
Everything You Need To Know About Target Audience On Instagram


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Advertising for legal services in a community of 18- to 25-year-olds will be successful. Advertisement for permanent makeup artists on a blog that also posts content about car repair and fishing is worth it. These are trivial examples. They are the ones who demonstrate clearly that it is important to promote the product to their people.

These are potential customers, readers, and customers that are most likely to be interested. This group of users was added to the “target audience” dictionary by marketers.

Concept and Definition

Your advertising messages will be directed to a target audience. Simply put, a target audience is a group of potential customers who might be interested in your offer. What is the reason for this? Your product or service solves a specific consumer’s problem, addresses his “pain”, and fulfills his needs.

Modern marketing uses several target audiences to differentiate.

  • Both main and indirect. The first initiates a purchase and influences the final decision by the consumer. This in turn affects the sales volume. The second converts the decision into action. The main target audience for a soft toy brand is children, who will want them. In this instance, the indirect target audience is their parents, who will pay for the purchase.
  • Both wide and narrow. Also, it can be described as both general and narrowly focused. This is even simpler. Tea lovers are a large target audience. Tea lovers who are not big fans of mate with lychee-berries.
  • To visit the site. The site is visited by people who are searching for information or buying. Two different actions create two distinct types of target audiences. Some people are only interested in the content while others are more interested in the product.

Without knowing your target audience, it is completely futile to promote your Instagram brand or account. The problem is solved if you have professional marketers available to help. If you promote a brand by yourself, the task of finding a target audience is entirely your responsibility. However, one shouldn’t think there is no place to turn if you need help. There are many specialized services available to you. Kobe Digital is one of them. This platform is smart and automated, and it puts the audience increase and searches on autopilot.

How do you define “ours?”

You need to imagine the audience you are trying to reach. Sketching out a sketch of the target audience is the first step. Answer the following question: Who are my customers?

These are the parameters that you should use when creating a portrait of Central Asia.

  • Geographical – Why sell down jackets to Antalya residents?
  • Demographics – gender, marital status, age, education, occupation
  • Psychological – What is most important to this person? His hobbies, dreams, fears?
  • Socio-economic – Does the client have the ability to purchase? What is his income level? Material conditions
  • Behavioral – What is the driving force behind a person’s purchase? How does he feel about the brand? If he is willing to buy right away or not, how is he feeling about the product/service?

Mark Sherrington’s 5W method is another way to segment your target market. It answers five questions.

  • What are you selling?
  • Who – Who is the person who may need your product?
  • What attracted him to buy?
  • When does he buy it? (during the promotional period, just before a significant event)
  • Where is the purchase made? (on the website or the Instagram page?)

These questions are important. Segmenting your target audience will enable you to make the most of promotional tools and save money.

We are looking for the right audience

There are many ways to find “our clients”. The most effective and popular ones will be listed.

Analyse Competitors

You can find a happy and eager audience that is willing to shop with your direct competitors. Look for profiles that have a large following and offer a similar product. The comments are where you will find the most active users. To get a sense of people’s financial and professional lives, you can look at their accounts. This will not allow you to reach all your competitors, so it is not possible. An already rough sketch of your target audience can be created.


This search is great for businesses that are focused on one region. Let’s suppose you own a nail salon in New York. It is pointless to try to market it to Los Angeles clients. They are unlikely to be interested even if you offer a manicure. You can target this user using geotags.


Another powerful tool to segment your audience is topic hashtags. You should find 10-15 key phrases that are relevant to your product. If you’re selling women’s clothes, the tags should be “clothes,” dresses,” skirts,” trousers,” jackets, and so forth. These words may be found in publications that you are interested in selling to.


This is a great way to collect information and build a picture of your target audience. You can conduct user polls. You can take an interest in their occupations, interests, and tastes. You might sell swimwear, for example. Post several photos of various models in a single post and ask users to vote for their favorite.

It is easy to retain subscribers quickly and free of charge. Here are some suggestions:

  • Create a clear promotion strategy. A content plan for the following month is a good idea. It should include an indication of the topics and the contents of the posts.
  • Consider the design of your page. The profile description should not have any small signatures or keywords.
  • Regularly post content. A single post per month is unlikely to attract attention to your page. A publication frequency of 1-2 per day is the best. It is also important to consider the time of day. If potential clients are busy working, it doesn’t make sense to expect tons of responses. Wait for an American citizen’s response to a publication that was published in Central Europe.
  • This service will allow you to publish content according to a set schedule for Kobe Digital. You only need to specify the publication time and they will be displayed on the page automatically without you having to do anything.
  • The text is just as important. Pictures without a quality description are of little interest to most people. People love to read, think, analyze, and share their opinions. Give them the chance.
  • Mix and match different content types. It is easy to get bored of the same old content. Diverse content is essential to attract and retain subscribers. You can mix photos and videos, long posts with text, and a brief description. You can use personal stories and experiences. Surveys and contests are also good ideas.

Promotion is a key part of the analysis and gathering of information about the target audience. This is especially relevant for microbusiness owners who are self-employed. They cannot afford to spend unnecessary money or take careless actions. To attract people to your page, you don’t need to be a professional marketer. Setting the right search criteria is sufficient. Kobe Digital can help you retain customers. It will make it easy to create unique, high-quality content in no time.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.