
Social Media Marketing Expectations For The Future


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Experts are arguing that social media marketing is dead despite the rich history of the medium. It isn’t dead, it’s just changing. Organic attraction is the future of social media, which means that you have to show up and build relationships.       

Businesses have long seen social media as both a blessing and a curse. Social media has opened up new opportunities for digital marketers in Los Angeles. Companies can target potential customers in ways that no other medium can.

However, social media is constantly evolving and social media marketers must keep up with the frequent rule and algorithm changes that impact their advertising and marketing reach.

Facebook announced a major change earlier this year. They will limit the number of ads that a page can display at once, beginning in early 2021.

This was combined with new algorithm modifications that emphasize “meaningful content” and impact brand visibility. This panicked marketers and businesses, causing headlines all over the world to proclaim the end of social media marketing.

The question is: Is social-media marketing truly dying?

These changes will have an impact on businesses. However, social media strategies can still be useful marketing tools.

These new algorithms and limits can be prepared for by companies in the following ways

  • Social media best practices: Different perspectives
  • Providing value for customers
  • Honest content is the best way to show authenticity
  • Followers with a purpose: Engaging them
  • Brand personality creation
  • A mission that speaks to customers is shared

Businesses can still reap the benefits of social media marketing if they align their expectations and strategies with the new rules.

Social Media Best Practices: Shifting Perspectives

Businesses need to look at things from a different perspective, given the constantly changing algorithm on social media platforms and the new Facebook Ad Rules.

One thing is clear from the new algorithm: businesses that want to succeed on social media must create engaging content.

It is not enough to simply show up. Companies must generate genuine interest in their brand and engage with them.

Many brands have developed strategies over the past few years to increase social media visibility and strengthen relationships with customers. What was once a smart option is now a necessity.

Businesses must embrace the changes in social media marketing and look at the many benefits.

Customer Value

In the past, a company could only offer great products or services to be successful.

Consumers today demand more. To stand out from the crowd, companies hire the best branding agencies.

To promote a business, content marketing and thought leadership is becoming more important than ever. You can share valuable content via social media.

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Brand recognition can be increased
  • Attract leads

According to Demand Measure, 70% of consumers prefer to learn about brands via content than ads. Content marketing generates three times more leads than advertising.

Businesses can establish themselves as an authority by publishing high-quality, relevant content such as articles, quizzes, and e-books. This will help them to attract more organic leads.

Honest Content Shows Authenticity

Being authentic is key to standing out on social media as a brand. It’s becoming more difficult to connect with your target customers in the face of growing consumer distrust.

Social media can be used by businesses to promote honesty and transparency.

  • To break through skepticism, build trust
  • Openness about the origins of products
  • Demonstrating the manufacturing process
  • Accepting criticism head-on

While every company will stumble, companies will inevitably respond to any questions or other controversies. Accepting your mistakes can earn you respect and turn bad situations into positive press.

KFC’s “Where’s my Chicken” scandal is an excellent example of authentic showing up.

The restaurant made a big mistake in 2018, which led to hundreds closing their stores. There was much criticism on their social media.

Instead of trying to ignore their customers or try to make it all better by blaming others, they created a clever advertisement that pokes fun at their mistakes and offers a sincere apology.

People started sharing their clever campaign on Twitter and it was a huge success. KFC was suddenly everywhere. Their authenticity was respected and their humor was appreciated by the public, who turned a potential controversy into good old-fashioned free media.

Engaging followers with a purpose

Companies will have to spend less time focusing on advertising and more on engagement as part of the shift toward organic marketing.

A study by JDPower and Associates found that 87% of respondents believed positive interactions on social media made them more likely future customers.

Businesses need to keep in mind that social media engagement is a long-term endeavor. Campaigns that succeed focus on building relationships rather than selling products or services more successfully.

Businesses should engage customers with their posts.

  • Giveaways
  • Sharing customer stories
  • Humorous content
  • Remarks of gratitude
  • Answering jokes or questions

These interactions allow a company to be known.

Consumers expect more from companies than ever to be active on social media. They aren’t ready to wait, unlike email.       

According to Social Habit, 42% of those who complain on social media expect a reply within one hour. Over half (57%) agreed that they had those expectations, even on weekends and nights.

This may sound absurd at first but it’s possible to make a profit by following these trends.

A Twitter study found that customers who received replies within 6 minutes to tweets from airlines were more willing to pay $20 per ticket.

Small and medium-sized businesses don’t offer 24/7 social media support. However, businesses that want to grow their organic following will need to meet those expectations.

The Brand’s Personality

Businesses don’t want to appear robotic or cold on social media.

Brands can be playful, funny, or vulnerable. Customers can see the personality behind the company by showing their personality.

Wendy’s has been a leader in social media for many years. They started to show flair with their social media posts in 2017, from funny videos and engagements to snarky comebacks at other restaurants.

What was the result? They gained 311,000 followers on Facebook and were ranked among the top ten tweets for the year.

The quirky personality Wendy’s created online is irresistible to consumers. Smaller businesses don’t have any excuse not to showcase their personality if a giant corporate giant like Wendy’s makes customers feel like they’re following a friend.

A Mission that Speaks for Customers

While we all enjoy a good joke, sometimes it is important to be more serious.

Companies should communicate their vision and mission — the “why” behind their company. This will inspire followers and build trust in a brand.

This can be done in a variety of ways by companies, such as a simple post that displays a mission statement.

Some companies prefer to share their story in a series of posts rather than one at a time.

Experts may recommend that businesses also share inspirational videos that highlight their mission and vision.

It is important to be authentic, honest, and open. This is not about gaining sympathy, but connecting with people who share your values.

Social Media is here to stay

Social media marketing isn’t dead. The trends are changing. The future of social media lies not in algorithm changes or new rules but in building solid relationships.

These relationships should be fostered by businesses that show up, are authentic, and engage with customers.

It takes patience and hard work to build a loyal following.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.