
All The Benefits Of Email Marketing For Your Business


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There are approximately 4 billion email users each day, and 99% of them check their inboxes every single morning. This is a huge resource that your startup should be using to gain visibility.

Imagine this: You are a consumer checking your email one morning. Then, you look at the wall of spam and promotional emails and you realize you didn’t sign up for them. You don’t feel the excitement of receiving your first email. You want to buy from every company, but you only need to learn more about the people behind these products.

Your startup’s newsletter can help you break down barriers and bring the party back to your readers’ inboxes. Although your initial readership might be small, it may prove difficult to grow. We are confident that once you have a newsletter in place, there will be endless opportunities.

Establishing relationships with readers

This is a sign that consumers want to hear from you. Now is the time to get to know them. Your creativity and personality can shine through in a newsletter. It is also a way to humanize your brand through the little tidbits that you will find in emails such as these.

Consumers want to feel valued and heard. This is why a newsletter can be a great way for them to let you know. Your readership will grow if you maintain this relationship by sending out newsletters regularly, whether they are daily, weekly, or monthly.

Keep readers informed about industry and company news

This is the vessel that delivers the news, as the name implies. Your readers want to be informed about what’s happening. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t sign up. So who better to tell them than the horse’s mouth? Your authority in your industry will be enhanced by keeping them informed about the latest news.

You are most likely a founder and therefore know everything in your industry. Use this information to your advantage and include it in your newsletter. By releasing teasers and news, you can encourage readers to sign up to continue reading.

Reinforcing your brand’s story and reputation

This applies to everything, from the tone of voice to how the newsletter looks. As you are in complete control of every aspect of your branding, it’s one of the best ways to make sure that it’s consistent. You can be funny and lighthearted depending on the startup you are working with, or serious and formal. You can be as playful or serious as you like, but it should be consistent across all the companies.

Consumers will buy brands that they feel a connection with. This is why it’s important to build your brand’s story through a newsletter.

Increase your visibility for your products and services

The balance between what readers assume is an immediate delete email and what they want to open is determined by how much advertising you do throughout the campaign. While you may be excited about your product and want to get customers to buy it, you need to be careful about how much advertising you use.

Newsletters are more personal and focused on you and your team. However, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t highlight all the great things you have to share. Loyal readers who enjoy reading your emails will share them with their friends and family. This will increase your website and social media traffic. 

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.