
What’s The Better Platform: Twitter or Facebook?


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When you start your social marketing campaign, you’ll find that there are many platforms available. These platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, as well as LinkedIn. Twitter and Facebook are two of the most popular social media marketing platforms.

These two platforms are the oldest. Facebook was created in 2006, the same year Twitter was launched.

These websites have been around for over a decade but are still very popular among people online. 2.13 billion monthly active users are on Facebook, and 332 million monthly active users are on Twitter. 

Facebook and Twitter offer unique experiences. 

How can you choose the right platform for your business?

We will walk you through four steps to help you choose the right platform. If you need assistance with creating campaigns using these platforms, call us today.

1. Figure out your target audience

To identify the right platform for your business, you must first determine who you are targeting. 


Facebook is the most used social media platform. These users are also active on the site the most. 

People of all ages use Facebook. Some people use Facebook more often than others.

  • 3% of 25-34-year-olds
  • 4% of 35-44-year-old 

Facebook users tend to be between 25-44 years old. Facebook is a great choice for businesses that target this age group.


Twitter is very popular among younger people. 

37% of users are between 18-29 years old according to Twitter. These younger users have more success with

Twitter is great for younger audiences. Twitter can also be used to engage younger customers.

While both platforms are open to all demographics, Each platform has its user base.

2. Decide the content you want to publish 

Your content will determine the best platform for your business. You need to decide what kind of content you want to share.

There are many content types you can post. Photos, videos, and blog posts can all be shared via social media. 


Facebook is a great platform to share all kinds of content. You can upload videos, take photos, and link to your blog. Facebook makes it easy to share content.

You can upload multiple photos of your business to this platform. It’s a great way to share multiple photos at once.

Facebook lets you post longer messages. If you want to provide a lot of information to your audience

It is possible to create events to help promote your events. 

Facebook is a great place to share different content with your friends.


Twitter can be used to share content. 

Twitter’s most distinctive feature is the limitation of 280 characters. You need to adjust your message to make it more concise. 

Twitter allows users to upload photos, videos, and links to other blogs. 

3. Decide how often you want to be posted 

When you create your social media marketing campaigns, you must decide how frequently you will post content. Determine how often to post to find the right platform.


Facebook allows you to post every day. If you post too frequently, you could lose your followers. 

Your audience won’t like your posts cluttering their newsfeed. Be careful about how frequently you post on this platform.


Twitter allows frequent posting and flexibility. It is reasonable to have a lot of tweets on this platform.

It is permissible to post frequently on this platform

Twitter’s design makes it easy to post frequently without overwhelming your followers. This site is focused solely on microblogging. Your posts are shorter and easier to share.

Twitter can be a great way for you to interact with your followers. 

4. Determine how engaged your audience should be

When you create your social media marketing campaign, you must determine how you want to engage your audience. Are you trying to get shares and retweets?


Facebook is an excellent place to interact with your audience. Facebook allows you to easily create in-depth posts. 

You can also leave detailed comments if you are truly interested in your post. 


Twitter can be used to build engagement such as favorites or retweets. This platform allows you to communicate your message more effectively.

This is a great place for people to interact and post. While people can still comment on posts, it’s harder to connect with them on an intimate level.

Twitter allows you to interact with customers directly.

Kobe Digital, a leader in social media marketing,

Twitter and Facebook are both options for your social media campaign. 

Kobe Digital will help you get started on your campaign on these platforms. Kobe Digital has extensive experience creating social media marketing campaigns.

Our team is committed to your campaign. Our team is made up of social media experts who will assist you in creating a campaign that will be effective for your company. 

Start today

We can help create your social media marketing campaign. Contact us online or call us to speak with a strategist about creating campaigns that will generate more leads and converts.

We look forward to working with you!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.