
7 Best Sales Coaching Platforms You Need To Consider


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Sales coaching is an integral part of the sales process. It involves many duties, including setting a sales strategy for reps and training them. This blog post will help you choose the right sales coaching platform for your company.

What is it?

The sales platform is a great tool to increase sales skills. Instead of struggling with the traditional way of selling your product, which can only be done with limited time and effort, the platform can be tailored to each user’s needs.

A sales coaching platform offers many benefits, including the ability to coach in real-time, access templates, and tools, collaborate, and learn from experts.

Businesses can also opt for paid subscriptions, which range from monthly to annual. This allows them to maximize the benefits of this resource.

The TOP SEVEN Choices in Sales Coaching Platform

1. Close: Coaching

Close: Call Coaching provides you with live and on-demand coaching through a powerful sales coaching platform.

Close: Call Coaching allows you to coach reps on the phone or remotely via webinars and email

Close: Call Coaching provides a sales coaching platform that helps reps improve their call skills.

This app allows you to coach your team on specific topics or areas of improvement by using voice recordings and live calls.

This tool can be used to coach reps on a range of calls including cold calls, landing pages, and pitches.

Close: Call Coaching offers two subscription options. One is a monthly plan that gives you access to all modules and live coaching sessions, and the other is an annual plan that provides more than 150 hours of coaching.

This platform is for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses.

2. Outreach.io – Outreach.io provides personalized sales coaching through AI and natural language processing.

Outreach.io gives you access to live coaching via phone, email workbooks, and automated follow-up tools.

This app can be used to connect with experts, collaborate on projects and track your progress.

There are two subscription options available: a monthly plan that gives you access to all modules and live coaching sessions; or an annual plan that provides more than 150 hours of coaching.

3. Gong.io-

Cost: No Charge

The best feature: Monitors all conversations and gives insight into the sales process

Gong.io allows you to monitor conversations across all channels such as email and phone calls, messages on Slack, and social media.

Gong.io gives you insights into sales processes and shows you which channels work best for your team.

You can access one conversation at a given time and have limited data tracking on the platform.

You can upgrade to a premium plan, which includes unlimited data tracking and unlimited calls.

4. Brainshark-

Cost: $150 per user per month (Live Chat Coach Plan). See all pricing plans here

The best feature: Live coaching within a CRM.

Brainshark offers live coaching capabilities, including the ability to listen in and see the activity of your team inside a robust CRM. This gives you an advantage over other coaching platforms as you can track and measure progress in the same system that your business is managed.

Brainshark can be used to communicate with prospects and customers on the phone, record conversations, and receive notifications when important calls occur.

5.VoiceVibes – Free

Best feature: The ability to record and playback calls

VoiceVibes allows you to record and listen back to calls.

This feature is useful for coaching as it allows you to review conversations and make adjustments based on what you see.

For feedback, you can also share your recordings with other members of the team.

The free plan has limited recording capabilities and doesn’t include live chat. The platform also offers paid plans with more features.

6. MindTickle- Free Cost

Integrating with CRM’s sales is the best feature.

MindTickle can integrate with many sales CRMs. This allows you to collect data from your calls and then manage it all in one place.

It is easy to track how leads are moving through the buying process, and whether closing transactions are occurring as expected.

While the free plan offers limited data tracking, there are paid plans that offer additional data tracking and analysis.

7. Convin.ai- Cost: $5 per user per month

Best feature: Automated coaching during live calls

Convin.ai provides automated coaching via live calls.

This feature allows you to focus on the conversation at hand and keeps your customers engaged.

You can also record all conversations, so you can look them up later and find ways to improve your sales strategy.

Unlimited recordings and live chat are included in the charged plan.

Many believe that sales coaching is key to a company’s success.

Sales coaching has a unique feature: It draws on the expertise of ex-salespeople who have been very successful and are hungry for more.

Many companies have their sales coach from within to help them succeed in the market. The typical monthly cost for sales coaches is between $5,000 and $20,000

Many companies offer a living wage and benefits such as health insurance or retirement savings plans.

Why Leaders Should Care About Sales Coaching Platforms

The Sales Coaching Platform can help increase revenue, decrease customer churn and improve sales performance.

These platforms are cheaper than onsite coaching and are increasingly popular with organizations. When your sales team is not performing at its best, this is the time to invest in a sales coaching platform.

A Sales coaching platform offers many benefits, including:

-Reduced customer turnover and increased customer lifetime value

-Optimized sales processes and improved efficiency

-Increased productivity, decreased time spent on tasks not related to the sale

Better alignment between marketing and sales efforts

-Increased revenue growth

-Improved customer satisfaction ratings.

How to Apply for a Sales Coaching Platform

Although many sales coaching platforms can be quite expensive, they are still affordable and you can use them even when sales are low.

It’s better to hire a team of people if sales are high and have regular meetings with them.

Before implementing a sales coaching platform, it is important to evaluate the productivity of your sales team.

If the company experiences low sales performance, customer turnover, or poor alignment between marketing efforts and selling efforts, it is a good idea to hire sales coaches.

When deciding whether a sales coaching platform should be implemented, here are some key points to remember:

Productivity of the Sales team

-Size and scope

-Mort spent on inbound marketing efforts

How to Choose the Right Sales Coaching Platform?

Sales coaching platforms can be a powerful tool for the sales process.

These coaches can help you achieve your sales goals and assist you in your sales process. Choosing the right platform is important because it has different features and costs.

These are some tips that will help you choose the right platform for you.

-Discover the different features offered by different platforms.

Review the platform to find out if customers have found it helpful in reaching their sales goals.

You can try out several platforms to find the one that best suits your needs. Consider the amount of money you are willing to invest. Some platforms can be relatively inexpensive while others may be more costly.

Decide which support type you require: email, phone, or chat.

Ensure that the platform is available worldwide so you can access it from any part of the world.

Benefits and Perks of a Sales Coaching Platform

The Sales Coaching Platform is an excellent resource that will help you find new clients or leads.

A platform will not only give you the tools you need to grow your business but it will also allow you to let your clients know all about your hard work so they can refer you to their friends.

A Sales Coaching Platform offers many benefits, including:

-The ability to connect with multiple clients and leads simultaneously

-A feeling of transparency over your progress and what you should do next.

Access to resources that will help you increase your sales skills


1. What are coaching platforms?

Online coaching platforms allow you to connect to a coach who can help you in your professional or personal development.

There are many coaching platforms, but these are the most well-known.

1. Coaching365

The platform provides one-on-one coaching and costs a monthly subscription.

2. Coach Me Now

This platform makes it easy to find a coach to help you with any goal or challenge you might be facing.

3. Lifehack

This platform offers access to thousands upon thousands of articles, tutorials, and other resources on a variety of topics including career advice and personal development.

2. How can you coach sales?

There are many ways to coach sales.

A system that tracks your customer’s progress, and what actions they take as a result of coaching is one way to go. This will allow you to see which coaching methods work best for your customers.

You can also have regular calls with the sales team to discuss customer progress, challenges, opportunities, and other ways. This will allow you to give feedback and support your team so they can sell more successfully.

Online tools such as Zoom or Salesforce can be used to track sales data and allow you and your team members to work together on strategies.

3. What is sales management coaching?

Sales management coaching helps sales managers improve their leadership skills and manage sales teams.

Sales management coaching is designed to assist the sales manager.

1. Learn the basics of selling and how it works.

2. Effective strategies to motivate and manage sales teams.

3. Understanding customer preferences and needs will enable you to offer solutions that match those needs.

4. Create a good relationship with your customers so that they buy from you even after the sale is over.

4. How much does it cost to hire a sales coach?

This question is not universally answered. The cost of a coach for sales will depend on what type of coaching is needed. Most coaches charge $50 to $200 an hour.

5. Which user would benefit the most from a sales coaching platform for their business?

A Sales Coaching Platform would be most beneficial to a select few users.

This is the first user who is just starting in sales and is looking to improve their skills. These people would benefit from accessing resources and feedback to help improve their skills.

This second category of user is for someone who has been in the sales industry for some time but wants to advance their career. These people would benefit from tips and strategies that help them reach their goals more quickly.

The third category of users is someone who is struggling in sales and wants to get back on the right track. This person will benefit from the support and guidance they need to overcome any challenges.

6. What are the disadvantages of using a sales coaching platform?

While there are many benefits to using a sales coaching platform, there are also some disadvantages. It can be costly. If you don’t have a strong relationship with your coach, you might not be able to get the most out of the program.

A Sales Coaching Platform will help you increase sales by offering guidance and support through the entire sales process. You can improve your selling skills, confidence, and communication skills.

A Sales Coaching Platform offers the following main benefits:

* It will allow you to be more focused on your goals and not on tasks that are unrelated to them.

* You can track your progress and see how changes in your behavior have affected your results.

* Access to an expert will be available, who can offer advice and tips when necessary.

7. What are some great online sales training courses for beginners?

Many online courses can help you increase your selling skills. These are some of the top courses:

1. eCommerce Bootcamp

This course will teach you how to manage and create an online shop from the beginning to the end. This course covers everything you need to know about setting up an online shop, creating sales copy, and building an audience.

2. LeadPages Academy

This course will teach you how to create landing pages that convert leads to customers. This course will teach you how to create automated processes and track your results with powerful analytics tools.

3. The 1-Page Formula

This course will teach you how to create one-page websites that convert leads into customers. To drive conversions, you will need to learn how to use catchy headlines and powerful calls to action.


Sales coaching can help you improve your selling skills. You will feel more confident and increase your sales.

You can track your progress on sales coaching platforms and see how your behavior is affecting your results.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.