
What Are Effective Potent Abandoned Cart Email Strategies?


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Are you frustrated that your efforts to attract more people to your website via Facebook Ads and Google Adwords have not resulted in any revenue?

This could be because your bucket is leaking. It doesn’t really matter how much water is put into the bucket, it is not keeping enough because it is leaking. Customers who add products to their cart and then abandon the site at checkout are the biggest leaks in e-commerce marketing and sales funnel.

It is very difficult to accept this as you have spent a lot of money on attracting that attention and these leads are showing strong buying intent. This isn’t a new phenomenon.

More than 70% of your customers will abandon carts at checkout. Unfortunately, this number has been increasing over the last few years.

You can combat this problem by implementing an abandoned cart email strategy. We’ll be demonstrating the basics of abandoned cart emails and some strategies to win your customers back in this blog post.

What is an abandoned cart email?

What is an abandoned cart email?

An abandoned cart email is an email that is sent to customers who have added products to their cart, completed a part of the checkout process and then abandoned the cart.

Emails to abandon carts remind customers of the products they have left behind and encourage them to return to purchase what they like to buy.

Even if all the basics are well done, you should start to see your revenue increase and your overall profitability and ROI for advertising spend grow. This will allow you to reinvest the additional funds in other areas of your online business.

It has been difficult to stand out among your customers’ email inboxes, as all e-commerce companies use the same tried-and tested methods and best practices. To get your customers to take action and complete the order, it is essential to grab their attention.

6 Effective Abandoned Cart Email Strategy Strategies for Your Online Business

1. Focus on one product

Many online customers now do digital window shipping, where they place various items in their shopping cart for future consideration. But, if someone adds 10 items similar to their cart, it may not be the same purchasing intent.

Your email’s effect on the customer will be diminished if the abandoned cart emails are not sent. Instead of leveraging the opportunity to re-market or resell your customer on one product (the one they are most likely to buy), you (and others too) can use that moment for 10 items.

These are some of the ways you can convert an abandoned cart email into sales leads.

  • You can use at least one section of your abandoned cart email campaign for a single item. Then, emphasize that item. This is easiest if you choose the bestsellers or most highly rated items to include in your cart.
  • Mention the product’s key features when you highlight it. Instead of using generic marketing copy that is associated with your brand and abandoning cart, discuss the unique selling propositions (USPs).
  • You can use your marketing copy to tell the customer why they should buy the product, but you can also add recent customer reviews. Your customers and you will both be able to give your potential customers the complete source of information that will help them make a purchase decision.

2. Your emails should demonstrate trustworthiness and credibility

Everybody knows about Internet scams, and almost everyone can relate to a story about someone who lost their money online.

Customers are more cautious, and your website’s first visitors will require a little more encouragement before they spend their money. Social proof is a great way to convert skeptical customers and first-time visitors.

Use product reviews and ratings to let leads know that others have purchased from you. This is a huge opportunity for you, as 97% assume that ratings and reviews influenced their purchase decision.

Instead of displaying this social proof on ‘s site you can include it in your abandoned cart reminder emails. Let’s take a look at the following two ways.

  • Your customers should be reminded that they have abandoned highly-rated items from their shopping cart. To increase your open rates, you can use the start (of highest-rated item in cart) in your subject line.
  • The majority of abandoned cart emails will include a list of items that were left in the cart. These emails will include all the essentials: price, product name, image, and price. You can make your products more attractive by adding reviews and average ratings. The “Rating: 4.75/5 (100 Reviews)” will give you FOMO so that you can finish your order as quickly as possible.

3. Mobile-responsive emails are a must!

More than 60% of all email openings occurred on mobile devices. This compares to 9.8% for desktop. It is imperative that brands optimize their email for mobile devices. It is even more important to provide seamless mobile user experiences, especially when it comes abandon cart emails.

It is possible that someone will open their phone to look at an email you sent. If it isn’t mobile-responsive, you might miss an opportunity.

Here are some tips to make your email look great on mobile.

  • Your key content and call to action should be placed in front of your website. This will make it easy for users to navigate.
  • Mobile-friendly graphics and photos are encouraged
  • Use email-safe fonts that have a great fallback font for unsupported fonts to be enclosed and maintain design consistency
  • You can also add descriptive alt text to images for people who block them. This is especially important if you are using images to convey your message.
  • Don’t forget to include a CTA button at the end of each scroll

4. Profit from loyalty

Offering a discount coupon is one of the best ways to save abandoned carts. However, discounting your products regularly can lead to a decrease in their value over time.

When it comes to your loyal customers, discounts can be particularly detrimental. You don’t have to sacrifice your profit margin because they are familiar with your brand. Instead, leverage your loyalty program and rewards program.

  • First, look at your global average order value (AOV). Let’s take $200 as an example.
  • Next, you will need to check the reward tiers of your loyalty programme. You will need to determine how many loyalty points are required for a member to receive a minimum 10% discount according to their global AOV. Let’s say 100 points equals $10 off
  • For all members who earn more than 100 points, create a segment in your email marketing program.
  • You can send this segment an abandoned cart email campaign. However, you won’t offer a discount. Instead, emphasize that they are able to earn loyalty points which can be used to accomplish this goal.

5. Use your rewards program to get discounts

A powerful way to increase abandoned cart recovery rates is to offer discounts on items that a user has abandoned. After finding the discount price, customers are more likely to purchase certain items.

You must pay particular attention to the uniqueness of what you offer.

Most e-commerce websites offer some sort of discount for abandoned products. Our customers are well aware of this. You don’t want to lose profitability by offering too many discounts or decreasing the product price if you want to convert abandoned carts.

Offering first-time abandoners lucrative discounts is one of the best practices. Another way to increase your conversion rate is to offer free delivery. Don’t forget to offer discounts to your loyal customers. They have a better chance of conversion than a price cutback.

You can also leverage your loyalty program and rewards policy. It takes only some segmentation to group consumers who are close to achieving a new rank/ rank/ level in your reward system. You will receive new and better discounts when you reach the new rank.

Register to receive your reward system for Magento 2.

You can create groups of customers based on their level and send them abandoned cart emails. Inform them that they will receive reward points, which they can use for the purchase of the abandoned product.

6. Create an attractive email copy

A compelling abandoned email copy can be a great way to get customers back to your store to complete their order. It is not easy to predict customer behavior or email usage, but you can still study the data and gain valuable insights.

A good abandoned cart email must have these conditions:

  • A compelling headline
  • Beautiful graphics and images
  • Attractive copy

It’s important to keep your email copy appealing and relevant when it comes to email copy. Customers should be able to complete their purchase.

These are some things to consider when structuring your email copy.

  • Customers liked the products they had to give up and were interested in them.
  • The purchase was not completed
  • Ask them to return and complete their order.

Your email must be different from all other emails in the customer’s inbox. It should also have a casual tone and an approach. Your copy is what will decide if your audience will stay with you or go elsewhere. Remember that your email copy should reflect your business’s goals and values.

Nothing is more powerful than your copy email empowering your brand.

Your email should include a call to action button. CTA should be concise. It works well to have a unique call-to-action and low friction. Your CTA message shouldn’t be too dependent on you and your voice should not sound authoritative. You should also not include too many CTAs in your email.

Common CTA phrases are “Complete your Order”, “Check Your Favorites Again”, or “Return To Cart”. It is highly recommended to add abandoned products to your email with pictures and reduced prices.

Appealing email copy has all the essential ingredients but is simple enough to be understood by users. These emails with abandoned carts have higher conversion rates and are more likely to be followed up by the customer to complete the purchase.

7. Add an email extension for abandoned cart

Installing an abandoned cart extension is essential if you have an online Magento 2 store. This module will automatically send customers emails informing them about abandoned carts. Customers will return to your store more likely to complete their order.

All you need is your customers’ email addresses. The abandoned cart email module will then take care of the rest. The module integrates with Google Analytics ecommerce tracking . This allows store owners to identify the source of the link back to their abandoned cart.

Consider these remarkable abandoned cart email examples.

NARS Cosmetics

NARS Cosmetics has an example email about abandoned carts that stands out from the rest. This email uses gifs within email. This strategy is not common for automated email, but it works because it grabs the attention of the reader immediately.

Bright colors elicit positive emotions, while large email fonts make the message stand out. The box layout also connects all pieces of the puzzle seamlessly. To make a powerful statement, the brand integrated the product image into its layout.

The abandoned cart example had many aspects that make a great email: appealing copy, marketing strategy and a wow effect.


Casper’s abandoned cart email embraces minimalism. The marketing team includes all the necessary elements.

  • It is a compelling title
  • Here’s a brief introduction
  • Section for compact products
  • Call-to-action
  • Social proof
  • Contact details

Customers who don’t complete a purchase may not have completed their research. Casper’s abandoned-cart email allows customers to quickly pick up where they left off with their research. It also contains clear text and powerful CTA buttons to encourage customers to shop.

The bottom line

To ensure a brand’s success, it is crucial to follow up on abandoned and lost sales. If you don’t follow this procedure, you could lose a lot.

You will be able to stand out among the rest by creating a great strategy to shoot abandoned cart emails. E-commerce companies must know how to prevent shopping cart abandonment. Your email copy and subject lines are critical for the success of your strategy. You must make sure that they are well-written and emphasized.

To learn more from well-respected brands, take a look at the examples below. Learn how they create their emails and implement marketing campaigns.

Enjoy a great day!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.