
An Innovative Way to Enhance Your Brand


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BOFU marketing and branding are essential for your company’s success. BOFU marketing is a way to drive sales and give your business the fuel it requires.

This disconnect can partly be attributed to the difficulty in measuring the impact of branding campaigns over bottom of the funnel marketing.

Performance-based marketing vs. traditional branding

Let’s consider performance branding from both traditional branding and performance-based perspectives.

Traditional branding

A business’s branding efforts are those that help it establish and increase awareness about its unique identity. Branding initiatives are top-of-the-funnel activities. A brand is not likely to be discovered by people who are just starting to discover it. They will need to work hard to get to the top, where they can purchase and become customers.

Branding relies also on qualitative assessments such as brand awareness or sentiment. Companies tend to target wider audiences when they market to

Companies want to reach as many people as possible rather than focusing on specific leads. This is because these channels can be used to reach a wide audience.

Marketing based upon performance

Traditional branding is more focused on performance than bottom-of the funnel marketing. This marketing focuses on users who are close to buying, making it easier to connect marketing campaigns with goals like increasing sales revenue. 

Businesses can track their bottom-of-the-funnel marketing better than their branding efforts.

What’s performance branding?

What does performance branding mean? It is basically a way to promote the uniqueness of your company and include elements of performance-based advertising.

Performance branding emphasizes using quantitative data and measurable key performance indicators (KPIs). This approach encourages you to look at your customer journey from start to finish and align your marketing efforts. 

The transition from performance-based branding

Performance branding is in high demand due to many factors.

It is now possible to easily gather and analyze marketing data using analytics tools like Google Analytics and Power BI. This allows you to easily analyze all channels and campaigns and show how your marketing and branding interact.

Marketing is shifting away from traditional channels to digital. Data about leads, customers, and conversions can be provided.

These tools seamlessly connect with marketing analytics software. This is a significant improvement over traditional marketing. Digital marketing has helped accelerate the shift towards performance-based marketing.

Measure the metrics that affect your bottom line.

Want custom reporting that is tailored to your company? The Kobe Digital platform powered by MarketingCloudFX creates reports that are based upon the most important metrics of your company. 

  • Leads
  • Transactions
  • Calls
  • Revenue

Performance branding offers many benefits

Performance branding has also gained popularity. 

Campaign insights improved

Analytics provides better insight into your branding efforts. This data allows you to determine which advertising channels are the most effective.

This will enable you to spend more on the most cost-effective channels or to update your strategies in order to increase your results.

Integrated approaches are more efficient

Performance branding can be used to make your marketing more effective and efficient. To ensure your branding targets the most profitable customers and your marketing campaigns align with your brand,

How do you start performance branding

Are you a believer in performance branding? Let’s find out how you can get started.

1. Set goals

Set goals for your brand. Smart goals will help you achieve your goals.

  • Be precise: There should be no room for ambiguity.
  • Measurable : It is important to have a way to measure your progress, and that you can quantify your goals.
  • Realistic goals that are achievable.
  • Relevant : Your branding goals should be connected to your overall business goals.
  • Time-bound : Define a time frame for reaching your goals to ensure you stay on track.

These are some goals you might think about setting:

  • Increase search volume for brand keywords by 25% in the next six months
  • Brand recall will rise by 30% by 2013
  • Increase social media engagement by 15% by the end of quarter

The next sections will discuss the metrics and tools you can use to track these goals.

2. Choose the metrics you wish to track

Next, determine what metrics you want to use to measure your progress towards your goals. 

While there aren’t universal solutions, these are some ideas.

  • Brand recall is a measure for brand awareness. It measures how many people recognize your brand and remember it.
  • Website traffic is the amount of traffic that comes to your website. This can be used for estimating the popularity and reach of your brand.
  • Search volume for brand keywords. This is how many people are searching online for your company. Search volume is a measure to show how many people are actively looking for it.
  • Backlinks It is an indicator that your website is growing in popularity.
  • Social followers The number of people who follow a brand is a great indicator of its popularity. 
  • Social mentions : This lets you track how many people mention your brand on social media.
  • Social reach is the number of people who see your name in social media. This can also be determined by how many mentions you have, and how likely they are to be seen by others.
  • Social Engagement – This is a great way to monitor the number of people who are most interested in your brand.

3. Select tools

Next, choose the tools you’ll use to measure your brand metrics. 

  • Surveys: Send surveys Surveys Random people and existing customers can be surveyed. Surveys can also be done via phone, email, and social media. Ask customers about their experiences with your company and then ask random survey takers if they recognize the brand.
  • Website Analytics Tools Website Analytics Tools such as Google Analytics are used to track website traffic and interaction.
  • Keyword research, SEO: You can use SEO Tools like Ahrefs and Google Trends for keyword volume and backlinks research.
  • Social media analytics tools. These tools can integrate into platforms and third-party apps, and they are very powerful tools for brand tracking.
  • Social media monitoring software: You can use different tools to track mentions of your brand on social media.

4. Try new branding campaigns

Once you have your brand performance tracking tools, you can follow your branding campaign strategies. You will be able to monitor the campaign results and adjust your strategy as needed.

If a method is successful, you should invest in it. You may also want to consider A/B Testing. This involves changing an element on a page or ad to determine which version is most effective.

Next you will implement your winning version.

5. Continue to refine your campaigns

Keep refining your brand strategy while you gather more data and test out new strategies. You can improve the results of both your marketing efforts and your branding efforts.

Track data and run tests to adjust campaigns. Performance branding can help you set yourself up for success during the continuous improvement process.

Get in touch with performance branding and digital marketing experts 

Kobe Digital can help you with performance branding.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.