
Ecommerce Trends To Boost Your Ecommerce Business In 2022


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Since the pandemic started earlier this year, online shopping has been growing rapidly. The competition is fierce and will only increase in 2021. This means that you must be at the forefront of ecommerce trends.

These are some of the tools and ideas that we believe will help you increase sales in your ecommerce store in the New Year.

Apps for installment payments

Installment payment apps are a new addition that many online retailers offer on their mobile apps and digital storefronts. This makes buying easier and more convenient. These apps can increase your sales because ecommerce trends indicate that customers value being able to pay in small amounts over time and without having to use a credit card. Installment apps can connect directly to customers’ bank accounts or credit cards so that payments are guaranteed.

Your mobile-shopping customers will spend more if they have the option to use an installment program. Your products will be more accessible to a wider audience if you offer the option to split payments into several interest-free installments that don’t require a credit check.

Chatbots can automate and expand your ecommerce company

Because chatbots are being adopted rapidly by ecommerce companies, they deserve another mention. Chatbots are applications that mimic human conversation. Facebook Messenger is a popular platform for bots, with its large global user base.

A Messenger chatbot can be a great way to grow your store. It can do everything on its own, including sales, marketing, support and other aspects. Messenger bots are able to instantly communicate with customers at any time, 24 hours a day. This saves time and improves customer care.

Messenger bots can recommend products, suggest upsells and answer questions about your products for sale. They can also direct shoppers to your website at the end of the conversation. A Messenger chatbot is essential if you want to impress your customers and increase the revenue of your store in 2021.

An omnichannel approach that works

An omnichannel approach allows you to reach customers wherever they are. This means that customers can be reached via email, SMS or social media. Customers will be more loyal to brands if they can see their favorite brands in many places.

AI-powered chatbots are becoming increasingly popular as part of the Omnichannel Approach. These bots can be customized to communicate through popular messaging apps. These personalized chatbots for ecommerce can increase sales by allowing customers to see and learn more about the products and services they need.

The changing role of social media in commerce

Social media platforms make it easier than ever to show your products and allow people to purchase them. Instagram Shops and Facebook Shops are just two examples of the benefits you should take advantage of. You can make product discovery and purchasing easier with them.

Advertising and social media marketing companies in Phoenix are here to stay. So you can reach your target audience where they are, ensure your brand is present on all major platforms.

Sustainable and eco-friendly initiatives

Many customers are interested in learning about a company’s green initiatives, as environmental issues continue to dominate the news. Customers are increasingly looking for brands that emphasize sustainability. A recent study found that sustainable brands were able to grow 5.6 times faster that those who didn’t emphasize this aspect. Consumers will continue to desire eco-friendly products in 2021 and want them to arrive in sustainable packaging.

With the chatbot trend, you can benefit from sustainable advertising. Chatbots can answer questions and share information about your eco-friendly initiatives. Your ecommerce business can increase sales by sharing your commitment towards sustainability using the omnichannel approach.

Websites and interfaces simplified

Customers will leave your site if it is too complicated, confusing, or overwhelming. In 2021, minimalistic websites and interfaces are expected to grow in popularity. These websites showcase products and services with minimal text, graphics or colors and are simple to navigate.

A minimalist design is one that only includes the essentials. This allows shoppers to focus on your products and services rather than trying to navigate the site. The site is simple and clear, so that users know what to concentrate on without having to explain. This site is easier to use and more enjoyable for users.

Personalization should be as high as possible

In 2020, “Personalization”, the most popular marketing term, was still in fashion in 2021. Personalizing customer experiences is key to success in ecommerce, as many businesses offer similar products and services. Personalization is a powerful way to increase sales.

First, Messenger chatbots automatically have access to basic information about any user that interacts with them. Your bot can greet users by name or by time zone (e.g. Good morning, Erica!). Chatbots can gather information from shoppers to help them make personalized product recommendations. These components create a highly personalized experience that customers will remember and can help increase sales.

Video marketing is on the rise

You are behind the curve if you don’t use video to promote your ecommerce store. It is becoming a popular way to increase sales and it is easy to see why. Take this as an example: 73% US adults are more inclined to buy after watching a video explaining a product/service. Video can have a direct and positive effect on sales.

There’s even more good news for your online store: marketing videos do not need to be expensive feature films. You can make them short and use your mobile phone to film them. They should be engaging and tell a story to convince users why they need your product.

Multilingual resources available

You can reach customers all around the world when you have an ecommerce shop. This means that your target customers may not speak English or English may not be their first language. This is why your website, chatbot and other informational resources should be available in multiple languages by 2021.

Imagine how much non-native English speakers would value it if your online shops provided information in their native language. And how much more likely they would buy. Your brand will stand out from other brands that don’t offer this type of service by having a multilingual chatbot and website.

Here’s to 2021 success for your ecommerce store

Ecommerce will continue to grow in 2021. These trends are set to explode. These trends are a great opportunity to increase sales and grow your business in the coming year.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.