
App Marketing Behavioral Segmentation Examples


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You must look at different methods to grab the attention of mobile app users, as the industry has become saturated.

Have you ever wondered why Amazon and Starbucks announce discounts or sales during festivals, or why customers are more inclined to purchase products from brands that donate a portion for child welfare?

This is a key component of many business strategies that aim to win the hearts and minds of the target audience. This is possible by behavioral segmentation.

As you can see, behavioral segmentation is a method that allows you to divide your target users into smaller groups based on their behavior.

This refers to their attitudes, knowledge, choices, and behavior toward your products or services.

This process can be used by app developers to create segments for users such as seasonal users, frequent users, seasonal users, and mid-frequent users.

Mobile app developers and marketers use this process to understand the customers’ needs and want better, explore the possibilities to optimize their experience, and, ultimately, gain better revenue.

There are four major benefits to behavioral segmentation.

1. Create a Personalized Experience

Understanding that every customer is different helps to divide and sort them into different groups so you can target them with different offers or personalization content.

2. Predict the Future

The ability to segment people by their behavior makes it easier to predict their next move. This allows you to create an app marketing plan using the futuristic approach. You can also consider a guide for predictive analytics for the app.

3. Make a list of priorities

Because not all users will bring the same benefits to your app business it is important to differentiate them and target the ones that are more valuable to your brand. Another reason to consider behavioral segmentation is that it can be used to identify users with higher value.

4. Perform better

Finally, app developers and marketers can use behavioral segmentation to measure their app’s performance, as well as other metrics beyond downloads. This helps them to develop a long-term strategy.

App marketing is all about behavioral segmentation. It includes other components that give marketers better insight into your target audience’s buying, planning, and decision-making journeys.

What are the 4 types of behavioral segmentation?       

1. Purchasing Behavior

This section is about how customers behave when making a purchase decision. Do they carefully review every detail? They may choose the recommendation of their friends and family. Do they purchase something from their routine?

This means that you should be looking at the factors that influence people’s buying decisions and putting them more often in your App Marketing Strategy. And ultimately, more profits.

2. Occasions Purchasing

Customers often purchase an app product/service only on one occasion. It is important to consider the occasion for which you are purchasing an app product/service.

Better yet, look at what occasions are more profitable and sales-generating. Hence, focusing on a better marketing campaign during those days can increase your business’s value.

3. Customer Use

This section examines the frequency with which they use a mobile app, such as their time of day, month, and year. An example is that an office worker spends more time ordering food from Zomato during lunch than at other times.

This information can be used to better target users through push notifications, in-app messages, and other strategies.

4. Loyalty

It is important to identify loyal customers because not all users who use your mobile app regularly are loyal customers. This is the basis of behavioral segmentation. It can be used to deliver lucrative benefits to them, as well as to prevent them from being attracted to your competitors.

5. Benefits

This Behavioral Segmentation component allows you to discover what makes customers prefer your brand over other brands. Do they like the quality and services you provide? What are your marketing strategies? Or do they rely on your brand for convenience? 

This will help you to identify the motivators of your customers and work heavily on them.

These five subcategories of behavioral segmentation are useful for businesses, mobile app specialists, and new york digital marketers agencies to build better marketing strategies and increase ROI.

Let’s now look at different ways to introduce behavioral segmentation in mobile marketing.

Five Behavioral Segmentation Examples for App Marketing

1. You can resell your products

This technique allows marketers and mobile app developers to look at the purchase history and search history of users. They then explore the possibilities of bringing them back to their platform and generating sales based on the information they have gathered.

This concept is best understood by Dell, which uses behavioral segmentation to illustrate it.

The company’s computer technology company keeps track of who visited their website, what products they searched for most, and how long they spent. They create ads that feature these products to encourage people to take the next step based on the information they have.

2. Find new customers

Behavioral segmentation is a different marketing strategy than other strategies that target your niche industry. It allows you to find alternative ways to attract customers.

An example of this is an app that delivers groceries on demand to the fitness world. They can let people know that healthy food can help them get results faster. This will encourage users to add more food items to their carts.

3. Improve your user persona

Similar to location-based segmentation and behavioral segmentation, businesses can enjoy greater benefits by creating user personas that are used for the development of an app. This technique allows app marketers and businesses to better segment their audience and invest their energy where it is needed.

Users who recently bought or built a home are more likely to sell it.

Real-estate companies can use this information to exclude homeowners who are not interested in selling their homes and to send out promotional messages to those who do. This will increase engagement and convert more homeowners while saving time in attracting new homeowners.

4. You can customize messages based on devices

App marketers can also use behavioral segmentation to increase their push notification game, and generate revenue-generating messages.

This concept allows marketers and businesses to see that iOS users spend more than Android users, so, they can target iOS users first.

5. Conversion-Ready Audience: Pay more attention

Although there may have been many users searching for the same item or visiting your site for hours, not all will be looking to purchase products/services simultaneously.

In this scenario, behavioral segmentation is a way to determine who converts easily and send more content to them – instead of targeting everyone at once.

You can use behavioral segmentation to gain valuable insights into your target audience

Mobile app competition is fierce. It is a waste to invest your time and effort in any activity if you don’t know how your target audience behaves and what their needs are.

You can now understand the process of behavioral segmentation, and boost your app marketing strategies by including the concept in your plans. You will ultimately see a higher ROI.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.