
How Storytelling Can Change Your Branding Completely


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What’s the deal with garages? Garages are supposed to be used for junk and cars that you don’t know what to do. Yet, many well-known brands were created in them. Garages are incubators for talented, dedicated dreamers, and that’s why so many people love these brands, from Amazon to Apple to Lamborghini.

It’s amazing, just think about it. Apple fans love the fact that it began in a garage. It highlights the human element to the company: two men working hard, trying to achieve a dream, but too poor to rent a building.

This is a captivating story.

Brands often neglect to tell the story behind products and services, which can be detrimental. Customers want to interact with people and not with a corporate identity. Brand storytelling is a powerful way to build customer loyalty and drive sales. Here are some tips to help you nail it.

Show your face

It is vital that every business has a mission statement. Is “providing the best customer service at an affordable price” enough to keep people coming back? You have to be more than “generic.”

What is your inspiration? You probably have a compelling story about how you started your business. How did you realize that you had to do it? How did you overcome the obstacles?

Consider what factors influenced your decision to enter an industry if you didn’t choose the right career path but rather by divine inspiration. What makes you so excited to work for your industry? (Hint, making a lot of money is not the answer. 

Clarify your values

Many small businesses and start-ups are socially conscious. This is a great place for you to begin when creating your brand’s story. Customers want to know your beliefs. Although not all businesses are Tom’s, which donates shoes to poor countries, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t highlight your charitable or inspirational goals. Even if your business isn’t the most glamorous, it can still make a lasting impression on people.

Oren International is an example. The brand storytelling overhaul transformed the website’s content from a collection of facts about paper conversion to stories about how other companies can help bring their visions to reality. Oren’s ebook conversion rate increased by 86% after the site was rebranded. 

It is important to write it down

You are now convinced that brand storytelling is worth it. Spend some time crafting your story before you rush to revamp your image. You don’t have to be a solo artist. Get feedback from your team. Consider the feedback you got from customers. What were they most impressed with? It’s a great way to see the issue through their eyes and help you define what makes your business unique. Do you see a connection between your original goals and the things that patrons love about you? This could be a useful thread for your narrative. 

Be authentic

When writing your story, it’s tempting not to sound important. Resist this temptation. It’s better to write it in casual language. You might be able to talk to friends rather than to large groups of customers. Remember your audience at the end. While millennials might appreciate casual language, Baby Boomers may not. It’s not as popular. You’ll find your sweet spot as you refine and edit.

Transparency is also important. You may need to shed your marketing hat. A lie or even a half-truth can be detected by people from a distance. Don’t ignore the bumps along the way if you are describing the business’s trajectory. Honesty will be appreciated by customers. 

Your customers should speak for themselves

It is crucial to solicit customer feedback when creating brand stories. It can serve you in many ways. You don’t have to incorporate their thoughts and feelings in the story you create. Instead, let them share their positive experiences. Salesforce, for example, puts customers first by posting video testimonials to its Pinterest page. This is a great way to convince people about your impartial value and convert leads into customers.

Tell your story online

Now it’s time for you to share your story. Your website is the face of your brand online. Make sure visitors see you as you are when they visit. It’s a good idea to transform your About and Homepages to tell the story. Blogs are also a great way to contribute and they can be easily shared.

It is important to share the story online. It is important to create a social media campaign. You can create blog posts in the first person, status updates with meaning, and visuals and share them via your social media accounts. You should also track the performance of your links.

Are people able to watch your video story and then look at your products? Do you want to make a purchase? Find out which parts of your story convert and bring you the most SEO power. You can then either highlight those or tweak the underperforming content to improve it.

To learn more about how to create a brand story and integrate it into content marketing campaigns, visit Kobe Digital’s branding services in Miami.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.