
How To Execute Marketing Campaigns On Linkedin With Videos


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Continue reading to learn how to create a YouTube video for your company.

Making a video

Video editing is much faster than it was 10 years ago. A smartphone can be all you need, as long as the owner holds it steady.

There are three main steps to creating a YouTube video.

  1. Choose the type of video you want to make
  2. Film the video
  3. Edit and upload the video.

We’ll be discussing each concept below.

1. Choose the type of video you want to make

YouTube lets you upload videos in many formats. There are nine types of videos you can use to reach different goals.

Product or service demonstrations

Goal: Sales

Product videos are the most used videos on YouTube for marketing.

These videos demonstrate the product in action so potential customers can decide before purchasing. 

B2B companies looking to attract customers through lead nurturing can use product videos.

These videos could include action shots of employees working hard, particularly if they offer construction or plumbing services.

These videos can help B2Bs show the beginning of a project as well as the results. Customers will be able to make informed buying decisions based on the best qualities of your staff.

If you want to generate sales leads, start your channel by creating strong demonstration videos.

Watch this YouTube video from TubbyChef to learn more about the use of a commercial kitchen appliance called a “buffalo cutter”.

This video shows equipment working even though it’s not often used. 

Testimonials of customers

Goal: Trust

Customer testimonial videos can be a great way to create valuable content for your YouTube channel.

All you have to do is ask a customer or client to answer your questions.

Even though it might not seem like much, testimonials do not have to be viral to be popular. Customers should research the options before purchasing. A testimonial is worth just one customer.


The goal is information and trust

Educational videos are intended to convey information. These videos are not meant for sales.

Educational videos are meant to communicate information to potential customers and build trust. 

Kobe Digital’s Head of Business Development led an instructional webinar about how to generate leads through online marketing.

It doesn’t increase sales and doesn’t directly affect our bottom line. It is available to anyone interested.


Objective: Increase brand awareness and increase participation

Giveaways are great videos because they are engaging by nature.

Participants in giveaway videos are often requested via contact forms or social networks. These videos can be used to generate excitement for giveaways and contests by showing people the prizes they could win.

You can also explain the giveaway to everyone so that they all can participate.

Technobuffalo’s YouTube channel uses gadget prizes to attract new subscribers. You can create excitement using them.

Matching the tone of your company’s video with it is even more important. 


Goal: Consistency & transparency

Vlogs let you talk to your customers directly about any topic you are interested in.

While you have the option to choose the topics, it is more important to tailor your vlogs to your customers.

To show consistency on YouTube, you can use vlogs. This shows you are active online and can provide new content for viewers to see what you have in store.

Vlogs have become a very popular format on YouTube, including Grace Helbig of DailyGrace. Warning – language

You don’t have to dedicate your channel to vlogs. However, you can use them to discuss industry issues.


Goal – Brand awareness and entertainment

You have the option to make videos of events that you sponsor or hold to spread the word.

Event videos are a great way to show your audience that you are excited about your business. They can also be used to highlight highlights of an event you have hosted.

agency’s coverage of the 2012 global financial service conference is an excellent example of event coverage.

Potential conference attendees can view what took place at their conferences.

These videos require extensive editing and voiceovers. They are used to highlight the topic of the video.

Conference videos can be used as motivational tools to encourage attendees to attend the next year’s open house.


Goal: Trust

Present videos can be a great way of building trust with potential customers.

These videos are often a recording of you, or one of your team members, giving a presentation. These videos can give a lot more information and help customers see how you meet customer obligations.

Kobe Digital captured a site visit of one of our clients to demonstrate how we approach online presence.

The video is only about 30 minutes long but shows all angles of the camera. It’s worth the effort to see the whole thing

Editing can be done from multiple angles, close-ups of speakers, and multiple camera angles. 


Transparency should be the goal

It is fascinating to look at the inside of a company. Potential customers can see the day-to-day operations of your company and learn a lot about the way you treat them as customers.

Behind-the-scenes videos can be used to showcase your company to people who aren’t familiar with it.

Kobe Digital uses behind-the-scenes videos to demonstrate our old office as well as our current headquarters.

These videos can be used to recruit if you are looking for a job.

Kobe Digital uses behind-the-scenes videos to show potential employees a glimpse into the workday of the positions that we are hiring. This includes our Internet Marketing and Earned Media team members.

Trendy videos

Goal: Brand Awareness and Virality

Make trendy videos!

Trendy videos were created from viral ideas that have received lots of media attention.

This was evident in the ALS ice bucket competition. Kobe Digital used this opportunity to create a popular video. This video helped us to promote our brand by being positive and fun.

Harlem Shake was another popular video. 

2. Film

After you’ve decided on your video format, it’s time to begin filming.

Before filming

You can use your smartphone to record decent videos of product demos and behind-the-scenes interviews.

A digital camera must be compatible with your operating system to create high-quality videos

A dedicated cameraperson should be assigned to take as many videos as they think they will need to edit (which we will discuss next).

It’s important to schedule a shoot at least two weeks in advance to ensure everyone has enough time to plan, edit the script, and find props. 

During filming

While you are filming, record more content than you intend to use. Sometimes, a person must warm up before they can demonstrate the product properly or speak clearly.

Extra takes let editors choose what they want to add to the final video. An editor who is skilled at combining multiple takes into one cohesive video will be

You should be able to view your successful shots as soon as they are taken.

This will tell you if there were any issues with the filming process or other interferences that you didn’t intend. 

Quality footage is crucial during the entire process. A lower-quality take will result in a weaker final video.

3. Upload the edited video    

After your video has been completed, it is time to put it together.

It is possible to not modify your videos based on how you want them. 

You can add production elements to your video.

Edit your videos with a variety of free tools, including YouTube’s editor.

Log in to YouTube. Next click on the Upload button.

The interface can then be drag-and-dropped, which allows for uploading videos and importing them from Google Photos.

Drag your video file to an online uploader, or simply select it from the screen.

This will bring you to the preview screen of your video A video showing two cats playing fetch will be used as this guide.

YouTube will process your video and, if all goes well, you’ll be able to see it as “Done.” “

Then, you can add a description and title to your video. YouTube may send you warnings about audio quality or stabilization.

You can select these options if you want, but they will permanently change the video you have uploaded

You also have the option to make your video public, private, or unlisted by clicking on the button at the dashboard’s right.

Public videos are open to everyone, but private videos are only available to you. Search results won’t show unlisted videos.

Your video can be added to an existing playlist.

You can also use two tabs from this dashboard.

Translate your title and description into another language using the Translations tab. This is only necessary if you are involved with international business.

Advanced settings are next. Here you can set age restrictions, select the category of your video and disable comments.

After you’re satisfied with the settings, click the blue Done button. YouTube will give you a link to your video that you can share online.

To return to your Videos dashboard, click the Video Manager button located under your menu. You can edit and view your uploaded products.

It is important to note that editing your video in any significant way (such as image stabilization) may take time. During the editing process, you can’t make any changes to other aspects of your video.

Once you’re satisfied with your edits you can return to Creator Studio by clicking on the Video Editor tab. This will let you finalize your product.

This editor can adjust lighting, contrast, and brightness as well as play speed and brightness. Zoom, pan, and stabilize videos.

YouTube has an Audio Library. This allows you to download sound effects, music, and other audio to enhance your videos.

Text and filters can be added to your video. You can also adjust the audio settings to make sure they are perfect.

After you’re done, click on the Create Video button in the upper right corner. This will create your video along with your edits.

It all depends on how long and quality you have.

Now you can upload and tune your first YouTube Video.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.