
Which CRM Will Work Best For You Hubspot Vs Salesforce


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Customer relationship management (CRM), whether you’re an SMB or an enterprise-level company, helps to efficiently manage customer data, turn them into potential clients, and increase your ROI. This is the comparison of dominant tools: Hubspot and Salesforce

Customer loyalty is an indicator of success that can affect revenue. Effective CRM tools are a great way to increase profits in any business.

Many businesses continue to use outdated CRM methods because it is difficult, expensive, and time-consuming to transition.

Although they are willing to manage their customer base with these solutions, the first phase of integration fails to work properly with their business. They also fail because they lack a strategy or customer-focused approach. This is not just about dealing with cold emails, reporting, and forecasting.

This is why the customer journey you have built for your customers is no longer secure for your success. Datacor research report shows that 21st-century CRM systems will require you to have more information about your customers.

Customer is King

There is no reason to not use CRM solutions when we are at the edge of the customer-centered era. Each business will have a CRM system that serves both the marketing and sales teams.

CRM software will be used by all teams together. It is not only for data organizing but also allows you to segment the data into more meaningful insights. This allows you to target customers with more targeted campaigns and messaging.

Salesforce provided one of their research that showed CRM software can help sales grow by 29% and sales productivity rise by 34%.

The CRM integration with data-driven marketing will increase your sales exponentially and allow you to get to know your customers very well.

Customer satisfaction is a key factor in loyalty and will increase if you meet their needs and provide tailored solutions. CRM tools allow you to increase customer retention.

There is ample evidence to show that CRM and customer data will be assets for all business types. It can be difficult to find the right customer relationship management tool for you.

To make it easier for you to choose the right tool, we’ve compared Salesforce with Hubspot CRM. Below are the main criteria that we consider in our evaluation process.

  • The Core Features
  • Reporting Solutions
  • Pricing Plans
  • Integration

Hubspot CRM Vs. Salesforce: Core Features   

Salesforce and HubSpot look different at first glance. Hubspot CRM provides solutions for small businesses, with basic CRM available as a free option. Hubspot CRM is the ideal tool for small businesses.

Salesforce, however, offers many features that can be used by all levels of businesses and only a 30-day free trial. Salesforce offers a 30-day trial version that allows you to use it for complex sales processes, exceptional reporting, and analytics, as well as a customizable dashboard.

Salesforce takes longer to learn and is more complicated than Hubspot.

Hubspot CRM excels in lead management, marketing automation, and content marketing within the context of inbound marketing strategies. This CRM will allow you to track current and potential customers through email marketing and social media campaigns.

Salesforce requires integration with Marketo and other solutions if you wish to perform these activities. However, Salesforce’s advanced reporting and analytics capabilities allow you to gain more information about your customers.

Both tools share a common structure. Salesforce and Hubspot can be used to track contracts, deals, and other stages of the sales process. Salesforce, on the other hand, allows for a lot of customization, unlike Hubspot.

Hubspot CRM vs.

Reporting and analytics are key components of a successful CRM strategy. These features can improve sales performance and marketing campaigns as well as create meaningful interactions with customers. It provides valuable insights into customer behavior, which is crucial to customer success.

Salesforce’s analytics and reporting features allow you to gain more information about customers. This is just one example of how CRM software can help you build a strong sales pipeline.

HubSpot provides a range of reporting options, including funnel reports, deal forecast reports, sales activity reports, and deal pipeline waterfall reports.

Hubspot requires additional features to enable detailed reporting, but the tool is still not as powerful as Salesforce.

Hubspot CRM vs. Salesforce: Pricing Plans

Businesses should consider pricing details when selecting tools, including upfront costs, implementation costs, total cost, cost per user, price per month, invoice frequency (monthly or annually), add-on payments, and additional plugin costs.

It is important to know that there is an upfront fee for CRM system integration.

Salesforce offers a 30-day free trial and monthly user plans. Below is the pricing information for annual paid options.

  • Essentials – $25
  • Professionals – $75
  • Enterprise – $150
  • Unlimited – $300

Small businesses can use Hubspot CRM to get free CRM tools. Prices for paid plans are as below:

  • Starter – $50
  • Professionals – $500
  • Enterprise – $1,200

Hubspot and Salesforce have completely different pricing models. Hubspot’s pricing plan works well for small businesses, but if you want to add additional features, Salesforce will charge more.

Salesforce does have an upfront cost, but Hubspot CRM pricing will be higher with more features.

Hubspot CRM Vs. Salesforce: Integrations

A CRM system that integrates marketing automation is a great way to ensure a consistent workflow within your business. Your goals can be achieved by integrating all software that you use with your CRM system.

Marketing and sales teams need to work together in this phase. They should share the same goals and feed each other.

Zapier can be used to create automated workflows for Hubspot as well as Salesforce. Integration is easy with both Hubspot and Salesforce tools like Mailchimp or Ad Manager.

What’s the best CRM tool?   

To make the process easier, it is important to consider other options. Copper CRM is a great alternative, especially for GSuite users.

Copper is unique in comparison to Hubspot and Salesforce. It has Zero Data Entry. This feature allows you to access the contact information of potential customers, social profiles, as well as company information.

Copper also offers industry-based services like CRM solutions to digital agencies that are different from other CRM tools.

Copper integrates with Google apps to make it easier for you to manage sales processes in a single place.

Copper, like Hubspot CRM, is the best choice to meet basic CRM requirements for small businesses.

Hubspot CRM or Copper is the best CRM tool for those who want to try them out. Salesforce is a better option if you need more features or a customizable CRM. Hubspot wins because it is easy to set up, offers a freemium option, and is best for beginners.

After you have identified the most effective, you can also create a customer journey mapping to your business.

This comparison is not the only thing you should look at. Many CRM tools can be used to gain more information about this ecosystem.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.