needs of your target audience.

People need small chunks of information 

Our brains are limited in their ability to process information. It is important that your site visitors only receive the information they require and not overwhelm them.

Some customers may want all the information. You can balance both these schools of thought by providing short excerpts of content and links to more detailed information. To allow users to explore specific topics, you could use accordions. 

Use headlines to break down text pages like blog posts and landing pages. Bullet points are a great way to help users quickly scan information and find what they need.

Our brains naturally create categories. Your customers won’t have to categorize your content if you arrange your website in logical groups. Depending on the product you sell, the way you categorize content may vary. However, it is possible to group products by type or size.

Customers can filter your products by size, price, rating, color, and size. 

The minds of people wander 

We’ve all been there. You find an informative video online and get distracted by the funny cat compilation. We’re done watching 12 videos that aren’t related to the one we were searching for and have forgotten everything.

This is because our minds wander at least 30% of the time. Mind-wandering is a way to help our brains rest, and it can even lead to higher levels of creativity.

Your website visitors may get distracted. You should offer them simple ways to return to their original location, such as navigation. Breadcrumbs are a great way to help users navigate to the previous pages and show their location on the site. 

Users are frustrated by slow, unresponsive websites

Research shows people expect a reply within two seconds after submitting a request. It takes more than two seconds to get a response, which can cause distractions and decrease productivity. This principle is applicable in all aspects of life, but it’s particularly relevant to web design services in Miami.

Customers will leave your website if it takes too long to load and then purchase similar products elsewhere.

Responsive design is the same. Your site visitors will leave if your website is inconsistent and doesn’t function well on all devices. Visitors will leave your website if it isn’t consistent and works well across all devices.

You should test your website on both large screens and tablets as well as phones and tablets in portrait and landscape modes. To simulate the experience on a limited number of devices, you can use tools such as ResponsiveDesignChecker.

Everyone makes mistakes

We all make mistakes, so it shouldn’t surprise us. We are all human after all! It is important to understand what mistakes your customers might make and how you can prevent them. Proper testing is the first step.

User testing should only be done with people that are in your target audience. If you are selling clothes for women aged 35-55, it is important to identify people who fit that age group. Your website may be used differently by users of different ages or experience levels.

You can conduct user testing in several ways, including meeting with potential customers face-to-face. To take care of everything, you can use services such as UserTesting.com.

You can avoid common mistakes once you have identified them. This could mean changing the layout or copy of your website. To make things easier to find, you might need to make buttons visible or rearrange the navigation.

Also, error messages can be very effective. If your customer types in the wrong credit card number, you should send a clear message to let them know. This is also true for your contact forms. This allows customers to understand the errors they make and the best way to fix them.

Too many options overwhelm people

You’ve probably been in a toothpaste store overwhelmed by all the options. Which one is the best?

Your users will be overwhelmed if they have too many choices. 

It is important to categorize your products, especially if there are many of them.

PrintingNewYork makes use of its primary menu to assist customers in finding exactly what they are looking for. They have categories for Offset Printing and Digital Printing. They also have subcategories such as Banners or Event Signage. These subsets are very helpful in helping people process information.

Social login can be used to simplify the Checkout process. Without having to complete a lot of fields, shoppers can create accounts on your site via Facebook, Twitter, Google, or another platform. 

Language and Psychology

Customers respond quickly and offer guarantees

People fear missing out so urgency appeals to their fears. Studies show that scarce items are more valuable. Customers who are afraid they will miss out on a high-value item will be more inclined to buy them immediately.

You might add a banner at the top of your website or to your checkout page with words such as:

  • Hurry!
  • Limited
  • Start right away
  • Run out
  • Get it now
  • Last chance

You might even say “Stock is limited!” With coupons, you can create urgency by offering a limited discount for a specific time.

Customers will also be converted if they have confidence in your company. Customers want to feel confident in your company and can trust you. Include any certifications and accreditations that you hold on your website. Reviews and testimonials can also make a difference. Customers are willing to spend 31% more on businesses with positive reviews.

Use the following words when writing website copy:

  • Guarantee
  • Certified
  • Get your money back
  • Genuine
  • Proven
  • Authentic

A 30-day money-back guarantee is a good idea. It allows for returns up to 30 days after purchase, with no questions asked. This will show customers that you are confident in your products, and will stand behind your claims.

FitLifeFoods offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee, promising a free meal for customers who aren’t satisfied.

People love stories

A good story is something everyone loves. Including stories on your website will add authenticity and personality to the brand. These stories grab consumers’ attention and help them remember your products.

Hearing a positive story increases our levels of the happiness hormone Oxytocin. This increases our trust and empathy and positively influences our attitudes toward brands and products.

These are just a few of the many ways storytelling can be used.

  • Share stories of customer success, especially those that are exciting or emotional. Airstream has interesting stories about its customers’ adventures around the world.
  • Your brand’s story should be told. Bloomscape reveals the family history of their company. It is a powerful family story that spans generations.
  • Transparency is key when it comes to your manufacturing practices. Scratch Pet Food emphasizes its eco-friendly initiatives and even incorporates a little time travel.
  • Give back to your community. Osana Bar donates bar soap to children in need for each bar bought.
  • Your products and services should be viewed as a benefit. Bobo & Boo put themselves in the shoes of customers and speaks directly to moms about their products’ benefits.

Being authentic is the most important thing. Your passion and why it is that you love what you do. Customers will not be able to tell if you are fake and will instead fall in love with your product’s true story.

Other psychological factors

Customers are less likely, to begin with, a small purchase

It’s best to ask for something small when marketing to new users of your products and services. Why?

Because there is less risk and it is often easier than saying no, people are more inclined to accept a smaller request. Later, customers will be asked for more.

This technique is known as the foot-into-the-door method. This technique dates back to the days of door-to-door salesmen. If a salesman put their foot in the door it was less likely that they would get it slammed in front of their face.

These are just a few of the ways that you can put it into practice.

  • For a discount, ask for an email address. A third of subscribers to email buy something from the brand they subscribed to.
  • You can sell a sample box. Your customers will be more satisfied if they have the opportunity to test your products without any risk.
  • Offer a free trial. A staggering six of ten free trials convert to paying customers.
  • If you are a nonprofit, allow for small donations. Donors will feel better about themselves and are more likely to make another, larger donation.

Start small to allow you to build rapport with customers and show why your products and services are the best.

Customers need the education to create new products

Based on their past experiences, people have expectations about how things should work. You must train your customers if you are offering a new product.

Some of the most powerful software may have a steep learning curve. Jetpack has a great Support Section that allows you to quickly navigate to the most relevant areas of your problem and find solutions to common problems. Jetpack has a full-time team of Happiness Engineers that work to provide personal, high-quality assistance. These engineers are not able to give lengthy responses.

Your job is to give your customers all the information they need to use your product. They might not be satisfied and ask for a refund, or just disappear without purchasing another product.

These are just a few ways that you can educate your customers:

  • A tutorial library is available for free that demonstrates how to use the product.
  • In your transactional emails, include links to manuals and documentation.
  • Blog posts should include customer success stories and use cases.
  • Between product purchase and delivery, send a series of emails with additional information.
  • Offer a help desk and/or online support channel.

This information will help your customers fall in love and be loyal to your products.

People love reward programs

Many people have loyalty cards in their wallets that they can pull out at their favorite shops. It’s satisfying when you get a stamp or see your points increase on an app. But why?

Positive reinforcement is possible with rewards. You give customers a virtual pat on their back when they make a purchase. This encourages them to do the same thing again and builds a relationship with you.

Rewards programs also require a commitment over the long term. Customers who are offered the chance to change to another provider could lose the points they have earned. This makes it less attractive to purchase elsewhere.

Shoppers must experience your products and brand

Online shopping can make it difficult for customers to touch, feel, smell, and test a product before they buy. A solid website can offer a similar experience.

Tell your story. You can create a brand personality by sharing what you are passionate about. You can build a positive reputation by generating solid reviews. These are key to building loyal and engaged customers.

Direct interaction with your brand is one of the greatest benefits an online store can offer. You can allow customers to directly interact with your brand via a live chat, or by creating a social media community where they can ask questions. Transparency builds trust and loyalty.

Customers should be able to see your products and make decisions without touching them. Size charts, dimensions, as well as details about the product’s smell, taste, and texture should be included in your product descriptions. 

FAQ pages, video libraries, documentation, and documentation are great ways to answer customers’ questions and resolve any objections.

Customers make decisions using common factors 

Although your buyer’s motivations will vary depending on the target audience, there are some universal truths. Customers said that the following factors influenced their purchasing decisions in a recent survey.

  • Free delivery
  • Discounts and coupons
  • Review from other customers
  • A simple return policy
  • Loyalty points
  • Easy and quick online checkout

Although not all of these are appropriate for every online business model, they can be very helpful in increasing conversions. Learn about your customers and what they are most interested in. You can do this by using surveys, such as sending them to your email list or asking questions on Instagram Stories.

It’s interesting to see that most purchase decisions are not made consciously. Neuroscientists discovered that only about 20% of our brains are conscious. This means that many factors can impact our decision-making that we don’t even know about.

This is a return to one of our common themes — appealing to emotions. Neuroscientists have also found that people who cannot produce emotions are unable to make decisions.

Consider the emotional appeal of your products when choosing photos, writing product descriptions, creating ads, and building a brand. Don’t just explain the product’s features, tell your customers how they will affect their lives. This will help you build a loyal customer base.

Psychology is more than just sales

It’s not enough to understand your customers’ psychology to increase sales. This allows you to get to know your customers better and improve their shopping experience.

This is not a trick to consumers. It’s meant to be used to improve communication and make sure that messages are received exactly as intended. This is an important aspect of retail ownership that can help you increase sales and make customers happier.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.