
Why You Need To Be Transparent With Your Audience


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Digital marketing success is increasingly dependent on authenticity. This blog will examine the importance of authenticity and explain why it is important for us and our audience, especially in digital marketing.

Be authentic in all your relationships

Authenticity is a key component of digital marketing and marketing strategies. You’ve probably heard many people say that genuine people are rare. People who are honest with us tend to be more comfortable with us. We also appreciate criticism, even when it comes to some criticism. Cloak and Dagger are too common in business, and many people climb up the ladder by lying to others. We are becoming more aware of the sales interaction process as a community.

You’re likely to be one of the most aware people in society if you have ever had a sales job that required you to convince customers to purchase a product. It’s not only sales jobs that require understanding the concept. Everything you do is influenced by sales. You are selling the idea to anyone you attempt to convince. It is crucial, to be honest in these interactions.

What it means for online marketing

Although people tend to distinguish between online and face-to-face marketing, the same principle applies to any marketing strategy. Trust is key to building trust with clients and customers.

Caution! Caution!

As technology advances, the media’s influence grows. The younger generation is learning how to distinguish between genuine brands and fake advertising. CNBC reports that Millennials are especially skeptical of everything due to student debt and current economic conditions. Millennials are the largest generation according to Statistica. This means that you will want to be concerned about their opinions if your brand is important.

What can you do to show authenticity in online marketing?

  • Clearly state your purpose. It’s that part of the conversation when people ask themselves, “What is their purpose here?” Answer it for them. Be consistent with your message and actions
  • Show your audience content. Post your audience’s content, regardless of whether they are your customers, clients, or anyone else who supports your cause. This will let people know that you are not afraid to criticize others and don’t just post positive things. This will help you gain respect.
  • Inclusivity. Potential customers and clients want to see that your brand isn’t a dictatorship. They want to see that you care about your employees and treat them well.
  • No jargon. Avoid jargon when communicating with your audience. They don’t want to be confused and feel that you are speaking at their level.
  • Help Real World Problems. People want to know you aren’t just in it for money. You and I both know that you do a lot of good things, including charity, caring for the environment, and ensuring employees are paid fairly. Just make sure to let people know about it through your brand
  • Your employees & your team. Be consistent in representing your vision and goals.
  • Social media. Your interactions on social media should have the purpose of representing your brand. Every little thing you say can hurt your brand’s image. This is especially true with the influence of the internet. Be careful, but be professional. Keep your interactions friendly, helpful, and positive.
  • Website. Although this one is obvious, your website should include all the elements listed above in its content. Your website should be transparent.

Here are a few examples

Fashion stores are fond of using “supermodels” to advertise their products, as they have a reputation for making anything they wear to look great. Many people realize that these images are unrealistic and prefer to see real models. Many clothing stores now use diverse models to promote their products.

Companies that focus on social media marketing also use authentic, unaltered photo and video content that their audience has submitted. This includes a reference to their brand via a hashtag on social networks like Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter.

Do you remember receiving a handwritten letter from someone? You know that handwritten letters are more personal and intimate than ones written up. Many brands now use the business owner’s handwriting to communicate with customers, even if it is a simple thank you. It’s a great way to build a lasting relationship with your customers and clients. It is important for people to feel that you care about them. The way you show this can make a big difference.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.