
Tips For Creating A Memorable Customer Journey


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It’s not all about the destination. It’s about the journey.

They say so anyway

It’s all about the customer experience. As a marketer/business owner, it’s all about the journey.

You may find 1-10 people from 100 customers who can go straight from A to B.

Rest will need nurturing, information, and trust to give their money, or just sign up. Kobe Digital will be able to help you with all that!

How to Increase Your Enjoyment

To get started, there are three components you can concentrate on:

  1. Reducing friction
  2. Answer all questions
  3. Gradually increase buyer motivation

Let’s talk about each of these topics here…

  1. The higher the motivation, the less action is required. Conversely, the lower the motivation the more action is required
  2. It is easier to take action if it is easy. However, it is more difficult to take action if it is hard.

This graph shows both decreased friction and increased motivation slowly.

People will give up if your product or service is difficult to use or has many hoops to climb.

And if the motivation to buy your product/service is not high then people will forget and struggle with reluctant purchasing.

What about point 2? These answers will answer all your questions.

You can increase customer motivation by helping them to understand your product/service better and answering any questions they may have.

If a customer knows all the answers to their objections, they are further down the funnel and have increased their trust in your product/service.

This is also related to the reduction of friction because the majority of friction in the buying process comes from people not getting their questions answered on the product/website page.

Even people who know all the answers may be willing to go through extra hoops to purchase the product. This could increase their chances of purchasing the product.

Example of Ecommerce Case Study

Let’s say that an eCommerce site selling books is experiencing difficulty with sales. In recent months, sales have dropped.

They have noticed that while many people add products to their carts, 80% of them don’t buy any product.

We walk through the customer journey and see that 10 fields are required for the checkout process.


Studies have shown that reducing the number of fields to four can increase conversions by 120%.

We reduce the number of fields to just name and email.

They are then taken to the Paypal payment page. In just two clicks they purchased the product and received confirmation it would be delivered the next day.

This customer journey transformation is far too easy. Let’s look at other ways to improve it.

Let’s suppose it has these problems:

  • Many people are asking questions about the book.
  • Each week, the company receives a 40% return rate

Already we can see the problem with the two above points: lack of knowledge for customers!

If you are receiving a lot of questions about your product/service, you may not be providing enough information in the purchasing process.

We then look at the product page and notice that only one image is shown of the book. There is also no description.

Clear pictures are needed of both the front and back, as well as a peek at the chapters. The book’s purpose is then briefly summarized in 100 words.

This conclusion was drawn from people being intrigued by the cover of the book but wanting to know more about the book – a valid question right?

We’ve now implemented it and, after a few weeks, we noticed that more people spend time on the page. The description also piques their curiosity, so they proceed with the easy checkout process we established earlier.



Consider the person(s) who will be purchasing your product/service, and ask them to try your service.

This is why customers are more familiar with the product than those who make it.

If you don’t use the product you are selling, you won’t be the most knowledgeable person about it. Your customer will and that leaves you with no control over their journey.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.