
How Instagram Can Help You Gain Traffic For Email Signups


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A list of email subscribers is one of your most valuable assets. 

Your email list will not be taken away by the Google Algorithm change or ban on advertising accounts.

No matter what happens in online marketing, your email list will continue to be an effective channel of communication with people who are interested in purchasing from you.

80% of retail professionals believe email is their best driver of customer retention. 59% of B2B marketers agree that email is the most effective channel for revenue generation.

But that doesn’t mean you should not diversify the methods you use to build your list.

You have to remember that if you only use one channel to build your list, the growth of your list will be affected by any changes in that channel.

Diversification is a priority.

Instagram is one of the most overlooked ways to build an email list.

It can seem strange to use Instagram to build an email database. But it is quite simple.

In this post, we will show you how to use Instagram to create an email list.

We’ll be looking at both the basic and more sophisticated ways to get people onto your email list.

This post will explain how to use Instagram to diversify your email list growth.

Let’s begin!

How it all works

It can be confusing to think of Instagram as a way to generate email sign-ups. Let’s take a look at the process.

These are the steps to take to get Instagram to sign up for your email.

  1. Give people an incentive to sign up for the email list
  2. Find your ideal audience on Instagram
  3. In the bio section of your Instagram account, add a link to our email list
  4. Ask others to join our mailing list.

This four-part process will enable you to sign up for your email list via Instagram.

You might be wondering why step 1 (giving people reasons to sign up) is before step 2 (creating an online audience). This is because step 1 will help identify your audience.

To understand why people sign up for your mailing list, first determine who your target audience are and what incentives they will use to get them to do so.

You can then use what you have learned to curate/find a highly targeted Instagram audience. They will be open to your requests when they sign up for your list.

After your Instagram account has gained an audience, you can let your audience know about your email newsletter and the benefits of signing up. This will be discussed in greater detail later. However, here are some ways you can ask your followers to join your email mailing list on Instagram.

Give people a reason why they should be on your mailing list

In the end, Instagram is just like any other medium for generating sign-ups for your email list.

You must give people who follow your Instagram account a reason to sign up for your email list.

Offering something in return for their email address is one way to convince people to sign up for your email list.

Depending on what type of business you are in, there are usually three ways to get people to sign up for your list.

  • Offer a discount code
  • Free trial
  • Your target audience will appreciate you offering some type of information

You can be more specific, but these are good places to begin.

Let’s take a look at some other examples that show how you can get people on your email list to sign up for yours.

A discount code is a great way to encourage people to sign up for your ecommerce store.

Although it does not necessarily promote a discount code here’s an example of an online store that promotes savings’ as an incentive to sign up for the email list.

This is a better sign-up incentive. It lets people know that they will receive PS10 off their first order if they sign up.

This approach is more value-oriented, and there is a high chance of better conversions.

You could offer a 14-day trial to people who sign up for your email list if you have a SaaS company.

You could also offer people a piece of content.

Wordstream wants people to sign up for their mailing list by sharing this piece of content.

A piece of content is a great way for a service business to convince people to sign up for their email list.

This is a fantastic example, of digital marketing in new york.

This piece of content by SingleGrain is extremely compelling for their target audience and would generate conversions.

Most people find giving away content a great way of getting people to sign up for an email list.

There are two options when it comes to content creation.

  1. A complete overview of a topic is provided by a content
  2. Helpful content that solves/avoids a particular problem

Consider creating two pieces of content such as this. This allows you to reach different stages of the buyer’s journey.

Now, normally, you might promote ‘consideration/decision’ content to people once they’ve entered your funnel.

It can be difficult to determine which part of the buyer’s journey your audience is in when building an email list using Instagram.

It’s a smart idea to post different types of content to keep your Instagram profile relevant to all your followers since you are dealing with so many people.

It’s easier to market to buyers on Instagram by creating content that addresses different stages of their buying journey. People might have initially dismissed your profile/content because it addressed issues that weren’t relevant to them.

This allows you to keep your followers’ attention for longer periods, which will increase engagement and longevity of your profile.

Let’s look at this example.

Let’s say, for example, that you own a service business that provides conversion optimization services to ecommerce store owners.

One piece of content you might offer could teach your audience everything they need about increasing the sales for an online store.

This content is appealing to the Instagram user who wants to increase their ecommerce sales but doesn’t know where to start or what their ecommerce store should be focusing on to do so.

You could also offer content that teaches people about how to reduce bounce rates on product pages.

This is content that is targeted at solving a particular problem. This content will appeal to Instagram users who are looking for solutions and know their problems.

These people, for example, know that low ecommerce store sales can be due to poorly performing product pages and are now looking for solutions.

The other content related to sales might have been ignored by the same audience. This audience might have initially felt that this content was too general and wouldn’t meet their needs.

It is also worth noting that people who sign up for this content are more likely to purchase from you. This is because they are further along the buyer journey. If you can get their email address, then you can ask them if you could help them with their ecommerce store problems.

How to Create an Instagram Audience

After you have figured out how to get people to sign up for your mailing list, it is time to build an audience.

When trying to grow a stable and relevant following on Instagram, the core idea is to post content that your target audience would find useful.

Similar to what was said earlier, the type of business you run will determine the content you post to your Instagram account. 

Consider posting photos of your products if you own a business that sells them.

  • Your products
  • How your products are made
  • Your employees
  • Create ‘Comical Content’ that resonates with your audience

This is the most important step in achieving your goal.

It’s easy to create content that will be shared widely and help you increase your Instagram followers.

Consider posting photos of your SaaS business or service company.

  • The people who work within the business
  • Events/publications where the business was mentioned (conferences, etc.)
  • Events in the business

This technique is more effective when you have an audience. However, you can post content that asks your audience.

You can also use relevant hashtags to increase your followers. 

Use relevant hashtags to make it easier for people searching Instagram to find your profile.

Let’s say, for example, I own a store selling hiking jackets.

If you are looking for good hiking jackets on Instagram, type “hiking jackets” into the search box. This will automatically add an Instagram hashtag to your query.

The platform will display a list containing Instagram posts that used #hikingjacket.

This means that if I use the hashtag #hikingjacket when I post pictures of my hiking jackets on Instagram, I will be able to get in front of people who are looking for hiking jackets.

Running contests is another way to grow your audience.

While contests can be a great way to grow your audience, they are not the best way to do so.

People may follow you to win the contest, but not because they are interested in solving the problems your business solves.

It is important to remember that they have asked people to follow their accounts and tag their friends.

These two requests, in addition to other requests, help to increase the reach of the contest. It increases the chances that many people will be made aware of the contest and profile.

It will encourage people to follow the account and tag others so they can enter the competition. This will increase the reach/follower count of an Instagram profile.

The same approach applies to those in the B2B market.

You can also generate Instagram followers by running Instagram ads.

You must ensure that your Instagram account has interesting content and is worth following before you start an advertising campaign.

This will increase your chances of getting people to follow your account once they are made aware via an Instagram advertisement.

You can increase the reach of your audience by advertising, contests, or asking people to tag another person in the comments section of an Instagram post.

Facebook Ads are not a direct way to increase your followers. However, it is possible to do so by similarly using Facebook Ads as you would on a Facebook Page.

You can overcome this problem by creating an ad campaign that revolves around a popular piece from your Instagram account.

This will allow you to create an advertising campaign that will bring in followers.

Your chances of generating engagement with your ads campaign are higher if you choose a popular piece.

This is why a type of ad campaign can be a great way for you to increase awareness and get followers.

This will enable you to target a very specific audience and attract them.

Instagram app is the best way to create an Instagram Ad Campaign that will grow followers.

Let’s look at what you can do.

To begin, go to the settings section in your Instagram app. Tap the gear icon to do this.

After you have completed that, click on “Switch to Business Profile”.

After this quick process is completed, your account will become a Business profile.

After you have done this, you can restart the app and select the post that you wish to promote.

Promoting one of your most popular posts is a good idea.

Because you are working with a proven piece of content, this will increase your chances of your campaign producing results.

Next, tap the “Promote” text below the image.

Next, you will need to choose an objective for your campaign. You can only choose these objectives at this time.

After you have done this, you will need to choose the call to action and adjust the targeting settings. Here you will also need to enter your website URL.

You have two options. One is to leave the targeting as ‘Automatic’ and one is to ‘Create Your Own’. The information you get from your buyer will help you create your target market.

After you have done all of this, you will need to decide on the budget and length for your ad.

Then, you will need to wait for your ad approval.

After the ad has been live, click on the View Insights button to view the results of your promotion on your Instagram account.

Ads are a great way to increase your Instagram followers.

Although it’s not the most efficient way to market your products, it can help you attract targeted followers who are interested in what you have.

So that’s how to grow your Instagram audience.

Let’s now take a look at what you can do to get people to sign up for your list.

Get people to sign up for your list

This section is fairly straightforward after all the other topics we have covered.

Let people know you have something to share and let them know how to access it.

What are the details of how to do it?

Remember that you cannot include a URL in your Instagram post descriptions. It is possible to put a URL in your post descriptions, but it won’t be clickable.

It’s a smart idea to include the link in your bio if you want people to visit your email signup page.

You can tell people via Instagram by including the link in your bio.

You can create a custom image to attract attention. This lets people know what you have to offer.

This is possible with Canva.

It is not enough to assume people will click the link in your bio. If you mention you have something to give away but don’t mention the link, they will be granted access to the item.

Bonus: Use Instagram Stories to encourage people to sign up for your list

You’re likely to have used Instagram Stories in some capacity. This feature allows users to swipe up to visit a specific link.

This feature can be used to sign up for your email list.

Click on the link icon at the top to create your story.

Next, add your URL on your sign-up page.

When you make your Instagram Story, tell others about the freebie and remind them that they can swipe up to access it.

An option is to add a call-to-action on top of your Instagram Story.

If you are creating an Instagram Story that is primarily composed of images, adding the call to action using the above approach is a great way to go.

Pro tip: You can segment emails from your Instagram Stories as well as your bio to create two separate lists. This can be done by creating two landing pages for your email collection.

This will help you personalize your emails more effectively. A study shows personalized promotional emails have a 29% lower open rate.


In this post, we will show you how to use Instagram to get email sign-ups.

You must give people compelling reasons to sign up for your Instagram account, just like in other situations.

This is best done by creating something your target audience would love. Here are some ways you can make something that is appealing to your target audience.

We also covered the various ways that Instagram can help you find your audience, including using Hashtags and paid advertising.

It’s not as simple as other methods to generate signups via Instagram. You’ll have to think outside of the box.

If you do it right, you will be able to diversify the methods that you use to generate email leads. This will make your business more stable.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.