
Picking An Email Address That Fits Your Business


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MailChimp and Google Apps can help you manage time and resources to obtain a valid email address for your business. These tips help you quickly find an email address that is valid for your business.

Introduction: What’s a Valid Email address?

Email marketing is not necessary for any business. Email marketing campaigns have seen a 250% increase in effectiveness in recent years. You wouldn’t want your messages to get lost in cyberspace.

A valid email address allows you to send and receive emails. It is not spammy or invalid, but it should be associated with your business name and the name of the account holder listed on their profile.

Although it may seem easy to find an email address for your business, this is not the case. Fake providers will try to scam you by offering to pay money instead of providing what they promise: a legitimate email address.

These are some quick tips to help you find an ID quickly, without spending hours looking for valid email addresses.

Tip #1: Use your social media platforms to find valid email IDs

Your social media platforms can help you find valid email addresses. Facebook, for example, has an option that lets you create a custom URL by using the “Custom URL” tool on its settings page. This allows you to send messages directly without the need for validation (as long they aren’t spamming). Twitter also offers a DM function that allows you to use keywords or hashtags to ensure your message reaches the right people.

Your network can also help you find valid email addresses. It is possible to find out the email address of clients if you have a business. This will allow you to send a message to clients without needing to validate it with Google or Microsoft. As long as they’re not spamming, this will work.

TweetDeck allows you to manage multiple Twitter account from one location. It also offers the ability to search for valid email addresses to ensure that their message reaches the correct people.

Tip #2: Use an online tool like DomainTools’ Validating email service

DomainTools provides an online service that allows users to search for valid email addresses free of charge. It is free and can be used to locate a valid email address for your company in under 5 minutes. This will help you avoid searching all over the internet for this information.

Other online services allow users to validate emails without undergoing any verification process (so long as they’re not spamming). Verified Email is one example. This tool allows users to verify whether an email address is verified by checking its validation status.

Gmail’s Verify service, which allows users to verify email addresses by checking their validation status, is another example of such a service. You can prevent being spammed by people trying to spoof your name or address. Microsoft Outlook is the same if clients or your company uses it.

Valid email address format

No matter where an email address was created, the format is always the same. Only accented characters and capitalization (e, a, etc.) can change this format. Take, for example:

“firstname.lastname@gmail.com” becomes “John Doe @ Gmail dot com”.

The “@” symbol placed before a domain name indicates that the email address is associated with this domain name. In other words, if you send mail to JohnDoe@gmail.com then Gmail will understand who you are. Your domain name must appear in your email address and not on a label.

This is important as it means that you cannot have an email address such as “john@doe.com”. It won’t work and Gmail will reject the email as invalid. Google’s Spam Filtering System will add the “@” symbol to your email address if it is missing. Any mail sent to this domain will be delivered directly to the inbox of its intended recipient.

This also means that your Gmail account will associate with your email address, and not the domain name if you have one. If you mail to John@doe.com, and this is your only address, all emails sent from JohnDoe@gmail.com will be delivered directly into the inbox of JohnDoe@gmail.com without being rejected or filtered.

Is it possible to bounce a “Valid” email address?

Yes. It can be if the email address is incorrect in any way. For example, if you place a “@” symbol where it’s not supposed to be, your mail will bounce back.

Multiple email addresses can be associated with a single domain name. All emails will get delivered together because they all come from the same domain. JohnDoe@gmail.com may bounce due to an invalid validation, but Gmail still delivers JohnDoe@ Gmail.

If you have a Gmail address and an email address associated with it, any mail to john@doe.com won’t be filtered as spam or go into the Junk folder.

Customer Engagement Is Affected by Hard Bouncing

A “hard bounce” is when mail is not delivered after it has been sent to the recipient’s account. This can happen for one of two reasons:

It could be that the recipient doesn’t have an email address or they never registered for one.

Gmail discovered that the original message did not contain a valid return path. Therefore, it decides to resend it. This happens when you send mail from your domain using @gmail.com as the sender address, or “@”.. Google will send several times before it gives up.

The recipient isn’t logged into Gmail so the email can’t be sent to them (unless they have permission such as “send mail to another user”). This occurs if the email is sent from your domain and you don’t have @gmail.com.

It will keep trying until Google gives up. It was sent with HTML or another non-standard formatting, which makes the email look junky and is rejected by Spam Filtering Systems such as IBM Lotus Domino, Microsoft Exchange Server, and IBM Lotus Domino. This can occur for several reasons:

The email client of the recipient has encountered a problem with the message. This can be caused by an error in the HTML format or another non-standard format. It could be that your domain name is being used as the sender address for emails.

Their inbox is full and there’s no room for new email storage. This happens if they didn’t set the permission to “send mail to another user” when they created their account. The server could not send new messages because there were too many messages.

The recipient’s email client cannot handle the message (e.g. if it contains a lot of images or HTML). Gmail believes that there were too many recipients to your original message. This is because all of them have been moved or deleted from their Inboxes.

Email Address Impacts Client On-Boarding & Business Success

Your business’s reputation and perception by potential clients will depend on the original email address that was used to send the message. This can be seen in Google Analytics which displays the ratio of email subscribers to total Gmail users. Sending an email to a specific address from which most prospects use an email client will result in a high bounce and low open and click-through rates.

This can be seen in Google Analytics. It shows you the ratio (from which people have opted in) of all your Gmail users. This is because there are many different types/versions/clients for each type or version of computer operating system out there; some clients work better than others with specific web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.

If you send an email to Outlook users with Gmail installed on their iPhones, it will not likely be read because it isn’t formatted properly for their particular device’s operating system.

This is also true when you send messages to Yahoo Mail recipients. Many of them use iPhones and iPads so formatting/clarity issues can arise due to differences in browser-based interfaces.

It is important to ensure that the email address used by your company is compatible with all major operating systems, web browsers, and devices. People will likely delete or ignore emails sent from this address and not open them in the preferred client/device.

Businesses that use Gmail rather than Outlook may find this a problem. Many users have different clients installed on different computers. This means that they might not see the same message from the sender.

Validation and Verification

Not only can email addresses be used to verify an individual’s identity but so are other methods. There are other methods:

Verification can also be done using bank details, credit card numbers, and other sensitive information. Important to remember that these data should not be sent via email. They must instead go through some type of secure methods, such as an SSL-protected website form.

If you email someone your credit card number, they’ll likely take it off of their computer screen or delete it without opening/reading the message. If you have multiple Gmail users, each one of them will need to be verified separately.

MailChimp makes this easy. Users simply need to enter their names during account setup. The system will send them an email with a link to confirm ownership. They can also confirm by SMS or telephone call. Not only is it important that the verification method works, but also that they don’t include any personal information like payment details.

Is it possible to use multiple domain names in my email accounts?

Yes. There are no restrictions on the number of domain names that can be used in a person’s personal or professional life. Two domain names can be registered that point to the same server. For example, you could register a personal domain (such “myname.com”) or a business domain (such as “companyname.com”)

You can also register two different email addresses that point to the same server; e.g., you could have an email address for your company, such as mycompany@gmail.com or support@mycompany.net, but use another one for personal purposes, such as mypersonalaccount@gmail. It is important to remember that multiple domains can be linked together. You should use separate DNS records for each one.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.