
Why You Need To Focus On Discovery Calls


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To generate leads and convert customers, the discovery call is one of your most powerful sales tools. This is a great technique for B2B sales reps as it allows them to understand their customer’s pain points and help them target the right customers.

What’s a Discovery Call?

The discovery call is a sales conversation with the potential prospect that is first identified. The purpose of the discovery call to find out more about your customer and determine if they’re ready for your products or services is to get to know them better.

Tips to be Used

After you have identified your target prospects, follow these tips to make your discovery calls more successful:

  • Pay attention.
  • You can tailor your conversation to the prospect’s needs and interests by asking specific questions in advance.
  • Engage them by asking them open-ended questions, rather than only one answer.
  • Instead of asking prospects to meet you, tell them about your company and products.
  • Let’s end with an attempt at scheduling a meeting.
  • After identifying as many prospects as possible, schedule multiple discovery calls.
  • You can call them back as soon as you have the time. It may take up to 2 calls before they get on the line. Don’t expect any leads.
  • An active CRM system can help you generate leads and convert them to customers. This allows you to send targeted lead-nurturing emails after the discovery call, which will increase your conversion rate compared to phone-based sales calls.
  • Over time, make it your goal to reach more prospects and convince those who are interested. It is a great idea to set aside 20 minutes each morning to call each prospect.
  • You want salespeople to have productive phone conversations. To do this, you should create templates that they can use for their customer conversations. They should also follow the same process each time they call prospects. Customer conversations are just like other aspects of your life. You can’t force them to happen, but if they’re being consistent and preaching your organizational value proposition, they will eventually have one.

Secret Ingredient To Win Customer

Answer Secrets To Tame Your Phone Sales Conversations

How can I tell if my prospects aren’t interested in buying from me?

  • Keep a file for “cold reading”.
  • Listen more than you speak.
  • Don’t forget: Prospects don’t want to buy from your company – they have another source for their product/service; they just don’t know it! It is your job to not convince prospects of this fact but to find out if they are putting themselves first above all other needs/wants.
  • Do they buy from you or are you selling them? Salespeople can talk their way into a sale, convincing prospects, but only if they make it an “I” thing. I deal with customers in their best interests, not just to make a sale at Amazon, Walmart, etc. So what is important? People will tell you if I have lost sight of this – trust me.
  • Although you can offer a lot of value to your prospect, it is best to not bombard them with too many details. They are too busy reviewing all information that they receive from other sources. Give yourself some time and learn about their decision-making process (and remember to make any sales promises before you do). Make sure that sellers are familiar with their market.
  • Art is available for purchase. It takes practice and time. Nobody said it would be simple. Do not rush to learn anything. For the love of God, don’t get discouraged if things don’t go according to plan! You can help people relax. They are looking for someone to help them.
  • Remember this: You’re selling because you have a passion, desire, or dream. Money is only a part of the equation. They won’t buy from anyone else. You should sell with pride in what you do. Use the “I” word to make your customer feel special.
  • A philosophy that says – Focus more on your ACTIONS and not just drive around in a car singing to the top of your lungs. Ask for help if you are unsure how to proceed. Experts will almost always be able to guide you as they understand the most important aspects of life. Don’t make a mistake or you won’t be able to do it!
  • Selling is a communication of value. If your prospects are walking and smiling with thunderous confidence, it could be a sign that they are thinking about something.
  • Be a part of their lives now. You can make them feel safe and confident.
  • Keep the customer in your mind. Things will happen regardless of you. It’s your passion, dedication, and desire to make YOUR clientele YOURS that sets you apart from all others. It might work!
  • Every salesperson understands that he/she must be more than a good listener. Ask questions later and shoot first. Show your customers how your product or service exceeds what they offer.
  • Give thanks – even small gestures of gratitude can change a difficult situation into something positive. Being consistent will create relationships that last longer and replenish more quickly. Giving gifts is a good idea for serious entrepreneurs. You should give gifts, especially during holidays and for those you have worked hard to acquire.
  • NEGOTIATE! It’s a good idea to negotiate! Be fair, be reasonable and make it clear that neither party likes insults. All sales involve cheap talk written or spoken. Respect will come if you give real value and not just over the phone.
  • Keep your confidence! Keep your confidence! Don’t let anyone take advantage of you. Promotion isn’t selling, but it will always be a part of you! The product is only as good as the deeds.
  • Do what you have to do for money 4 days a month. It doesn’t matter if it’s unethical, criminal, or otherwise. Keep your values simple and avoid the trap of “business = business and politics = politics”.
  • Be consistent in all areas. Don’t sever any ties by being inconsistent about who and what you are online. Make sure you can identify who is ‘privileged’ based on SMART (Secretive Modify, Tape) Rules.


You need to have several things ready before you can start a discovery phone call. One of the most important things is a calendar that includes dates for the calls. It’s also a good idea that you have a list of attendees.

Next, prepare all your documents. These include meeting minutes and notes from past meetings. Everyone involved must know what to do during the call, so there are no surprises.

Our blog post has more information on setting up discovery calls and how they can be effective.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.