
Content Marketing Vs SEO Which Works Better For You


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Many businesses consider Search Engine Optimization (SEO) a digital myth. Google updates its algorithms and rules frequently so some competitors use black hat methods like keyword stuffing to get higher search engine rankings. 

SEO is a key factor in determining the success of your website. If it isn’t, it should. To maximize a website’s digital presence, there is a fine line to walk.

SEO is a key component of any marketing strategy. With 40% of all organic revenue coming from organic traffic and two-thirds of web users not moving beyond the second page of Google searches results, it’s important to remember SEO.

Best practice SEO techniques and content marketing work together to get your website on the first page. Here are our suggestions for how to do it.

Don’t give in to black hat techniques

Unbelievable numbers of businesses will do anything to get their website on the first page of search results. They’ll use keywords, hidden backlinks, low-quality links, and tiny text to overload their content.

While these black-hat tactics may temporarily increase your search engine rankings, the complicated and constantly updated Google algorithms will eventually catch up to you. It’s just a matter of time. Kobe Digital promotes the highest road. This is a strict approach to giving your website the SEO boost that it deserves, without compromising your business’ reputation or trading your integrity.

How to make content marketing work for you

Content marketing should be viewed as a strategy. It’s a way to achieve a goal. You can execute it through many channels and media like blogs, videos, social media, and more. This is where the fine line is between SEO and content marketing. While SEO is more technical, content marketing can be used to tell your brand’s story and blend in technical SEO strategies in broad strokes.

It is all about making your content easier to find. Content marketing is what gets your content in front of people, wherever they are.

Organically integrate keywords into your content marketing strategy

SEO keywords are an essential part of content marketing. Businesses should use keyword research to find out what users are looking for, the most popular topics, and what websites they interact with.

It is easy to fall prey to keyword-rich content. Search engine algorithms can pick up on such content quickly, as no audience wants to read jargon content. We must write for humans. We should include keywords in our writing.

Rand Fishkin demonstrates how to create your content-to-keyword map. This will help you to identify where to optimize and what content to build. It also shows you how to target keywords successfully when auditing sites.

Creating fresh content that’s with the times

The Google algorithm approves new, relevant content. This is a universally accepted practice. The ranking of new content is much higher than that of old, stagnant content.

You may find that third-party websites will use your content as a reference point. Once this happens, you can start reaping the benefits from backlinks to authoritative websites. There are many benefits to publishing new content on your website regularly, but focusing on quality, relevance, and consistency will provide long-lasting benefits.

You can’t just keep creating new content, but it is important to know where your audience is looking and to provide interesting content. It doesn’t matter if it’s a blog, testimonial, or podcast. What content should we produce?

How can Kobe Digital help?

Kobe Digital is an integrated marketing agency in Phoenix. We pride ourselves on being media agnostic and able to identify the best marketing mediums and brand strategies to solve your business problems. To achieve success in nearly everything we do, we have developed a three-step process that includes insight, strategy, and content.

Our uniqueness is in how we consider your strategy and your problem and create a thoughtful approach that works across all channels. Each channel supports the other.

Multi-channel marketing has been proven to work. It keeps your brand top-of-mind and remembered as prospects move closer to purchasing. We aim to have a direct impact on your bottom line, as with all the work we do.

We take you and your audience on a content-based journey to build a lasting relationship. We have a deep understanding of SEO and content marketing and can help you to optimize web content while keeping it relevant, high-quality, and customized to your business needs.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.