
Enhancing Email Marketing Metrics with AI: Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence


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Email Marketing is about creating accessible, effective emails span color=” background: transparent;”>, And email marketers are constantly looking for new ways to improve their email marketing metrics. Email marketers have attempted to personalize emails by using tactics such as the recipient’s name in the subject. But these methods are not enough.

AI has been integrated into many platforms that we use daily, including email. To send better-resonating emails to your subscribers and boost the effectiveness of your campaign, it’s essential to integrate AI into your Email Marketing Strategy.

Email marketing: The State of the Art

Modern email marketers analyze past emails and constantly tweak their marketing strategies based on these insights. The information collected includes the demographics of the subscribers, previous purchases, product searches, purchase values, and much more.

AI Scope

Artificial Intelligence allows the computer to perform a specific function based on given data by trial and error. AI is based on the three Ds – Detection, Deliberation, and Development.

  • Detect: Find the attributes and elements that are most predictive in a data set.
  • Deliberately: Compare the attributes that are most predictive and then answer a query or make a suggestion.
  • Develop: Maturate with each iteration, and change the data according to the collected information after experiments.

Use the Email Marketing Checklist for Best Practices to help you create an email campaign that will increase conversion rates

How AI can make your emails Smarter

1. Allow for improved segmentation

It becomes increasingly difficult as your company grows to organize and manage your data. AI allows you to maintain data and segment users more efficiently. AI can improve your email campaign’s conversion rates by recognizing and categorizing users with similar personas.

2. Create more personal emails

Artificial intelligence algorithms monitor demographics, shopping behavior, and other actions your visitors may take on the site. AI allows you to personalize images, design elements, and call to action within your email. By creating emails that are more in line with what the subscribers expect and prompting them to perform the action they desire, AI creates a better experience.

3. The right content should be sent at the right moment to the correct people

Artificial intelligence can help marketers determine what information is most appealing to their audience by taking into account multiple factors. AI-powered tools use natural language processing to craft email subject lines and body copy, as well as CTAs that appear to have been written by humans. They adhere to the brand’s tone and language to create consistent and cognitive content.

Phrasee, for example, is a platform with artificial intelligence that can help you create better subject lines after studying the brand personality of your email and previous metrics. We all know that the more attractive the subject line, the higher the open rate.

4. Use A/B tests to test your products.

AI platforms allow you to create more effective tests, allowing you to identify trends and strategies that work best for subscribers. The AI conclusion can be used to make any necessary changes.

You can test A/B the subject line and email copy. Also, you can compare CTA placements, design, visuals, and email elements. You will then be able to create emails that are more effective in helping you reach your email metrics goals.

A/B split testing

How Artificial Intelligence is currently implemented

There are a few tools that you can implement to help your Email Marketing strategy. This comprehensive list will make your life easier.

1. MailChimp offers many features, such as send-time optimization systems and A/B test tools. These tools optimize your email marketing campaigns and help you make them successful.

2. Automizy: Automizy creates dynamic, personalized email experiences by automating workflows. Split testing and metrics tracking is used to iterate your campaigns regularly.

3. Drip: This tool allows you to identify the most active users on your site and tracks their activities.

4. Seg Seg is an extension to MailChimp that allows you to segment users according to their past browsing and purchases and target them accordingly.

5. Google Cloud Prediction API – This API allows you to analyze data and predict accurately. You can track user behavior, create recommendations, and assess customer sentiment.

6. Microsoft Azure API: Microsoft Azure offers an artificial intelligence API that allows you to build machine learning models and select the most appropriate algorithms based on the campaign’s requirements.

7. Amazon’s API: This API allows for the creation of powerful and scalable apps that can personalize content, predict customer churn, and segment lists.

AI Case Studies


Amazon and other ecommerce companies have seen great success by offering a personalized shopping experience to their customers. The platform uses artificial intelligence to deliver highly personalized and relevant emails, with attractive offers and product suggestions. Amazon’s email campaigns have successfully used this type of marketing, known as behavioral targeting.


Netflix analyzes data from sources like the watch list of the user. This data is analyzed by the recommendation engine, and it sends users the most relevant suggestions.

The Key Takeaway

Artificial intelligence can be used to determine how frequently a customer is notified of promotional offers. Email Marketing has been made much more accessible for marketers and emails now have more value than just discounts. Marketers need to embrace this technology but also continue using general best email practices.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.