
What StoryTelling With Your Emails Can Do For You Business


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At family dinners, at friend parties, during office lunches, and sharing photos on social networks, we tell each other stories every day. This information is more important than the facts.

Our brain uses the language portion of our brain to translate words into meanings, but also the emotional brain parts when we read stories. Combining what we hear with our personal experiences, we can imagine color, taste, movement, and smell.

What is storytelling? Where does it come from? 

Storytelling refers to the art of telling stories for listeners to feel engaged.

The emotional bond to the brand is what determines trust and affection. This attachment can be started with a story. Storytelling goes beyond that. A story solves a problem, resolves a conflict, or does irreparable good.

How storytelling works

When we hear boring facts, our brain engages only the left hemisphere. Stories involve the right hemisphere which produces images, pictures, and emotions. This chemical reaction produces oxytocin which is essential for any deal to succeed. The client won’t have to be convinced if you can create an emotional connection through the story.

Commercial storytelling serves many purposes.

  • Propaganda
  • Unification
  • Communication
  • Influence


Stories can inspire, persuade and convince. Stories have the potential for being lasting and motivating others to do good things. Nike promoted, among other things, women’s freedom to choose their sport in early 2017.


Stories can help shape a project, brand, or company’s culture, and create a common identity. Lego created a cute commercial that used a sketch of a family’s life as a metaphor to show how customers can be brought together by a company that creates cubes. Parents then stop walking barefoot inside the house.


Stories build trust and that is key to understanding. Communication that leads to the goal will be more effective if there is greater understanding.


Stories are a way to inspire and build trust. As everyone knows, Steve Jobs was an entrepreneur, inventor, and industrial designer. He was a wise man who believes in everything, and that is what he did when he delivered his Stanford speech.

Commercial stories: Features

You need to use storytelling in your company’s marketing

  • Describe the purpose of your story
  • Be client-oriented
  • use the “situation-problem-solution” scheme;
  • Show the audience the brand’s value
  • If possible, tell a story to engage clients or make them a part of it.

How to tell stories people will believe

To tell a story, you don’t need to be a skilled storyteller, creative researcher, director, or editor. You don’t have to be a master storyteller or researcher to create a story.

Stories to Tell:

  • About the creation of the product
  • About working with clients
  • About successes and failures
  • Directly about the product
  • Information about the company
  • Anything that is directly or indirectly connected to your business.

There are many ways to tell a story

Marketers aren’t limited to telling stories through text and video. You can use comics, cards, or podcasts to present your content. It is important to follow the algorithm.

Storytelling algorithm

Analyze the target audience to tell stories

This is true, but marketers and associated professionals often overlook this step despite the fact marketing activities, such as launching an advertisement campaign or implementing new products, all begin with research on the target audience.

You should first assess the listening and listening skills of your listeners or readers before you tell a story. Then, you can bet on those who are more loyal or more receptive.

Storytelling is the main idea

A commercial story is a marketing tool that catches users’ attention and creates trust.

Marketers should remember that every fact has a story. It starts when a fact is discovered and it has an obvious impact on the course of events. When a fact is somehow relevant to an audience, it becomes important.

Choose a hero to tell your story

A company’s stories about its product or job depend on the context of the client – their lifestyle, habits, and interests, rather than the company itself. The client’s image or that of a relative (mother, spouse, or child) could be the main character. It could be a pet, a household object, or any other familiar object.

The character is often drawn from a living person. The audience then thinks “Oh, this would be what my mother would do and this would be what my friend would say.” To fully understand the character, you need to be able to see how he would behave in certain situations.

Selecting the plot

Commercial storytelling is not about the story, but the benefit it will bring. Marketing is all about demonstrating how the brand can solve the customer’s problem.

Storytellers often base their stories around the product’s utility to customers. The story’s foundation is typical as follows: A hero meets a problem and solves the problem using the product of the company.

Email marketing storytelling

Companies that create mailing lists use numbers and a brief listing of facts to keep subscribers’ attention focused. They believe that if someone has opened the letter already, they should get the “maximum benefits”. They don’t need it if there isn’t trust in the company. Trust cannot be built without emotion.

Stories in letters are more than just facts and numbers. They include characters and a plot. This can influence readings and establish a relationship between subscribers and the brand. It also involves the use of the product.

Many consumers are already blind to banner advertising and can’t see the messages in newsletters. However, they don’t yet know how to read letters with stories. These emails are what draw attention to their contents.

Features for email storytelling   

Emails with content stories are often long, but if the story is compelling and holds the reader’s interest from the beginning, they will be more likely to complete the email and take targeted actions.

Important: The subject and preheader are the two most important parts of a letter’s storytelling. The headline can make or break a letter.

Email storytelling techniques

These are some ways you can tell stories with letters:

  • Announcements for blog articles as standalone stories
  • A brief story that leads to a specific action.
  • Let us know if you have any questions.
  • Stories in the article previews
  • Stories and quotes from customers of the brand
  • Stories featuring a brand mascot
  • Cases.
  • Comics.

Mailings can include videos, jokes, and intrigue.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.