
Email Marketing Key Metrics You Need To Know


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A great email marketing analytics program will tell you everything you need to know about the campaigns. But, just because the program tells all, does not necessarily mean you have to know everything.

Although one metric might seem intriguing, if it’s not related to your goals, it will not help you improve. This could cause issues in your email marketing campaigns and distract from the more important metrics.

Call us today or email to speak with an expert about the best metrics for your email marketing campaign.

Which email marketing metrics are the most important? It depends on your goals but these six metrics can be very useful.

1. Open rate

It doesn’t mean every subscriber to your list will open it. They might even delete it.

The open rate of your email is determined by who is attentive to it. You can use this metric to determine which headlines are most popular and which topics are the most popular with your recipients.

A high open rate indicates that you are actively engaging your recipients at least initially. A low open rate could indicate that recipients are skipping or deleting your email.

2. Click here to get a quote

Open email is a sign of success. However, to attract customers, you must get them to your website.

Click rates are based on what information they provide and how often people visit your site.

Click rate is a very “deep metric”. This means you don’t have to look at the same number of people. You can view individual emails. It is also possible to see which recipients have clicked back to your website.

This will show you the topics, layouts, and content that are most likely to encourage people back to your site. 

3. Conversion rate

Emails should encourage customers to pay for their products. 

If people follow your call to action, their email will convert. See your email conversion rate and see how many people have visited your website since receiving it.

This will tell you the most about your email marketing’s profitability. You need to change your email if you don’t get conversions.

4. Unsubscribe rate

Subscribers sign up for email and it works in a perfect world. 

People lose interest over time in companies. They may lose interest in companies over time.

It doesn’t matter why it is happening, it happens to all businesses. It doesn’t matter what reason, it happens to all companies.

Send recipients to a page asking why they have stopped subscribing to your service. This will help reduce the number of lost subscribers. 

You can adapt your email marketing campaigns based on the information you get. If you lose leads via email marketing, you might be able to learn from them.

5. Rate of bounce

This doesn’t mean that the recipient received an email you sent. Your emails may bounce back to you 

The bounce rate is a key indicator of how many people have not received your messages.

But, unlike other metrics, the bounce rate doesn’t provide much information about your email content. It gives you details about the operation of your email list.

Incorrect email addresses can cause high bounce rates. 

To see if your verification steps are in place, you can remove your sign-up forms. Also, you can purge your spam email addresses. It is also possible to collect resumes.

Kobe Digital explains how to use data for action

Kobe Digital is a long-standing company in email marketing. We have years of experience in acquiring customers via email. Let us know if you’d like to see our help for your business.

Contact us today to start an email marketing campaign!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.