
Everything To Expect For The Future Of Web Design


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What do you see yourself as five years from now, and where will you be? How about ten years?

You can only make an estimate of your life, which more often than not is wrong. However, web design is influenced by the future trends and changes in digital technology. Although there are no guarantees, it is possible to gain insight from the market and its influencing factors into the future.

We’ve carefully scanned the web to bring you quality content . It is like a time machine. These are some of the evolutionary changes that web design can bring about.

We will see you from the other side!

Integration of AI/chatbots 

AI may be the most controversial topic in our time. It can be a scary topic for some, and the few benefits it offers for us may seem to outweigh its potential dangers. AI will continue to be a major factor in shaping web design for the future, even if machines eventually take over the world.

Chatbots are the most popular implementation. Chatbots are used by a lot of businesses to keep customers engaged 24×7. They can answer questions, make complaints, and basically provide support for customer service. 47% expect to have chatbots within their networks by 2021.

Chatbots and AI could become automated personal shoppers for ecommerce users. This will revolutionize web design. The new standard is a combination of AI and human intervention.

Immersive 3D Visuals

While VR is moving in the most aggressive manner, full adoption of VR is still far away. It is too far away to think about the system upgrades required to make web VR a reality in the near future. It is still possible.

An immersive experience using 3D graphics will be the main focus until then. This is a website that will take up the whole screen and combine the digital and physical experiences.

The ultimate goal is to entice the audience with compelling visuals that inspire them to take the desired actions.

Integration of data science

Websites are no longer the only place to find brand presence. All parts of the system must be continuously coordinated in order to provide the best CX possible for users in a world of connected devices.

The web design will capitalize on the excessive amount of data. Web design should use analytical tools and adapt to changing environments concurrently. The variation would be much similar to the mobile-responsiveness wave, with the difference being applied to routine machines like refrigerators and cars.

The future will bring together web designers and data scientists in one place, allowing them both to collaborate and communicate in a synergistic way.

Augmented Reality

Remote product visualization has become a high-demand requirement for today’s customers, following the paradigm-shifting Place App by IKEA. 61% of online shoppers prefer websites that have some form of AR.

To support AR in all forms, users will require both hardware and software. Designers will need to design interactive environments that project location-based elements and overlay real world aesthetics, from smartphones to wearable devices. There will be endless uses for object recognition such as Google Lens or facial scanning on social media.

Websites will adapt to user preferences, adopting a minimal design that is easy to understand and displays without affecting the user’s view. The content and contrast would be in perfect balance.

Pages without content

It’s not as dramatic as it sounds. Instead of multiple pages, pageless websites are a different type of web design. The website has one scroll and is therefore not divided into many pages. This concept is similar to social media platforms, which are well-known for their interactive UI and addictive engagement.

Web designers will be focusing on one page, blazing speed, and auto-responsive websites. To keep bounce rates under control, web designers must ensure that the elements are easy to use and flow smoothly.

Voice Interface

Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant each have their own worlds. A simple voice command can get users the information they want. This eliminates the need to glance at screens for any information.

This conversational approach to web design will be used in both the layout and content. This would mean that all of the core principles behind the concept are being destroyed. The core content strategy for web design will break the mold by using FAQs and long-tail keywords.

The final application is still far away, but it will be here soon.

Dynamic Storytelling

Netflix’s home country has over 1300 TV series and 4300 movies. Each user can consume far too much content on a daily basis. It is essential to use atomic storytelling that engages users on every front in order to keep your website afloat.

This would be similar to designing an experience map that summarizes the system and explains the logic behind every click. Kobe Digital already uses campaigns that are highly targeted to the audience.

The foundation of Miami web design agency is based on a strong message that reaches your target buyers through the right channels and messaging forms.


Technology is moving at a rapid pace and it’s difficult to keep track of everything. The future of websites must be user-oriented in such situations. It will take a radical overhaul to create interactions at all touchpoints so that users feel the digital is a part of their reality.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.