
10 Secret Ways To Boost Sales By Adding FOMO In Marketing


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FOMO is a popular marketing technique. You must have heard it: Fear of Missing Out. What does FOMO really mean for us humans? What is FOMO marketing?

Humans have a feeling called regret. This regret drives a lot of our behavior. FOMO is the fear that you will miss an opportunity. It is the regret we feel when we look back at our lives and wonder “What would it be?” This is what marketers do well.

Marketers use FOMO marketing to appeal to consumers’ common fears. FOMO marketing can increase conversion rates and revenue significantly by encouraging customers to take a fast buying decision. Customers who aren’t motivated to act immediately might be more inclined to wait. However, if they wait, they may change their minds.

This article will explain the FOMO technique and provide examples to help you understand it better. I’ll also give you 10 strategies that you can immediately use to increase your FOMO conversions. Let’s get right to it!

What is FOMO?

FOMO marketing is, basically, a message that taps into a prospect’s desire and urges him to act before the opportunity passes. You can choose to buy a book, pants or stylish headphones at half price. Many people regret missing an opportunity. They would rather buy on impulse than deal with the pain.

FOMO is a psychological phenomenon that has a profound effect on our decision-making. We are risk-averse creatures and FOMO has a psychological root. We may skip buying to avoid the risk of missing out on a deal that doesn’t meet our expectations.

On the other hand, in some cases, avoiding risk means that we avoid regretting missing an opportunity. We don’t want this to happen. Let me give an example.

Let’s say you are planning on buying a car. Once you have a rough idea of the type of car you want, and the amount of money you are willing to spend on it, you can start to plan your purchase. On your way home from work, your local dealer announces a huge promotion for certain cars. The one you are interested in is the first.

Perhaps you are still considering buying a car, but haven’t made a decision. Would you buy the car now if there was a big deal? This is FOMO marketing.

This scenario is not unusual if you work in marketing. To get the target audience to act, viral campaigns often contain elements of FOMO.

While FOMO doesn’t guarantee that customers will make a decision, it does provide a number of tried-and-true methods to improve your conversion rates. These techniques will be discussed in the next section.

There are 10 effective ways to create FOMO in marketing

Before you learn how to use FOMO, there is one thing you should remember. This strategy of marketing should not be used to trick customers. You must be honest when using FOMO. If you want to build loyal customers, then you need to make offers that are relevant to them.

If a promotion is ending in 24 hours, then end it within 24 hours. It is not a good idea to announce that the promotion will end in 24 hours and then have it end after 24 hours. If the customer returns after a week, however, it will still be 24 hours. FOMO is a way to trick customers and make them feel like they are losing their business.

Let’s now look at the top 10 FOMO strategies to boost conversions and improve your marketing campaigns. For maximum results, you don’t need to use one technique. You can combine multiple techniques. It all depends on your creativity. Let’s get started!

FOMO marketing technique #1 – Offer great deals for a limited time

FOMO marketing is all about time limits. It’s simple to grasp, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter if a deal isn’t changed forever. If they don’t take action, it will be hard to miss it.

The rule of thumb is that FOMO deals should be limited to a brief period. As I said, you shouldn’t delay the expiration of the period. If your customers discover that you have tricked them it will damage your brand reputation.

Offer your audience a 48-hour 50% discount on a selection of your top sellers. Spread the word via email, social media, and other platforms.

FOMO marketing technique #2 – Features lots of testimonials and other social proof to your conversion page

Social proof is a powerful tool in marketing that can generate conversions. When used correctly, it can lead to accelerated results. What are the top things you should be looking for when you’re about to purchase something? Reviews and testimonials from customers who have purchased the product are a great way to find out what other customers think.

This insight will help you decide where to place customer testimonials. This is the bottom of your sales funnel. Or, to be more precise, the conversion page. Customers will be reassured if they see others buying your product.

Marketing technique #3 – Make an attractive offer with a deadline

In Section 1, we discussed the countdown clock. But the countdown clock cannot live without a special offer. Discounts, in particular. Your customer must see a compelling offer while the clock ticks.

It doesn’t always have to be a monetary discount. You can get free shipping, a gift or a downloadable product, but it doesn’t have to be a price. Your FOMO offer is powerful because of this special element.

Marketing technique #4 – Sell products/services in a bundle

Bundles are widely used in all industries. Cell phones and cellular bundles are two of the most popular bundles. You can purchase a cell phone directly from a cellular provider, and then subscribe to their services. This will allow you to buy the phone for a much lower price than if you bought it in a retail store that doesn’t offer cellular services.

Insurance companies use the same approach. If you purchase different types of insurance from the same company, you will be offered a bundle price.

This technique allows you to group products together and offer them at a limited time. Bundles are more appealing to buyers than separate products because they have a higher perceived value.

FOMO marketing technique #5 – Craft Clever Message

It is important to remember that language matters in FOMO marketing. This can have a negative impact on customers’ emotions and make them feel like the deal is ending soon.

Strong adjectives and verbs create urgency in your marketing communications. You can use phrases such as “Don’t Miss This”, “Almost gone”, or “Only 2 Hours Left”, to create urgency.

Keep your message concise, clear and strong. When you are creating your FOMO message, remember your target audience. If you are marketing to people who enjoy photography, use photography terminology to communicate your message.

FOMO marketing technique #6 – It’s not about selling

FOMO marketing is a great way to increase sales online. FOMO marketing can have a huge impact on building brand recognition.

Gary Vaynerchuk is a well-known digital marketer who recently sent an email to spread word about his podcast. He began by saying that he noticed an important difference in his email list and the podcast subscribers.

He then presents a special offer to his listeners by telling them that he will be publishing valuable content exclusively on his podcast. He informs his listeners that his podcast content will not be available on other channels. They must subscribe to his podcast in order to receive this valuable content. This is how Gary uses FOMO in order to gain more followers and build his brand.

Increase his followers and brand recognition

FOMO marketing technique #7 – Create limited-issue lead magnets.

This technique uses FOMO marketing to generate leads, not sales. This is easy: lead magnets (an infographic or ebook) are usually free and provide a lot of value. However, those who wish to receive them must sign up with their email addresses.

You can make multiple lead magnets and only offer one at a time. Limited products are perceived to have higher value.

Marketing technique #8 – Use user-generated content

Customer testimonials and reviews can be great but user-generated material (UGC) is just as powerful. Don’t overlook the opportunity to include customer-generated content (UGC) in your FOMO marketing campaigns if they are creating content about your product.

While reviews and testimonials are not enough, UGC that includes images and videos can have a greater impact because prospects can see how your products were used.

GoPro is a great example of UGC. GoPro’s Instagram account features loads of UGC that helps increase awareness and exposure for their product. How can you benefit from this approach?

You can host a giveaway or contest offering incentives for customers who create UGC using your product. You should make your offer attractive, but restrict the number of people who can sign-up and join.

Marketing technique for FOMO #9 – Exit-Intent popup

An exit-intent popup is another effective way to make people feel compelled to leave your site. It offers visitors a chance to receive a special discount or other valuable benefits.

Exit-intent popups are displayed when website visitors visit your site. To capture their email address, offer them a compelling offer. This type of marketing is bold. Make sure to use strong words, images, and excitement to encourage people to act on this incredible opportunity.

FOMO marketing technique #10 – Partner with influencers

People trust the opinions of celebrities, bloggers, YouTubers and celebrities they follow closely. These people can be a part of your FOMO marketing campaign by partnering with you.

This technique can be implemented by partnering with influencers who have the same style and reputation as your products. For example, if your products are baby products, you could partner with moms on social media. Then, use their reviews of your product to help you market your products.

This technique, combined with a great deal under a ticking clock will bring in a lot of sales!

Last words

Marketing with FOMO is powerful. Using it strategically and creatively can help build your brand, increase your reputation and ultimately drive sales. This article will provide valuable insight into FOMO marketing and 10 ways to make it happen in your business.

Please leave a comment below if you have any questions about FOMO marketing. We can then discuss it further.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.