
4 Ideas For Holiday Marketing To Skyrocket Your Revenue


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Cyber Monday and Black Friday are not limited-time sales events. Everybody gets a chance to win the huge amount of money that was spent online during Black Friday/Cyber Monday. This total grew to more than $5 billion last year. Wal-Mart, Target, and Wal-Mart will all get their share. There’s still money for your eCommerce store and you to make the most of it. Why not make this Black Friday the best? You can smash your sales records from last year! These 4 tips will help you do exactly that.

Create scarcity

This is the economic engine behind in-store sales. Now, online sales can be influenced by this. It’s One of the best ways to quickly generate high-margin sales is by using this method. It works every year during Black Friday. Scarcity, in its most basic definition, is the ability to use the threat of shortages to sell more products now. You need to determine the type of scarcity that will resonate with your customers. Here are some examples of scarcity:

  • Time: Prime Day is the best example of this. Amazon offers thousands of products for sale — but only for a short time. While the sale lasts for a day, that laptop you have been eyeing won’t. The sale window may be for 30 minutes or three hours. The amount of time is irrelevant. You’re telling a shopper that if they leave this site, they’ll forget to return.

Tip: Use a countdown clock for customers to indicate that the discount and product won’t last forever.

  • Quantity: You might want to offer a limited amount of products at a discounted price. This is what many stores do with their “be the first 100 to receive X product” offer. You can also do it with your online shop. Recent examples of quantity scarcity include the Nintendo Classic NES and SNES consoles. The Classic NES console cost $80 and was available on eBay for as much as $300. Many people believe that Nintendo causes this shortage. Their sales strategy works, regardless of whether the company does. The SNES Classic has sold out everywhere.
  • Delivery: This method is used by some stores. It works if you have the funds. You set a cut-off point in your day for premium delivery options that are no longer available. You can use the delivery of your product to increase sales, whether it is next-day or flat-rate shipping.
  • Price and Quantity: If you don’t have a reason to buy, price scarcity won’t work. This is a good reason for quantity scarcity. Telling shoppers that there are only 50 TVs available at 60% off will make them want to be the first one in line for their discounted TV. Customers don’t need to run when shopping online. However, telling customers that there are only 50 TVs left at 60% off creates an urgency.

The best thing about creating scarcity is that you don’t need to have limited product quantities. All you have to do is advertise what you offer. This is by far the best tactic to increase revenue during Black Friday. If you haven’t already tried it, this year is the year.

Create killer product pages

No matter how customers arrive at a product page on your website, it is where they convert to customers. You’ll lose a lot of sales if your product pages don’t promote scarcity, quality, and price savings. Clumpy pages are not a good idea. Your product pages are still the most important pages on your website. As Jason Amunwa states Your product pages are your moment of truth. If they convert visitors into customers, they do. How does your product page compare? Do you make the customers do all the heavy lifting? Your product page should answer all their questions and encourage them to click “Add to Cart”. How can you make an effective product page? These are some ideas Four easy ways to improve the product pages

  • Establish trust signals. Answer customers’ questions directly on the page.
  • Include multiple product images. Make sure you include all angles. Also, make sure to include photos of the product in lifestyle mode so that users can easily recognize its size. This is the best place to include a video of your product.
  • Integrate live chat. The customer will only visit your product page once before making a purchase. You must offer a way for them to contact you. It is possible to persuade them to buy.
  • You can offer a guarantee of your money back. You can offer a guarantee if you can and should make that known on the product page.

Highlight reviews

Although product reviews are an important part of creating a great product page, it is also essential enough to be its section. Today’s Reviews are a key factor in determining the satisfaction of customers To tell them which products to purchase. These statistics are just a few examples:

  • 95% of consumers read product review articles
  • 86% of shoppers use them for helping to make buying decisions
  • 79% of shoppers trust reviews more than a personal recommendation
  • 63% more consumers will purchase from a site that has reviews than one without.

Reviews are crucial. You’re missing out on tons of revenue potential if you don’t have reviews. It’s worth the effort to email past customers to offer $10 off their next order in return for product reviews. These emails are so powerful that you can offer $10 off your next order to past customers in exchange for a product review. Proven to increase brand loyalty. This is huge for eCommerce merchants.

Eliminate checkout friction

Checkout friction is anything that makes it more difficult than necessary to make a purchase. One example is mandatory account registration which creates friction. 51.8% of Customers won’t be able to complete the registration form. If you have to sell something in your store. The third most common reason is a complicated checkout process. cart abandonment. Checkout should only require the essentials

  • Email address to receive payment/shipping notifications
  • Shipping address
  • Information about payments
  • Delivery options

These are the only steps you will need. Once the checkout process is completed, you can send customers an update email encouraging them to sign up for your deals or to upsell. These actions must be taken after they have made the first purchase. It’s possible to make it big on Black Friday. These tips are easy to implement and can be done in a matter of days. These tips will help you increase your website’s revenue during the holiday season. Get similar posts delivered straight to your inbox.

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Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.