
The 10 SaaS KPI Metrics That Have A Huge Impact


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SaaS (software-as-a-service) allows small businesses to manage their core business from one dashboard. This is a great way for them to save time and money. The web-based dashboard allows access to a wide variety of SaaS software features, so the company can concentrate on other aspects of its business.


SaaS KPIs are a key performance indicator. It can be used for measuring the success of a particular business model or function.

To determine the best SaaS KPIs, first, define your company’s success. Next, identify the metrics that will help you evaluate your progress toward achieving your goal.

Key performance indicators are a collection of measures that give insight into an organization’s progress.

These measures typically measure how well the company performs in terms of cost, revenues, or market share and growth.


KPIs are metrics that give you insight into your business’s health. KPIs can be used to monitor progress and to identify areas for improvement to improve profitability.

Although KPIs can be used in many ways, the primary reason they are so popular is that they can be understood by everyone.

It allows you to compare companies’ performance, and also allows you to see if your company is meeting its goals.

Although KPIs can be used in many ways, the primary reason they are so popular is that they can be understood by everyone.

It allows you to compare companies’ performance, and also helps you determine if your company has reached its goals.


KPIs are used for the following purposes:

* Helping to determine how your company ranks in comparison with other companies in the industry.

* Establishing benchmarks to show what’s working well and what’s not so you can adapt accordingly.

* Taking measures to ensure you are aware of any market shifts, new competitors, or changes in customer needs.

* Helping to determine how your company ranks in comparison with other companies in the industry.

* Establishing benchmarks to show what is working and what isn’t, so you can adapt accordingly.

* Creating measures to help you keep track of market changes, such as new competitors and changing customer requirements.

* Gain a better understanding of the performance of your business.

* Increased productivity when managing the company’s business operations.

* Ensure that the company can achieve its goals and objectives.

Top 10 SaaS Key Performance Indicators

You can use a variety of metrics to determine the success of your company.

These are some KPIs you can use for SaaS

1. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).

This is the company’s cost to acquire a customer. This should be tracked over time to track trends and make any changes necessary.


Here’s how to calculate CAC:

CAC = [Current assets] / [Total liabilities]

CAC can be expressed as a percentage. A company’s CAC can be calculated by dividing its total assets by its total liabilities.

2. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), –

This is calculated by adding the average revenue per customer to the average time each customer has been with you. This is a way to predict how much an individual will spend on your products. It also gives insight into how profitable your customers are for you and what marketing strategies work best for them.


CLV can be calculated by multiplying the lifetime worth of a customer by the number of transactions that were made with him.

Let’s look at an example.

Your CLV would be $100,000 if your CLV was $100 and your customers are 100.

3. Revenue Per Installment (RPI) –

The RPI is the average revenue earned from each app installed on a mobile device or desktop computer. It is a great tool to determine if there are opportunities for growth or reductions in installation costs. While profitability is maintained, it is easy to see if there are areas that need improvement.


This is the formula to calculate RPI

RPI = 100 x (Current price – $1) / $1


RPI = A relative indicator of market strength. It is commonly used in financial analysis.

4. Referral Rate

It is the number of users who were referred to you by customers. This can be used to determine if your marketing efforts are producing a sufficient return on investment (ROI) and whether past campaigns or updates to products are bringing in buyers who previously didn’t have any interest in your product.


Referral rate refers to the annualized interest rate you earn by investing in a specific investment.

This formula can be used to calculate the referral rate:

R = i / (1 + i)n

R is the referral fee, the annual interest on your investment, and n the number of years you plan to invest.

5. Burn Rate –

The burn rate measures how much percent each department/department head’s time is being utilized. Product teams want a lower burn rate, while other departments prefer a lower or equal one.


There are many methods to calculate the company’s burn rate.

First, calculate the interest expense. Next, multiply it by the average amount of debt over the period. This will give you the total interest paid over that period. Divide this number by the number of days to get a daily average interest payment.

You can also calculate the burn rate by dividing revenue by debt.

6. Subscription or Perpetual Value –

This shows how willing customers are to pay for future services and products. It also helps you decide what price to offer to attract new customers. Users who pay a lower rate might be more valuable than what you charge for the product.


There are many ways to calculate the subscription or perpetual price of the stock.

It is easy to multiply the current share price and the average trading volume over the same period by 100.

7. Average Order Value (AOV), –

It’s helpful to compare your app’s average purchase value with other similar products or services. This can help you to see how your product is priced compared to its competitors. Also, it highlights whether your product has remained constant over time. This gives context to why your product pricing is so competitive.


The term AOV, which stands for “average or value,” is used in marketing. It is calculated by multiplying the total revenue and the number of orders.

8. Conversion –

It measures the user’s rate of completion of a transaction after an acquisition or new user via landing pages and registration forms completed on mobile/web app post-traffic/APIs following clicking through from other sources (like Google, refers, etc.). ).


Here’s how to calculate conversion:


C is the conversion amount; E is the equivalent USD value and D is the exchange rate.

9. Traffic-Driven Ratio

This measure measures the impact of traffic on revenue and how many users go through with paying customers. It may be correlated with marketing investment. This could increase your profitability.


Traffic driven ratio measures the ratio of traffic volume to sales revenues. It is calculated by multiplying the total number of visitors for a period by the number of products that were sold during that period.

10. Retention

This index measures how many users re-engage in a given time frame and includes engagement metrics such as muting on their applications. It provides context for your marketing strategy, as well as any ongoing issues or concerns that may arise when evaluating retention.


The following formula can be used to calculate retention:

Retention = Actual Revenue – Expenses / Total Cost Of Acquisition

This formula calculates the percentage of customers that remain with your company even after they have purchased a product or service.

What is KPI reporting?

KPI reporting refers to a method for measuring the performance of an organization or business using key performance indicators.

KPIs are used to assess how well the company is meeting its goals and to identify what needs to be changed to achieve them.


SaaS companies that are successful have several KPIs to measure their product and service performance. These 10 KPIs can be used to measure the performance of any business model. Don’t wait to start measuring them if you don’t have the time.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.