
Online White-Board Solutions For Old Marketing Problems


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As everyone began working remotely, online whiteboards became a huge hit in 2020. Online whiteboards allowed for virtual collaboration and interactivity, which helped teams collaborate. But, digital marketers saw something much bigger.

Online whiteboards were quickly recognized by marketing teams as a solution to the problem of dissimilar marketing channels. Marketers used to work in silos until recently. Social media was the only concern of the social media team. Paid search was the only concern of the paid search team. The content team vs the paid advertising team was only concerned about…

Every team was able to visually align their plans, strategies, and performance metrics for the first time on an online whiteboard. This created a single source of truth for everyone. 

Here are some ways online whiteboards give digital marketers visibility and the tools they need to deliver seamless customer experiences.

What is an Online Whiteboard?

Online whiteboards are interactive workspaces that allow teams to collaborate in many different ways, including sharing sticky notes, charts, videos, and any other file that is useful for the project.

Online boards can be used in infinite ways, unlike the physical whiteboards found in offices. Online boards allow you to add as many discussions or projects as you like to your canvas. You don’t need many files that are static on your drive. Instead, all the information you need to make marketing decisions is in a visual layout.

The information on the canvas doubles as documentation. This means everyone has the most current files and can also work asynchronously to contribute to the discussion. There are many possibilities for collaboration.

How digital marketers use online whiteboards

Online whiteboards offer unlimited flexibility, which is one of their greatest strengths. You can add anything you like and arrange the information in a way that makes the big picture clear.

You can display all metrics in a visual layout, so you can see how your SEM and content campaigns performed last quarter. This allows each team’s story to be told in the context of other channels, rather than being told separately. 

Digital marketers don’t need to create new marketing processes when moving to online whiteboards. You can already use dozens of templates that have been created by other marketing departments.

Eitan suggests starting with the foundational canvas templates, such as Customer Journey Mapping, Campaign Design, and Retrospectives. Let’s take a closer look.

  • Customer Journey Mapping

Marketing is about engaging customers at the right time with the right messages. The customer journey map allows marketers to visually track their customers’ interactions with the product. This provides you with the context and information to anticipate your customers’ needs.

The entire team can see opportunities right from the first interaction with a customer to help them reach their goals.

This customer journey mapping template can help you get up and running in just a few minutes.

  • Campaign Design

Campaign design connects all your marketing channels. It creates a single source of truth that guides your entire marketing campaign. Every stakeholder can contribute to the 360-degree plan, which covers every New York digital marketing agency initiative, via an online whiteboard.

Marketing involves many roles, from product design to writing and management. To view the campaign holistically, all channels can be displayed on one board. This allows you to get extremely tactical. You can, for example, show wireframes and decision-making trees visually and track them alongside the customer journey.

The campaign template in Kobe Digital allows you to organize all relevant files and details for each channel. This is a great way to link your overall marketing plan. Anyone can access the whiteboard to instantly understand the strategy, creative ideas, and tactics behind each part of the larger campaign.

  • Retrospectives

Retrospectives allow you to look back at the campaign and discuss ways to improve. These meetings were before the advent of online whiteboards. Each team presented its static slides and told its story.

You can bring the entire project into an online whiteboard and review it. This includes content, design, social media, email, PPC, and SEO. To see the entire campaign holistically, everyone can view it. This will allow them to understand how they work together as one customer experience.

“In our retrospective, we can view everything we did side by side to see exactly how it happened. Zoom in on a project to view details, then zoom out to see the whole plan. This allows everyone to see how each project fits into the larger strategy we all share.

There are many ways to conduct a retrospective, depending on the team composition and campaign goals. 

Offer your customers the experience that they deserve

Digital marketers have an unlimited canvas with which to plan and refine campaigns online. Online whiteboards are a great way to strengthen client relationships for both freelancers and marketing agencies in Miami. They allow them to collaborate in real time.

Customers don’t care much about marketing channels, as you probably know. Customers don’t care about marketing channels. They see companies, and they make decisions based only on the brand experience. Phoenix Digital marketers now can offer customers a cohesive and compelling experience with online whiteboards.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.