
Creating The Ultimate Webinar Marketing Strategy


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Educational content is becoming more important as nurturing relationships with your target market is a key marketing goal for any company. A webinar marketing strategy is a popular way to share your knowledge with prospects.

Wyzowl research found that 49% of respondents had participated or hosted a webinar. It is also a very efficient strategy according to 87%.

These statistics can be used as a call to actions if you aren’t sure if you should create a webinar marketing strategy.

But, just having a webinar plan is not enough to make it a success. As with any type of content, a quality idea is only valuable if it’s seen by the right audience. This post will show you how to promote your webinar and reach prospecting registrants.

The advantages of webinar marketing for your business

Webinars are a great source of valuable, free information in 2019. Because you can listen from experts at your home. Awesome.

Webinars are a favorite of both marketers and business owners. This allows them to create an effective strategy for webinar marketing.

  • reach new prospects;
  • Build brand trust
  • Communicate with your target audience
  • Move your leads and visitors down the sales funnel.
  • Increase the knowledge of your customers who already use your product.

All these benefits make webinars a powerful marketing tool. As strange as it may sound, this tool is still a marketing tool that needs to be used.

6 Steps to promoting your upcoming webinar

Promoting your webinar to as many people as possible is the main goal of webinar promotion. These are the steps to help you reach your audience and increase registrations.

Step 1: Select a topic

It is important to start thinking about webinar promotion during the planning phase. It concerns the question that you will be highlighting. It should be engaging and address the urgent needs of your audience.

Find out what your audience is looking for, and then give it to them. Engaging topics will simplify the advertising process and save you time in proving the webinar’s value.

This is how you can find out what questions your prospects are most interested in.

  • First, think of a general idea that you would like to emphasize. You could use the example of keyword research.
  • Next, visit Answer the Public. Enter your target keyword in its search field. This tool will display the Google queries of your prospects.
  • Take a look at the results and choose the questions that you would like to answer in your webinar. The question “How to do keyword research on YouTube” was one of my favorites for the webinar.

Step 2: Find traffic-driving keywords

After you have decided what topic to cover, add traffic-driving keywords. This is a crucial step if you want to leave the landing pages with webinar recordings available after they are hosted.

You can improve your video’s organic visibility by optimizing its title or description to include the correct keywords. It will help you increase long-term organic traffic for your webinar.

Useful tools

An SEO tool such as Serpstat, Ahrefs can help you find keywords. If you use Serpstat, it will be easy to find the pattern. Click on Search, enter your target phrase in the search field, choose your country, then click on Search. Go to the Related Keywords section from the Overview Report.

All search terms that are semantically related to your query phrase will be displayed. You can then choose the keywords that best suit your topic and have the appropriate search volume.

You can now expand your topic using the chosen keywords. If your topic is keyword research for YouTube, your optimized title might be: “How to do keyword search for YouTube: Optimizing YouTube tags.”

Step 3: Analyze your audience

A well-targeted action plan will be possible when you understand who is most likely to view your webinar. Before you plan a webinar, analyze your audience.

You can access the demographic data for your audience if you have already used Google Analytics. Its reports are limited and you should contact your sales team to get more information about your buyer persona.

The audience analysis will reveal the average age, gender, and position of your customers. It also reveals the problem your brand solves. This information will have a significant impact on your webinar marketing strategy. You can use this portrait to help you with the following tasks.

Choose the perfect day and time

A webinar is most effective when it takes place between 10 AM and noon.

The best time to host a webinar depends on the location of your audience. It can be difficult to reach people from different countries. If your webinar begins at 10 AM British Time, Americans will still be asleep.

Calculate the expertise level of your listeners

What does your sales team know about your product? Do they have experience with the product? Or should you start from scratch? These questions will help you to create targeted, useful content.

Learn their pain and help them make the right decision

You can find millions of articles online with general tips on any topic you can think of. People watch webinars to hear from real experts and gain actionable tips. When creating a webinar structure, consider the reasons customers choose your company.

Step 4: Use influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is the king. Invite influencers to participate in your webinars and you’ll have hundreds of registrants before long.

Search Engine Land, for example, invites two marketing experts to host its webinars. After the webinar has ended, editors create an article that includes a summary of the presentation. They also attach the recording to the end of the article.

This step will help increase brand awareness and bring you many new customers.

Step 5: Leverage email and social media marketing

In your newsletters, include the invitation to the webinar. This simple step will allow you to grow your contact list if you already have many. This is how the Oncrawl team announces its webinar series:

Never underestimate the power and potential of social media channels. Post an announcement on Twitter, LinkedIn and other channels at least two weeks prior to the webinar’s live date. Don’t forget to remind people about the webinar by following up.

Step 6: Add a pop-up

To inform website visitors about the webinar, use a pop-up window. You only have a few seconds to grab their attention before they click on the X button.

This means that you should come up with a catchy name, write a short, interesting description, and then add the timer to give it a sense of urgency.

These windows are not intended to be irritating but to generate leads so you need to be careful about how you use them. Make sure they are displayed on the right pages and that distractions are minimal. Pop-ups can also be distracting for mobile users.

Of course, it would take a long time to list all the ways to promote your webinar. However, there’s no sense trying to implement all the tactics at once.

This post has summarized the most effective webinar promotion strategies. These are the best webinar promotion techniques. Focus on them and find which ones work for you. As an additional reading, you can also visit the best web-based webinar software platform article.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.