
The Complete Beginners Guide To Create Webinar Emails


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Are you having trouble creating an email template for your next webinar? It’s easy to create a great webinar. Follow this step-by-step guide to ensure success.

Your webinar is accessible via webinar email. It doesn’t matter how well-designed and designed your webinars are if you don’t have enough attendees.

It’s not difficult to design a great webinar template – you just need some ground rules and a few tricks!

This article will provide a guideline on how to create invitation emails for webinars. It includes what content you should include and how to ensure they are inviting (and not spammy).

You’ll also learn how the drag-and-drop editor can be used to help you design professional invitations.

Make an eye-catching header

You have one chance to make a great first impression with your webinar invitation email. So, you will want to begin with a strong header.

You can have a simple logo or a complete graphic design. Just make sure it stands out and grabs people’s attention.

Here’s a HubSpot example of a header for a webinar invitation:

This webinar email template is available on Capterra. What do you think? Is it compelling you to click on the link and learn more about the webinar content?

It works for me!

The bold graphics are what I first notice. They grab my attention immediately and inspire me to look deeper into the email.

It is very eye-catching to use color, and the large CTA buttons are also very attractive.

Keep It Short

People are busy and don’t have the time to read lengthy emails.

Your webinar invitation should be as concise and clear as possible. Use simple and easy-to-read language.

Here’s a MarketingProfs example:

Although the webinar email template is just three sentences in length, it packs a lot of information.

The headline is striking and easy to read thanks to the bullet points.

Use Short Paragraphs

The paragraphs should not exceed five sentences (or ideally, even less).

It is important to provide enough information for webinar attendees so they can understand what you are talking about. However, it should not become boring or overwhelming.

HubSpot has provided an example of a webinar email template:

This email template has been written in short paragraphs, which makes it easy to scan and read.

Bullet points make it easy to quickly skim through the content. No one wants to spend more time creating an invitation than necessary.

Play with Colors

Everybody has a different taste in colors. You might want to try a few to find the best combination for your webinar invitation email.

Bold colors can be very eye-catching. Softer shades can have a more relaxing effect.

This is an example of a Litmus webinar email template:

This email template is composed of muted colors that create an inviting and calm atmosphere.

Although the webinar image at the top is subtle, it still grabs my attention because of its uniqueness and relevance.

This article will discuss the best practices to create a webinar email template.

You should first focus on what content you wish to share with your email. This includes all information related to your event, not just the text in the subject line.

Consider your favorite color and use it as your background color in your email.

If the recipient already expressed interest in joining, you should give them good reasons to join.

To break up long paragraphs into shorter chunks that are easier to read, use bullet points and short sentences.

Last but not least, include a call to action at the end of your email to encourage people to take certain actions or join your event.

You should use images and graphics in your webinar invitations to make them more engaging.

This can be done manually using an image editing tool, or you can choose from one of our pre-made webinar invitation templates.

There are many options available so take your time to find the best one for your webinar. The best webinar platforms let you create and customize landing pages with all your webinar information and a CTA.

Let’s now move on to reminder emails for webinars.

Reminder emails

Reminder emails are sent to those who have registered for your webinar but have forgotten to do so or need some encouragement to make sure they attend.

This email should be sent at least a few days before the webinar. The content must be useful and relevant.

This section will show you how to create an email template for a webinar.

These are the steps to create an email template for a webinar.

1. It is unnecessary to address the recipient by their name.

2. If they ask for it, please include the name of the person in your subject line. Otherwise, omit it.

3. Start with “Hi” or “Hello,” followed by their name and company/organization, then your personal introduction and why you’re inviting them to the webinar/event.

4. In case of any questions, please include your contact information at the bottom.

5. You can include a date and time for the webinar/event, as well as a link to the webinar/event that they can access for more information.

Emails from webinars are a great way to reach new customers and get leads. These emails offer many benefits. Here’s a quick overview.

You can use a webinar template to create an email connection with your audience to inform them about future events and establish a rapport.

This increases your chances of a successful event or product launch.

Lead generation is an important aspect of any business marketing strategy. Therefore, it pays to use webinars for lead generation.

Webinars are a great way to talk with customers and get feedback about their experiences with your products and services.

The Best Webinar Email Templates

These are top-performing email templates that will help you get started.

You have two options: copy the one you like or sign up to Automizy to get started with a webinar-specific template email.

Send an email invitation to a webinar

1. Invitation to a Webinar: One-page

The training invitation email uses a two-column format. The subject, time, and CTA are shown on one side. On the other side, the presenter is visible.

Following this, more information was shared as well as a second, distinct color-coded call-to-action button.

It could be a great aspect of the A/B test for future webinar reminders.

2. Send webinar invitation emails using animated GIFs

GIF is the preferred language for today’s millennials. Marketers use the new “GIF Language” to grab attention and increase click-throughs.

Animated Gifs add excitement to campaigns that aren’t possible with static email designs.

Adweek’s webinar invitation email design includes a stunning animated GIF. Their email design features red call-to-action buttons that are contrasted against a white background.

Animated GIFs can be used to bring more excitement and movement to your webinar invitation.

3. Include a question that will spark the interest of your audience.

Listrak used a bright email template to announce their webinar. Listrak included in the email questions that they would address during the webinar.

Your audience will relate to the email question, which will spark their interest in joining the webinar and receiving the value that you offer.

4. Use a variety of call-to-action buttons.

The copy is concise and straight to the point. The title, date, and time are in the correct places.

It is worth noting the CTA “will you attend” at the bottom of this invitation email for B2B training. This is a great way to avoid feeling like you’re repeating the CTA’register now.

5. Do not forget to save any important information.

The Leanplum webinar registration email design looks a little harsh, much like the GDPR topic.

The invitation’s structure was perfect, but it isn’t appealing or colorful.

Thanks to the email, the webinar invitation is now a complete bundle. Excellent high-contrast CTA buttons have been used well.

6. For your webinar, create a unique logo.

Unbounce’s invitation email to a B2B conference stands out due to its unique company logo. Unbounce hosted a B2B meeting to discuss various marketing topics.

The workshop’s logo was a guarantee that it will be remembered by the audience.

Unbounce subscribers will remember this email template. This is the most important point in this webinar email template.

7. In your email, include a link to a video that invites them to the webinar.

Online training and video are gaining popularity. To promote your English-speaking courses, you should also start a webinar. Advertising your webinar is the first step.

An example of Billy Gene’s Facebook Training Webinar Invitation uses a funny video as an email graphic.

You will also find consistent webinar information in your email.

Use humor from pop culture to grab your audience’s attention.

Mention the exact date and time of their webinar.

You should add two calls to action (check out the video, and register).

Email invitation to a Billy Gene webinar.

These elements will create urgency and excitement that will lead to more signups.

8. Confirm registrations to webinars

To let the registrant know that the webinar was successful, you should send them a confirmation email immediately after they register.

The following are included:

A button that says, “Add to Calendar.”

Here’s a link to “refer friends”

If an attendant changes their mind, they or can cancel the reservation by clicking the link.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.