
10+ Tips To Boost Your Lead Generation With Model Examples


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Every company wants to ensure that its website generates leads. Your sales funnel is only as good as your lead scoring. It is how you determine which prospect to follow up with and whether to send an email. We’ll be sharing some examples of lead-scoring models that will help you improve your lead generation.

What are some examples of lead-scoring models? It is an important part of B2B marketing, but it can be difficult. How can you get the right leads to increase your revenue?

Do you struggle to find the right leads? Read on to learn 12 ways you can increase your lead generation using advanced lead-scoring models.

13 Ways To Improve Lead Generation

Let’s first look at six lead-scoring model examples. Next, let us discuss how to improve lead generation. Lead generation starts with getting prospects to act. You need to get the attention of your prospects to be able to generate leads for them.

B2B marketers have the best chance to improve their lead generation processes by implementing advanced strategies and techniques into their campaigns.

This will allow them to attract more qualified traffic and increase their ROI for each campaign. These are 12 ways B2B marketers can increase their lead scoring models.

1. Use Social Proof – Social proof is an effective tool for B2B marketers to generate more leads.

Prospects will seek out the experiences and opinions of others when faced with a decision.

If you are selling professional services like web design or marketing consultancy, it is important to provide social proof so clients know how many companies have used your services before.

Prospects who aren’t sure if they should work for another company can look at social proof to help them make an informed decision.

If you are selling a service that is used by many companies before, like web design or marketing consulting services, it is important to give testimonials from previous clients.

Each testimonial will allow the prospect to see how your company performed on its project or website. This type of social proof will help you drive more leads to your campaigns.

2. Promoting Your Social Media Accounts – Social media is one of the most effective ways to promote your company and build trust with customers.

This is especially true for B2B marketers because they can connect with prospects directly on social media platforms.

You can increase your leads by using Facebook ads and LinkedIn ads.

3. Video is a powerful way for marketers to reach new clients.

This is especially true when it’s time to make the next sales call. Video allows clients to hear your voice and is a great way to show them how efficient your services are.

Create engaging videos that showcase your brand. Also, include a strong call to action which will help you generate leads. If you are selling professional services such as web design or marketing consulting, video can be extremely helpful in showing prospects that you trust them.

You can use videos on social media platforms like Facebook ads or LinkedIn ads to show the quality of your company’s work and drive more leads into campaigns.

4. Use Articles and Blogs to Promote Your Business – The most widely used method for B2B marketers to promote their businesses is blogging.

Blogs are engaging and informative. They can be a great way to show how knowledgeable your company is. If you sell software, your prospects must be aware of the quality products that you offer.

These articles can help you get more leads to your campaigns by writing an article on LinkedIn and Google+

5. Use Images and Videos – Images are one of the best ways for B2B marketers to attract new clients.

This is because images let prospects see exactly what they will get when they sign up for your services. Images are essential for B2B marketing professionals.

If you sell software, showing your prospects how the product will look can be extremely beneficial. They will know they won’t face any problems with setup or installation and that their business is safe.

6. Use case studies – B2B marketers can use case studies to show potential clients how other companies have benefited from a particular service.

This is especially true for potential clients who are ready to make their next sales calls. These articles can help drive more leads to campaigns by sharing case studies via LinkedIn ads or Google+.

7. Infographics – Infographics are a popular way for B2B marketing professionals to show how knowledgeable they can be about certain topics. Infographics are a great way for B2B marketing professionals to communicate their knowledge.

If you sell software, creating an infographic about the product and its features can make your prospects giddy! They will know your product is valuable and be able to see how it works.

8. Google Analytics – Google Analytics is a powerful tool for B2B marketing professionals because it allows them to track the traffic to their websites.

This information can be used by marketers to determine which campaigns or articles drive the most leads. If you sell software, it could be very helpful to see which articles brought in the most sales calls. This could help you decide what content to include in your next blog post.

9. Email Lists are a great way for B2B marketers to create leads. They allow them to establish relationships with potential customers and prospects.

Marketing professionals can create an email list to send regular emails with useful information about their products or services. If you sell software, sending out a weekly newsletter to keep your clients updated about any new features is a great way to keep them informed.

10. Social Media Posts – Social media posts can be very effective for B2B marketing professionals because they include images or links that allow potential clients to see the benefits of their product.

This content is very popular on Facebook and Twitter and can help you gain more followers or likes on Twitter. If you sell software, posting a link on your blog about the benefits of the latest version of your product will increase its visibility.

11. Start a blog – B2B marketing professionals can create content that will help potential clients by creating blogs.

If you sell software, blog posts will increase your visibility by highlighting the benefits and ease of use of your product.

12. Google AdWords – Adwords is a great tool for B2B marketers. It allows them to advertise products and services without spending any upfront. Customers who click on the ads will pay all costs.

13. Podcasts can be created because they allow marketing professionals to share information about products.

If you sell software, creating an audio podcast can help your potential clients hear about the benefits of your product and give them more reasons why they should buy it.

6 Advantages of Using Lead Scoring Model

These are six benefits of using a lead scoring system.

1. The Lead Score model lets you see the value of each channel as well as how it contributes to your company. This is extremely useful when budgeting and evaluating the effectiveness of a marketing campaign in terms of ROI (Return On Investment).

This information will allow you to make informed decisions about where and how much money you should spend, which channels are most successful at driving sales, and whether or not you need additional funding/resources from an agency for lead generation campaigns.

2. The Lead Score can be used as a benchmark score against other sources, such as email lists, social media, and paid advertisements.

3 This is a great way for you to check how your marketing efforts are performing, especially if you spend too much on Facebook ads and not enough on LinkedIn.

The Lead Score will then show you the source of most of your business. This allows you to make informed decisions about which channels require more funding and also helps calculate ROI (Return on Investment) for future campaigns.

4. Businesses can also use the Lead Score model to track their performance over time. It shows exactly how many leads each channel brought in. This model is great for budgeting and allowing you to monitor how well your marketing efforts are performing.

5. The Lead Scope model allows you to evaluate different sources of leads (your site, email lists, etc.) so you can make informed decisions regarding which channels require more funding or resources. It also helps with future ROI calculations.

6. This is a powerful and simple tool for evaluating the effectiveness of a copywriter or agency. They will be able to tell where clients are coming from, which will help them make informed decisions regarding the channels that need more funding/resources, as well as calculate ROI for future campaigns.

6 Lead Scoring Model Examples

This is the most popular type of lead scoring model. It combines demographic characteristics with interest-based scores to reflect the perceived likelihood of buying or recommending. These are six examples of lead-scoring models:

1. Amazon.com has two scoring models. One is based on demographic information, the other is based on how many pages users have read about Amazon’s customers who have bought items from Amazon within the last 12 months (or more).

2. Foursquare Corp offers four methods to measure user activity with its apps, including Foursquare Swarm or Yelp!

Places are calculated based on how many people have visited the place. Foursquare Check-ins are a combination of check-in activity (e.g. “checked into”) and geolocation information. This is used to calculate how likely someone will need or want your product or service.

3. LinkedIn has two scoring models. LinkedIn Pulse (based upon demographic characteristics) for B2B leads and LinkedIn Sales Navigator (based on interest scores) for B2C leads.

If you sell software, creating an audio podcast can help your potential clients hear about the benefits of your product and give them more reasons why they should buy it.

4. Salesforce.com uses four scoring methods: Sales Navigator, which determines the likelihood of a lead becoming a customer; Force.com Platform which measures whether they would recommend Salesforce products to their friends and colleagues; AppExchange (based upon interest scores); and Marketing Cloud Prospector (based upon demographic characteristics) for B2C leads.

5. Yahoo! Yahoo!

Yahoo! Local and Yahoo! Geo is based on the number of people who visited a particular place. Yodel is for B2C leads (based on interest scores).

Yahoo Inc offers three methods to measure user activity with its apps: MapMyFitness, which uses geolocation information, MyBlogLog, which uses demographic characteristics, and Flickr Connections (previously known as Flickr Connect), which allows you to add your business pages to a map showing your connections to other users.

6. Zillow offers two scoring models. Zestimates for B2C leads, which assesses the likelihood that someone will rent or buy their home in three years from viewing their profile; and Zestimates for B2B leads.

This model measures the likelihood of someone buying or renting their home within three years of learning about them. It also offers a model that is based on demographic characteristics for both lead types.

About the author

Kobe Digital is a unified team of performance marketing, design, and video production experts. Our mastery of these disciplines is what makes us effective. Our ability to integrate them seamlessly is what makes us unique.