
How To Approach The Middle And The End Of A Sales Funnel


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Inbound marketing strategies primarily focus on introducing customers to your company via blogs, videos, or other basic content. To move leads through your sales funnel, however, you must create content that appeals to them at the right stage of their buying process.

Increase Traffic, Leads, and Sales Efficiency with MOFU and BOFU Content

Kobe Digital has MOFU and BOFU content:

  • Designed to appeal to leads at either the bottom or middle of the sales channel (MOFU)
  • Tailored to meet your industry’s specific needs
  • Our award-winning SEO strategies are optimized to help you attract more visitors and leads.

After you have attracted leads to your site with an inbound market strategy, and educated them through basic content marketing, it is time to start qualifying them. How do you distinguish quality leads from the rest of your prospects?

Kobe Digital’s middle and bottom-funnel content strategies can help you target, educate and convert more qualified leads and customers into sales.

Get started creating content for your business and driving traffic, leads, and sales by contacting us online, or calling us.

Are you looking for customized pricing and plans? For your proposal, please contact us.

What are TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU content?

Most companies’ sales process looks like a funnel. This means that it is wider at the top and narrower at the bottom. Unqualified leads and uninterested leads will drop as they move through the funnel. You may have 100 leads at the beginning of a month but only close with ten or fewer.

These leads might not be a good fit for your company and may not go through your sales funnel. You need to create targeted content that addresses their needs and solves their problems. This will help you retain more of these leads in the sales process. This is how TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU were created.

These acronyms represent the top, middle, or bottom of the sales funnel. This package includes content for the middle, MOFU, or bottom, of the sales funnel. TOFU content is not as targeted and appears at the beginning of the process. This type of content is included in our standard content market package.

You’re showing your leads that you can meet their needs by offering MOFU or BOFU-specific content. As they move through the sales funnel, consumers have different expectations and questions. Kobe Digital’s MOFU and BOFU content marketing services in Los Angeles can help you meet their needs and close the sale.

Kobe Digital offers BOFU and MOFU content plans

We will create content that’s relevant to your industry and sales funnel to help you close more sales as part of our MOFU or BOFU content plans. This could include creating case studies to show leads your business is trustworthy, and capable, or copywriting to create a whitepaper or long-form piece of content that will educate others about your industry.

Each industry is unique. We start with research about your industry and sales process. We don’t just write blog posts and call content marketing. We study your sales process, competitors, and keywords.

Here is some MOFU and BOFU content that we create as part of these plans.

Content pieces in Long-Form

Long-form content can be anything from a lengthy, detailed blog post, a how-to article, or another piece that is relevant to your industry. Long-form content is a favorite of search engines and sales leads. Your long-form content should be informative and useful to your lead. These long-form pieces will be written by our expert copywriting team as part of your strategy.

In-Depth guides

Guides can be a great way to solve problems for leads and build staying power. Although it may seem a bit strange to share your knowledge for free, it is not uncommon for a lead or consumer to remember who helped them, educated or gave them the tools to overcome a major obstacle. These guides will be written by us, and we’ll do all of the research.

Whitepapers in-depth

Whitepapers, which are usually in-depth and technical studies on industry topics, are typically offered by manufacturers to the public. Although they can be time-consuming to create, these whitepapers are a great way to show leads at the bottom of your funnel that you are a trustworthy partner. These whitepapers can be produced by us, converted into PDFs, and added to landing pages on your site.

Case studies and testimonials

Social proof, which is reviews from others who have had a positive experience with your brand, is often what consumers react to the most. We will work with you to transform testimonials and feedback from clients, customers, or raving fans into case studies or beautiful quotes, or testimonials that can be placed on specific pages of your website. We also can produce video testimonials like those seen on our testimonials page.

Continuous A/B testing and conversion analysis are key to improving your content

We don’t stop at just producing content. We understand that there is more to sales than just writing words on a page. Our proven CRO strategies are included in every MOFU or BOFU plan.

Continuous A/B testing will be used to assess whether landing pages, websites and content are as effective as possible. These tests can be simple, such as comparing button colors or reorganizing landing pages. These tests are part of your plan. We’ll help you set them up, monitor their results, and then review them.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.