
Best Practices To Convert Followers Into Customers


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Are you fed up with social media taking too much time and producing very little results for your business?

Engaging in Facebook groups, searching for the right hashtags, creating unique images, creating content, and responding to comments is a lot of work. While social media is essential, there are 200 other tasks you need to do every day. Although your likes are growing, it’s difficult to justify the effort if it isn’t generating sales.

Business leaders love social media because it is powerful when used properly. A few simple steps can help you make the most of your work.

How to make sales using social media

It’s not easy to convert social media followers into customers. People don’t use social media to shop, they do it for other reasons. Even your most loyal followers know this. It’s not easy to get their attention. But it is difficult to keep them interested long enough to make them consider doing something that they didn’t plan to do when they first logged in. 

If someone is looking to purchase from you, they will go directly to your eCommerce store and not your Twitter feed.

Is that to say social media cannot generate sales? Not at all. Social media is better than direct sales.

1. As a source for new leads

2. To engage current leads, followers, customers, and customers

They will eventually need to purchase what you are selling. Thanks to the way that you have built a relationship via social media, they’ll be heading to your store.

Here are six ways you can turn more of your social media followers into paying customers.

1. Direct offers

People follow you because they have a reason. This means that they will be more open to sales offers from your brand than someone completely unfamiliar with it. Offers are encouraged!

You shouldn’t make selling your main social activity. Otherwise, you will lose people’s attention. Followers are warm people who share a common interest in your products and services. It’s a big mistake to not reach out to them.

Offer limited-time deals Give holiday-themed deals. Run contests. Introducing new products. Direct selling via social media is best if you sell everyday products and services that people use. They will respond more quickly if they are presented with your offer at the right moment.

If they make a purchase, then you can use social media’s greatest strength to expand your online reach. This is because people who are familiar with each other and trust one another will be able to connect. Referring to customers who are happy is a great way to increase sales.

2. People who don’t want to buy can remarket

Social media is a constant frenzy of clicks and scrolls, likes. views. comments.

Your ads and posts are only one of many flashes in a sea that is constantly active, where most people are passively engaging with your content.

Remarketing is a way to remind people that they are interested in your product and give them another chance at buying. This is a great way for you to reach small, targeted, warm leads.

Remarketing on Facebook can be particularly effective as it can often deliver higher engagement rates and more revenue than other Facebook ads. Install the Facebook pixel to do this. This is a line that records specific visitors to your website so that you can reach them again via Facebook.

3. To draw people to your site, you can use existing content

It’s the best thing you can do to get your social media followers to visit your site. You will have their full attention once they are there. Potential customers will click on something if you share enough content.

What should you write about? Your existing pages can be leveraged, such as:

  • Blog posts
  • Products
  • Service pages
  • About pages
  • Pages that can be used to compare you with your competitors
  • Get a free trial or other leads generation offers
  • Landing pages

You can use almost every page of your website as the basis of a social media post. Why? Why?

4. Email addresses can be traded for trade resources

Your followers will be open to your offers because they are warm. It’s easy to follow a business on Facebook and unfollow it. They haven’t made much of an investment yet. There is a big difference between following a company and purchasing from it.

This gap can be closed by offering very low-cost or free lead generation. These leads encourage you to take some additional steps toward your business, even if they don’t buy anything.

Lead magnets should be available on your website and social media. These lead magnets should be targeted at your audience and not the general public. A lead magnet is a tool that people give their email addresses to receive. It should promise to solve a problem.

Examples include:

  • eBooks
  • Guides
  • Checklists
  • Surveys
  • Polls
  • Webinars
  • Exclusive Videos
  • Free trial period
  • contests
  • White papers
  • case studies

Any free lead magnet should aim to get the contact information of their leads. This usually means an email address. This allows you to market to leads and engage in focused marketing. You have their attention if they open your emails. You can also send them emails repeatedly: videos, sales copy that is longer than the ultra-short, special offers, limited-time promotions, and product launches.

They can reach them through social media. The email closes the deal. It all starts with lead magnets that you can promote on social media.

5. Empathy for your audience

This principle is the foundation of all strategies that you have read: Be real.

People don’t want to be sold. People are looking for solutions and ways to make their lives easier or more enjoyable. They are looking for inspiration, help to improve their lives, and to be understood.

You’ll be able to win customers by figuring out how you can deliver solutions that address those needs. Your answers don’t have to all be related to products. You should present yourself as a problem solver, someone who cares about people and not just making sales.

This problem-solving approach can be used to create lead-generation products. Find solutions to specific problems and make them easy to understand.

You’ll gain authority and trust as you show your concern for your target audience and demonstrate your ability to solve them. This is how you can become an inviting guest and stop being an annoying nuisance.

Businesses that they trust, like and respect are the best. They purchase from guests who are welcome to the business.

6. Keep following up

Leads can be great. Customers who are first-time customers are more successful. However, if your goal is to grow your company, you will need to have long-lasting relationships. Follow-up is key.

You can contact your customers by phone, email, SMS, direct mail, or Facebook Messenger. Follow-Ups allow you to track open and click rates as well as segment your email list into smaller groups and schedule emails ahead of time.

Other options include sending personalized coupons with the name and address of the recipient printed on them. This is a great strategy if you want to drive traffic to a physical place.

Get the most out of social media

Now you’re reaping the benefits of your hard work. These six marketing strategies will help you turn casual followers into evangelists and customers into loyal customers. Kobe Digital offers valuable tools to help you amplify your efforts.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.