
Why Your Stores Faq’s Page Is A Must


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Your site’s Frequently Asked Question page is more than a place to answer customer questions. It can increase conversion rates, increase customer loyalty, and save you countless hours of customer service.

This is the place to find shipping information. It is also a place where you can clarify your policies (e.g. returns and cancellations) as well as provide details about your products.

You can make the most out of this page by considering what you need to include, how it is structured, and how your customers will find answers.

Your FAQ Page’s Primary Mission:

Make your customers feel at ease, and they will be more confident in you and your ability to deliver.

Unanswered questions can be a significant barrier to a customer making a purchase. The FAQ page is a quick and efficient way to answer as many questions as possible, without having to speak with every customer.

Customers should feel secure and safe when entering their payment information. However, they also need to be able to fully understand your product and all other aspects of the ordering process. Customers may be curious about the fit of a “medium” size t-shirt if you sell them.

They will be willing to take a chance on your clothing if they aren’t sure how it fits. However, they will want to know that there is an easy and risk-free return process. You have little chance of selling if they aren’t confident in the fit and if they don’t feel comfortable returning the product.

You can simulate in-person shopping by anticipating customers’ questions and providing clear answers. Your FAQ page can help bridge the gap between brick-and-mortar and online shopping.

Customers come from many backgrounds and have different life experiences. This means that their questions can vary greatly. It is impossible to answer all questions while providing seamless user experiences.

Users have learned to expect an FAQ page and will search for it whenever they need it. When designing your product pages and user interface design, ensure that the FAQ page is easily accessible and add navigation points to areas customers may have questions about. For example, it could be located at the end or on a page about shipping methods.

Other benefits for online store owners

Customers can easily find the answers they need without having to send an email, call or launch a chat. This saves time and money. This can add up quickly to thousands of dollars if you have a growing business.

FAQ pages are also more user-friendly and enjoyable, which increases the likelihood that customers will return.

Coffee Bros. Coffee has its FAQ Page to answer questions about the origin, flavor, storage, and grind sizes of its coffee. This and other FAQ information make it easy for coffee-loving customers to find the right product and keep the shopping experience moving forward.

Hyperlinks can be used to link FAQ pages to product or service pages. This will keep customers on your website and direct them to the pages that bring in revenue.

These search engines also have important SEO benefits. Search engines can be used by potential customers to search for information about your company, products, or your industry. Your website will be more popular with potential customers if it has the answer to their questions than a competitor’s.

How to Collect Commonly Asked Questions

It can be overwhelming to answer customer questions, especially when they are sent through multiple channels, such as email, phone, and social media. This information is very valuable. You can then determine which questions are the most important to include in your FAQ page by collecting them.

What are the best ways for your customers to ask questions?

  • Customer support tickets. Support tickets are a great way to find out what your customers need. What are the most frequently asked questions? These questions should be included on your FAQ page.
  • Talk to sales and support personnel. Include your employees, especially if they interact with customers. You’ll get valuable insights from them about what is most important to your audience and what they are most comfortable answering.
  • Customer feedback. What are the most common questions customers have when calling your business? What emails do your customers send you?
  • Surveys. Surveys. CrowdSignal makes it simple and can be integrated directly with your website and email marketing platforms.
  • Social media. Social media. Are customers posting questions or leaving feedback about your business on social media? These are important points to consider. Use the Questions feature on Instagram Stories to reach customers directly.

You should establish a procedure to regularly review your FAQ content. A quarterly update, for example, will ensure that your FAQ page contains the most current information your customers require and value.

You can check the FAQ page data periodically if you use Google Analytics. It is possible to measure things such as bounce rate, number of new and returning visitors over time, average time on FAQ pages, and other metrics. These are all indicators of whether a FAQ page is successful or not.

FAQ Design & Configuration

Consider high-visibility areas like your footer or main menu when adding FAQ content to your website. It is also a good idea to link to it from other pages if you can, to make your FAQ content more visible and useful to customers.

Your FAQs should be designed in a way that customers can find the information they need quickly without having to go through a lot of content or spend too much time searching. You have many options for how to design and organize your FAQ page to maximize its effectiveness. Here are a few of the most helpful.


Your FAQs are displayed in accordions as a vertical stack. This allows your users to expand each question and reveal the answer. Site visitors can see all questions in one place and quickly find the answer they are looking for.

Green Dinner Table is a New Zealand-based delivery service that delivers plant-based foods to Christchurch. They use an accordion layout to keep the FAQ page simple and concise. The page has only 14 questions and answers and is easy to navigate.

While many themes include accordion functionality, there are also great WordPress plugins that can be used to add this design style.


It is easy to categorize your FAQs based on the interests of your customers. This is particularly useful if your products or industries are different.

Scrollino is a manufacturer of innovative rewinding books. They categorize their FAQ pages by type of question: How to Use and Fill Materials and Sustainability, and Payment and Shipping. Clicking on a category will bring up questions related to that topic. If someone is looking for something specific they will find it immediately.

Search Function

Your FAQ page can be enhanced with a search bar. This makes it easier for users. All they need to do to find the answer to a question is to type it in. This is especially useful if you have any questions.

FixjeiPhone provides search functionality for some layouts we have already covered (categorization, accordions), to enable customers to choose the most useful method. The search bar is located at the top of the page. It has a large, bright button that makes it easy for customers to locate.

It even automatically suggests frequently asked questions if you search for a phrase or term. Or it allows you to view all questions.

Use Your FAQ Page to Help 

Your FAQ page, a simple but often overlooked section of your website, can be one of the most difficult-working pages on your site. Take a look at your FAQ page objectively. Make it easy to find and navigate. Be sure to answer all your questions.

You’ll find that an informative FAQ page can help you avoid repeating the same questions over and over again. It will also provide a great user experience for customers and prospects, which in turn will increase your company’s revenue and success.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.