
Why Pair Writing Is Nothing But Good For Your Business


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You’re creating content for multiple channels every day. Everything will go according to plan, you might think. Your website content is being updated regularly and clearly communicating key messages. You can then look at your visitor data and see that the answers are quite clear: people aren’t staying on the pages for long enough to fully understand the information.

Keep up with customer groups

Communication isn’t working as it should. You probably knew this already. The content is the easiest variable to address. It is important to improve the content so that people stay and read it. This is also known as ‘connecting to the brand’.

There is an easy way to create high-quality web content that will convert interest into sales. You can also build trusting relationships with your market. Are you ready to get started?

Combining writing

Pair writing is the combination of the Content owner/Subject Matter Experts (SME) and professional writers who provide additional writing skills. Although the SMEs are able to provide the information website visitors need, they may not be able to write for the web or online scan reading behaviors, SEO integration, etc.

Two heads are better than one. That’s why there are always at least two pilots

A professional writer and an SME can work together to combine the advantages of precise source knowledge with advanced writing skills. That’s what it is all about. Both short-term and long-term benefits can be realized. This leads to quality content in the short-term , which is produced faster , when everyone has practiced the best way to do job sharing.

Building trust: The long-term benefits

Pair writing is a common way to create consistent content across websites, if you look at it from a bird’s eye view. Trust is built when your content is helpful, informative, and consistent . This is a great strategy for brand building and content market strategy. This is how writing works.

The pro tips for online scan reading

You don’t have to be a professional web author if you just want to do the job. High-quality content will only be possible with professional writing skills. We require more, not less.

The professional writer who writes for online scan reading behaviors has the foundational knowledge that the editor brings to the editing process. This means writing to:

  • Engage in 5 Seconds: Begin the page by writing two sentences to encourage engagement. Then, write a summary of the page’s key points. It’s easy to say hello to your friend by using inverted pyramid style writing.
  • What the user/reader needs: Identify the three main messages that the reader is looking for. Please note that the reader’s intentions are more important than what the content owner wants to say. It is important to create useful, meaningful content that people will read. This may not necessarily be what the content owner would like.
  • Keep it short and simple. A lot of readers will run if they are presented with long paragraphs of text, when in reality they only need one piece of information. While 800 words are the ideal length, best practice recommends that a page be 800 words or less. However, it is important to determine the right length for the content. People don’t want long paragraphs of text. They don’t want them to waste their time looking through irrelevant information. However, people will scan through a page to find the engagement trigger (trigger word) they are looking for, and then continue reading.
  • Use relevant engagement triggers: Provide short, meaningful headings (also known as engagement triggers). This allows the reader to scan the page and locate key information and/or the story. Then, they can read the relevant paragraph and make that heading their engagement trigger’. Does this make sense?
  • Google’s search algorithm uses full-text search, making obsolete any metadata fields found in CMS’s. However, keyword research is still relevant. Metadata is still the driving force behind search ranking. This means that keywords must be threaded in the full-page text, as well as the headings and summary text. Google’s intent is to ensure that the content is relevant to the user’s search and not simply list keywords in search index fields. Again, the key message is to make the content useful and relevant for the reader. It’s that easy.

We won’t stop there. We have given away too many secrets. We’ve given away enough secrets. It is a good idea to consult a professional writer or, naturally, contact The Walk.

Conclusion: Why pair writing is so important

Pair writing is an easy technique to learn and is very simple. Because the partners are creating quality content together, the end results can be quiet. You will see better quality content and faster turnaround times. This is possible for small websites (20+ pages) to large corporate intranets with thousands. Pair writing is not only for online content. It can also be used for passive content such as Annual Report development and product brochures. Scan reading takes place online and offline IRL.

A value proposition tends to have an extended tail. The long-term benefits are especially important when page numbers are high. A website with consistent content will have engaging, clear, and relevant content. Improved customer communications. As mentioned above, brand building is everything. Sometimes this can only be fully realized when you sell the beautiful brand that you have worked so hard to build. Other long-term benefits are the unavoidable improvement of skills among content owners/SMEs.

Both can be combined. We can help you create a pair writing process that works and a content toolkit.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.