
Why You Need To Learn About Google Ads Metrics


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Monitoring key metrics is essential to understand the success of your Google Ads campaign. It was difficult to see the true position of your ad in the past. Google now offers new metrics that you can use to track the success of your ads.

This page will discuss the new Google Ads position metrics that you can monitor for your campaign, and how monitoring them will benefit your company. Call us today to talk with a strategist if you need assistance monitoring your Google Ads campaigns.

Let’s get started!

Google Ads: Understanding the workings of Google Ads

You must bid to place your ad in a Google Ads campaign. Google determines an ad rank for each ad that is placed in an auction. Five main factors determine your rank:

  • Bid Amount
  • Ad Quality
  • Thresholds for Ad rank
  • Search context
  • Expected impact of an ad

These are all factors Google considers when ranking your ad. This will show you your ad rank. You will be given a number when you have been granted your ad spot.

The number “1” will be given to the top-performing ad, which is the first ad on the page. Every ad that follows it will get the number for its ad position. This is also called your average position.

It is important to understand how Google’s Ad Position Numbers work. It doesn’t necessarily mean your ad will be at the top of the search results if you are in the number one spot. Sometimes ads will appear at the top of search results. However, the first ad may be at the bottom.

The number two position does not guarantee that you will appear in the top of search results. The search results may only show one ad, so the second will be at the bottom.

It is difficult to determine where your business’s ads fall. You may know you are at number 2, but you don’t know if it is at the top or bottom of search results.

Without knowing where your ad is placed, you won’t be able to assess the impact of your campaign. A campaign may not be performing well due to ads falling below search results.

Google’s new metrics will give you a better view of the performance of your campaign.

Google’s new metrics

Google has released eight new metrics to help businesses better understand their campaigns. These metrics can be found in your Google Ads dashboard. These are the impression-based metrics that you can access for your Google Ads campaign.

  • Impression (absolute top%) percentage: This indicates the percentage of impressions that a given advertisement receives above the organic search results. This percentage will show you how often your ad is the first one in search results. This calculates the number of people who see your ad among the top search results and not the number that clicks on it.
  • Impression (top) percentage This indicates the percent of impressions your ad receives at any position above the organic search results. This percentage will be applied to any position in the organic search results, regardless of whether it is the first or third.
  • Search impression share: This impression share (IS metric) measures the impressions that you have received in the top ad positions relative to the impressions that you could have received. It is simply the number of people who see your ad divided by the number of people who could.
  • Search (top), impression share: This refers to the impressions that you get in the top location (can be any one of the top advertising positions) as compared with the impressions that you might receive from an advertisement.

There are also new metrics that will help you understand why your campaign doesn’t perform as well. These are the four metrics that you can use for monitoring campaign loss:

  • Search lost top IT (budget) This is how many top impressions were missed due to budget constraints. This metric shows how many impressions were missed in top positions due to budget constraints. This metric can be used to help you visualize what might happen if your budget was increased.
  • Search lost the top IS (rank). This represents how many impressions were missed in any top-ranking spot because of your Ad Rank. This will show you how many impressions your ad missed due to its position. This will help you to understand how your ads perform in certain positions.
  • Search lost absolute TOP IS (budget). This number will show you how many absolute tops (first place) impressions were missed due to budget constraints. This number will help you determine how many top-spot impressions are missing due to budget constraints or other factors.
  • Search lost absolute TOP IS (rank: This metric allows you to see how many impressions are missing due to Ad Rank. This is especially useful if your ad appears at the bottom of the page, but you are in the first ad place.

These are the metrics your business can use to better monitor your campaign. Instead of solely focusing on your ad’s number position, it is possible to break down your campaign’s performance by looking at its actual position.

These metrics can help you grow your business.

These metrics may make you wonder what they can do for your business. These are just three reasons you should pay close attention to these metrics.

1. Get better insight into your campaign

These metrics will help you to understand the performance of your campaign. These metrics are very helpful in helping you to understand your average position. This will give you a better understanding of the middle position of your ad and how it impacts your campaign.

Running a pay per click (PPC) ads is a massive part of impressions. You can optimize your campaign by understanding how impressions impact how many people see your ads and how many click on them.

2. See how well your ads perform on mobile

These metrics will allow you to see how your ads perform on smartphones. This will show you how often your ads are at the top. This is significant because 52 percent of PPC clicks are from mobile users.

This is supported by the fact that 46% of people cannot tell the difference between PPC ads and organic search results, especially when it comes to mobile. Because mobile users are looking for quick answers, they’re more inclined to click the ads and choose the first result that seems most relevant.

You’ll be able to monitor your ad position better on mobile.

3. Your ads can be improved

You have more insight into your campaign, which means you can make it better. You have more chances to improve your campaign if you have better metrics.

These metrics allow you to see the performance of your ad in various positions. It is possible to see the impact of a number 2 position at the top and bottom of your campaign. This information will allow you to understand how your campaign can drive better results.

It could be as simple as updating your ad copy to make it more relevant. A better quality score is one of the key determinants of your ad position. This will result in a higher ad position which can lead to better campaign results.

These metrics will allow you to measure your campaign more accurately so that you can achieve more positive results with Google Ads and get more leads.

Kobe Digital is a leading PPC expert

PPC can be a great way to get your business more leads. To make the most of your PPC campaign you must use Google Ads position metrics. This will allow you to see how your ad is performing. Kobe Digital has over 12 years of experience in running PPC campaigns that deliver results.

We are a new york digital marketing agency that offers full service and specializes in custom PPC campaigns. Our team includes experts who will help you with your campaign. Partnering with us will result in a dedicated team that will drive results for your company.

Kobe Digital is a PPC agency that will make your campaign a success. Our team of experts can help you create a campaign that you love.

Get started today

Contact us online to get started with monitoring your Google Ad metrics for a better campaign. Or call us to speak to a strategist today.

We are eager to help your business achieve new heights!

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.