
How Super Important Discovery Call Templates Are


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This article will explain what discovery call templates are, how to use them, and more.

We’ve been conducting discovery calls for quite some time now, so I decided it was time to create a template. Here it is! This template can be used to organize discovery calls with as many people as you like.

What’s a Discovery Call Template?

A discovery call template allows you to record and play with one or more members of your organization. It’s a form of community building that has been practiced for many decades by human resource managers at universities and corporations.

But many companies now use this process to facilitate relationship-building, especially after they’ve changed their executive management teams (ERT) — what we refer to as EFT: Employee Retention Team meetings.

In this context, the word discovery can have at least two meanings. Let’s clarify. The discovery call template is a way to create calls on your own; it does not require any pre-built script or formal process.

It also refers to what I am creating here: An Excel spreadsheet with completed questions and templates for calling. The Excel spreadsheet is divided into categories based on employee groups — different subjects such as companies, products, and so forth.

All the questions you would ask would be based on notes you wrote at least one month before your company visit. These notes will contain any facts that you have about the employees who are visiting that department or office.

I am also able to answer any questions that arise during a discovery conference. For example, “How many people use X product?” It is an input textbox to my spreadsheet.

What happens if I don’t have the time or energy to conduct a Discovery Call?

I recommend sticking with the templates. Only the template is useful if you know exactly how it will be used before getting into the call. However, make sure everyone in your intro meeting agrees that there are no surprises for attendees.

What happens during the discovery call? These questions will be answered during discovery calls. The average time is 45 minutes to 1 hour depending on how many people are available and how quickly everyone arrives at mutual topics.

What are the roles of attendees in this office/department — CEO, support staff, engineers/coders/devs, etc. What are their responsibilities? What reports are they required to provide to others?

Whom will they report/who has jurisdiction over some annoying issues such as bugs in software, or poor performance at work? Which companies do they do business with?

You can use the products you review to answer some questions and shortlist new items.

You can use web scraping to find this information. It will save you a few hours, but not much if it is already collected elsewhere by all attendees.” I suggest we use Discovery Call Card as a way to work around my lackadaisical approach to discovery calls.

You need to understand how to structure a discovery call to get the best out of it. This template will help you get started, and give you ideas on what to talk about with your candidate.

Steps in Discovery Call Template

#1: How do I set up a Discovery call?

It is simple to get started with a discovery call.

You will need to first set up an inbound phone call from your CRM to get the conversation started. Send your first appointment request once you are ready.

I am available to help you if there are any problems with your appointment request, or if it becomes pending due to some reason (perhaps because the person is already booked), please let me know at

I will contact them to try and get things moving so that we can start ASAP. Do this as quickly as possible to avoid them moving on to another person.

Also, you need to reach out to the candidate to ask them to join your call (see next step). If required by law, we recommend that the candidate provides as much information as possible in advance.

They don’t want to have problems from day one. Make it simple for them! You can let me know if there is any missing information that could cause problems later. I can also speak with you and will assist you in getting it all together as quickly as possible.

Please ensure that your candidates are aware of the importance and timeliness of a thorough discovery process before you move on to hire.

Their chances of success are increased if they are organized and able to share more than is typical for their current job.

#2: How do I ask them to join my Discovery Call?

You might be able to offer them a call if they aren’t interested. It all depends on whether the appointment was canceled, canceled, or canceled due to time constraints (see next step).

READ THE RULE. We must receive appointment requests no later than one business day PHONE CALL DAY. Please keep this in mind. If you are unable to or unwilling to send me an application for an appointment after our first meeting, we will be able to look into the reasons and possibly change the date or hour accordingly.

Remember, this is my normal practice for calling people. There is no magic formula and I may call several times if things don’t improve.

How do we book an appointment? After scheduling an appointment with any candidate, the second day and up to your next request are approved or canceled, you will need to schedule a new time either for 1) To join me discovery (aka – FREE consult)! OR 2) For me (or our systems via email). Rescheduling appointments cannot be canceled.

#3: Disqualifying Questions

It is important to establish a rapport with your prospect. If they don’t match, it’s OK to ask them a few questions.

Are there any issues with what I’ve said? Please share your thoughts here if you see any problems with what I said.

You might consider suggesting other solutions. Which products and services can we talk about?

If they are enthusiastic and there are no objections, you can continue to ask them if they would like to act immediately. Sales reps must close at least one deal.

#4: Finish the prospect.

Asking questions that are easy to answer with a yes or no is not a good idea. Don’t ask questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no.

I need to know how much you earn in salary. If they say “Yes”, it is likely that they know the answer already and don’t want to discuss it. Do not ask them questions like “What would happen if this project failed?” Wait for more information before you ask what would happen if the project fails.


To keep it short, I will only focus on the discovery call that results in a sales order.

First, qualification is an essential step in any sales process. It happens during the discovery call. We don’t just sit down with friends and drink coffee for 10 hours only to discover that they hate long walks along the beach. Then we spend two years sweating, blood, and tears helping them create content-marketing strategies. Before we can qualify them,

A discovery call is a great way to help your prospect understand the terms of their purchase. It will be difficult to offer the solution that you have if you don’t get to know your prospect and their problems.

This is a great opportunity to spot red flags in the background of the solicitation process and help them address those issues before you move forward.

A good discovery call is a great way to establish authority early in the sales process, so your prospect will respect what’s next.

It is crucial to get to this point, as it sets the tone for the entire sales process. This is what determines whether or not you can establish a relationship that allows products to move and allows you to make money. You don’t want any issues to come up after the sale.

It’s not a good idea to dig into pre-sales processes and not establish those parameters beforehand. The discovery call defines how long each discussion will last and when decisions should be made.

It is important to understand the prospect’s needs and match them with the right vehicle. It’s also important to understand their time constraints and why.

Your chances of closing the deal are higher if you have more information about your prospect before calling. These are just a few reasons why discovery calls are so important.

By asking basic questions during discovery, you can get value-added questions on every call

A single question can provide relevant information. One answer is always 100%. A buyer may have an issue


1. How can you structure a discovery conference?

You can talk with potential prospects over the phone during a discovery call. To determine if they are a good fit, you need to learn more about them and their company.

Prepare for the call by having key questions prepared that will guide you in the right direction.

It’s obvious that you think of:

  • What are they selling?
  • What number of employees does the company have?
  • Which market are they targeting?
  • How long have they been in business?

2. What should you say to a client in a discovery meeting?

You must be ready to share your knowledge and expertise with the interviewer during a discovery call. These questions should be prepared:

  • What is your name?
  • What is your experience in the field?
  • What are your qualifications?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What qualifies you for this job?
  • In 5 years, where do you see yourself?
  • What can I do to make my discovery calls more effective?

A call-tracking tool is the best way to improve your discovery calls.

This will let you know how many people have seen your video, and what their opinions are.

3. What’s the purpose of this discovery-call template?

This template provides basic information to the interviewer about you to help them start the interview more personally.

There are two types: Discovery Calls and Pre-screening. Pre-screening is different because you will be asked questions like why you are interested in working at this company and what qualifications you have.

During discovery calls, interviewers will have the opportunity to hear your story. Interviewers may want to know about your past and why this job is so important. To help them get a better idea of you and the type of person they are looking for, they may ask additional questions.

4. How can I make a discovery call with a coach?

A discovery call can be a great way for you to learn more about coaching. This allows you to ask questions, and learn more about your potential coach.

These steps will help you make a discovery phone call.

  • Ask potential coaches if they are available to meet for a discovery call.
  • Make sure to set the date and time in advance so that they can fit it into their busy schedules.
  • You can write down any questions you may have to prepare for the call before it starts (if needed).
  • Start by introducing yourself and explaining why you are interested in working together. Next, ask if they are available to speak on Skype or the phone (if they have the time).


A discovery call, in short, is a call that an agent uses to gauge the prospect’s interest in buying your product. You can conduct this call by phone, email, or any other method that makes it easy to do business efficiently.

You should have one goal during this discovery call: to make your prospects understand why your product is important and how it could solve their problems. Also, show or sell them why they would benefit from purchasing your product over another.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.